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bardment commenced, were very willing to seek safer quarters yesterday morning. The holes which the enemy's missiles made in the ground satisfied them that their holes were not impregnable. The enemy's gunboats continued bombarding the city until two o'clock yesterday morning, when they withdrew and fell back to their old position Several houses in the city were struck and damaged by the balls. Those injured as far as we could learn were as follows: The residence and kitchen of John A, Klein, the new brick residence of Duff Green, Marine Hospital, A. B. Reading's foundry, J. A. Kisin's saw-mill, the Methodist Church and jail. Our people were busily engaged yesterday morning is hunting up shot and shell, and many were found in different parts of the city. Some of the shells were opened and found to be empty, while others were filled with fine eagle powder. They are rather dangerous things to handle, and persons should be very careful how they use them. Lieut. Geo Wyman, o