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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ey, Campaign of the, 97. Sheridan's, Gen. P. H., Bummers, savagery of, 89; cavalry, 234. Sherman, General W. T., 125, 164; expedition of from Vicksburg to Meridian, 300; his vandalism, 319. Shiloh, Battle of and the National Military Park and monuments of, 122; forces engaged at, 128. Slavery, Constitutional, 27; South opposed to extension of, 104. Slaughter, Surgeon Alfred, first killed, 200. Slidell, Hon. John, 108, 110. Smith, Captain B. H., wounded, 6. Smith, General E. Kirby, 365. Smith, Captain John Holmes, 183. Smith, D. D., Rev. J. P., 135. Smith, General Preston, killed, 304. Smith, Dr. W. W., 200. Smith, Governor William, 238. South, Foreign Enemies of the, 103; sympathizers of the, 103; exports of the, 105; loss of the, in noble men, 180. South Carolina Under Reconstruction Shackles, 140. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 200, 336. Stanton, Frank, 297. States, The Rights of, 16. Stewart, Colonel William H., 338. S