Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Klein or search for Klein in all documents.

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eing killed and falling on him. Sergeant Major, wounded by the limb of a tree cut off by a cannon-ball. Major Anderson, stunned slightly, the ball striking his steel breast-plate, as he reports to me. Capt. Haile, wounded severely. Capt. Klein, wounded slightly. Capt. O'Cain, wounded slightly. Lieut. Kesner, wounded severely. Lieut. Delavie, wounded severely. Lieut. Morelen, wounded slightly. Capts Klein and O'Cain, and Lieuts. Kesner and Morelen returned to the fieldCapts Klein and O'Cain, and Lieuts. Kesner and Morelen returned to the field as soon as their wounds were dressed. Recapitulation. non-commissioned officers and Privates.  KilledWoundedMissing  N. C. Off.Privates.N. C. Off.Privates.Privates. Co. A,2  111 Co. B,1422  Co. C,  14  Co. D,  12  Co. E,  43  Co. F,  421 Co. G,  13  Co. H,  1112 Co. I,1114  Co. K,1134    Total5618464  Killed.Wounded.Missing. Field Officers,11  Staff, 1  Non-commissioned Staff, 1  Company officers, commanders, 6  Company non-commissioned o