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ze it. July, 7 On the 5th instant a scouting party, under Captain Lawson, started for Middle Fork bridge, a point eighteen miles from caground, I found that a messenger had arrived with intelligence that Lawson had been surrounded by a force of probably four hundred, and that, itement. Each company of the Third had contributed five men to Captain Lawson's detachment, and each company, therefore, felt a special interest in it. The messenger stated that Captain Lawson was in great need of help, and General McClellan at once ordered four companies of infantrugh the woods, which we followed about eight miles, when we met Captain Lawson's detachment on its way back. Here we removed the wounded fromk this morning. I will not undertake to give the details of Captain Lawson's skirmish. I may say, however, that the number of the enemy kf in advance, we moved to Middle Fork bridge. It was here that Captain Lawson's skirmish on Saturday had occurred. The man killed had been b
signed by my hand. I make them believing them to be true. If false, the court will so find, and I shall be the one to suffer. If true, you are unfit to command this regiment or any other, and it should be known. I present the charges to you, the commanding officer of the Third Regiment, and with them a written request that they be forwarded to the General commanding the division. He took the package, tore open the envelope, and seated himself while he read. In less than an hour Captains Lawson and Wing called on me to report that the Colonel would resign if I would withdraw the charges. I consented to do so. January, 31 Had dress parade this evening, at which the Colonel officiated, it being his first appearance since his return. Ascertaining that he had not sent in his resignation, I wrote him a note calling attention to the promise made on the 29th instant, and suggesting that it would be well to terminate an unpleasant matter without unnecessary delay. We h
he band of the Tenth Ohio is playing. Where, and under what circumstances, have I heard other bands? The question carries my thoughts into half the States of the Union, into a multitude of places, into an innumerable variety of scenes-faces, conversations, theatres, balls, speeches, songs — the chain is endless, and it might be followed for a lifetime. August, 10 The enemy, a thousand strong, is said to be within five miles of us. One hundred and sixty-five men of the Third, under Major Lawson, and five companies of cavalry, the whole commanded by Colonel Kennett, left at two o'clock to reconnoiter the front; they will probably go to the river unless the enemy is met on the way. A negro came in about four o'clock to report that the enemy's pickets were at his master's house, five miles from here, at the foot of the other slope of the mountain. He was such an ignorant fellow that his report was hardly intelligible. We sent him back, telling him to bring us more definite i
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 40: social relations and incidents of Cabinet life, 1853-57. (search)
dent among the quiet old figures there. Professors Agassiz and Pearce, with a whole galaxy of scholars and specialists, were present, whose names will go sounding down the aisles that science treads, as pioneers of its discoveries and builders of its temples. There were dinners given to the officers of the Army, especially by the Secretary of War, where they unbent like boys and told campaign stories-General Gibson, the Commissary-General, General Jessup, the Quartermaster-General, General Lawson, the Surgeon-General, General Towson, Paymaster-General, Colonel Abert, of the Topographical Engineers, and a number of others of less degree. At one of these dinners General Jessup entered upon a flood of memories of the time when he was staying with some other officers, by invitation, at Kempton, with Colonel James Kempe, at Natchez, Miss. He laughed over and repeated a piece of doggerell to which each man added a line as it went round the table, and then proceeded to describe their
ving a fair and candid expression of the people in regard to the difficulties of the nation. Patriotic speeches were made, and resolutions sustaining the National Government and the legally constituted authorities were unanimously adopted.--(Doc. 20.) A brisk skirmish took place this morning between Companies I and K, of the Third regiment, and the rebel pickets near Munson's Hill, Va., in which Corporal Hand, Company I, and private Rannes, of Company K, were killed. Privates Cole and Lawson, Company I, were badly wounded, the first in the leg, and the last in the head. First Lieutenant A. S. Taylor had his cap dislodged from his head by a ball. The rebels were in greater numbers than was supposed.--N. Y. Tribune, September 4. The Holly Springs (Miss.) Cotton States, of to-day, has the following: Since our last issue upward of two thousand soldiers have passed our depot, bound for Virginia and other points. Most of them were from Louisiana, and, like all the troops sent
n, and encamped on the fifth near Hunter's Mills. From Jacksonboro the Fourteenth corps moved toward Savannah, on the Augusta and Savannah road, the Twentieth corps taking the road through Springfield. On the tenth of December, my command reached the main line of the enemy's works in front of Savannah, and took position; the Twentieth corps on the left, with its left resting on the Savannah River; the Fourteenth on the right, and connecting with the Seventeenth corps beyond the canal, near Lawson's plantation. Our line was established as close as possible to that of the enemy, and the time spent in preparations for an assault upon his works. Batteries were established on the river in such positions as prevented any boats from passing. The steamer Ida, while attempting to pass up from Savannah on the tenth of December, was captured and burned. On the twelfth, two gunboats and the steamer Resolute attempted to pass our batteries from above, but both ganboats were driven back by Win
ly, and were just returned to duty when we started, being weak, were compelled to fall out during the march. I beg leave to call the attention of the General commanding to the following named officers for coolness under fire, and the efficient manner in which they performed their duties: Lieutenant-Colonel Christian, who fell mortally wounded in the charge of the thirtieth; Adjutant Williams, Captain Fauntleroy, Captain Saunders, Captain Rice, Captain Roy, Captain Jett, Captain Healy, Captain Lawson, and Captain Alexander, and Lieutenants Brockenbrough, Roane, Reynolds, Davis, Healy, and Street; particularly Captain Fauntleroy and Lieutenants Brockenbrough and Roane. The General's attention is also called to the following named non-commissioned officers and privates: Sergeant-Major Mallory; Color-Sergeant Fauntleroy; Corporal Micon, company A; private Nicholson, company C; and Costenbader, company E. The following are names of non-commissioned officers and privates honorably m
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.19 (search)
ed, people must needs believe that I discovered Livingstone! A little while after the burial For a full account of the funeral obsequies, see the Memoir prefacing Stanley's book, How I Found Livingstone. of Livingstone at Westminster, I strolled over to the office of the Daily telegraph, and pointed out to the proprietors how much remained shrouded in mystery in Dark Africa. The proprietor asked, But do you think you can settle all these interesting geographical problems? Nay, Mr. Lawson, that is not a fair question. I mean to say I can do my level best, that nothing on my part shall be lacking to make a systematic exploration which shall embrace all the regions containing these secrets; but Africa includes so many dangers from man, beast, and climate, that it would be the height of immeasurable conceit to say I shall be successful. My promise that I will endeavour to be even with my word, must be accepted by you as sufficient. Well, well! I will cable over to Benne
Appendix C: Union surgeons-general and their work Major E. L. Munson, M. D., U. S.A. On the death of Surgeon-General Lawson, of the United States regular army, which occurred shortly after the firing on Fort Sumter, Surgeon Clement A. Finley was, on May 1, 1861, appointed his successor. He was then the senior medical officer on the army list and sixty-four years of age, having had forty-three years of service in the Medical Department in all parts of the country and in various Indian wars. He was chief surgeon under General Scott in the Black Hawk War of 1832, receiving the official thanks of that officer for his efficiency; during the Mexican War he was at one time medical director of General Taylor's forces, and later was medical director of the army occupying Vera Cruz. Surgeon-General Finley assumed the direction of affairs of his department at a most trying time. Congress had permitted no preparations for war to be made; supplies were neither on hand nor could they be
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
mes 19, sin.; farmer; Mercersburg, Pa. 6 May 63; 29 Je 65 ——; dis. Wounded 18 Jly 63 Ft. Wagner. $50. Krunkleton, Wesley 24, sin.; farmer; Mercersburg, Pa. 6 May 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 16 Jly 63 James Id, S. C. $50. Mercersburg, Pa. Krunkleton, William 21, sin.; farmer; Mercersburg, Pa. 6 May 63; died 14 Apl 65 Regtl. Hos. Georgetown, S. C. Pneumonia. Wounded 16 Jly 63 James Id. S. C. $50. Langley, Lewis W. 40. —— —— Ferrisburg, Vt. 4 Jan 64; 7 Sep 65 Hilton Head, S. C. —— Dead. Lawson, Jesse 31, sin.; farmer; Franklin, Pa. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded Jly 63 ——. $50. Lansing, Mich. Lewis, Alfred Corpl. 26, mar.; laborer; Spartanburg, Ind. 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Lewis, Daniel D. H. 21, sin.; laborer; Richmond, Ind 5 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Lewis, George 23, sin.; barber; Richmond, Ind. 5 May 63; died 1 Jly 65 Post Hos. Charleston, S. C. of disease. $50. Locard, Lewis J. 32, mar.; boatman; Newcastle, Pa. 5 May 63; killed 16 Jly 63 James Id. S.