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ral Assembly at New-York to the King, concerning the Administration of Justice in that Province, 11th Dec. 1762. In Lansdowne House Mss. concerning the colonial court of judicature, which exercised the ample authorities of the two great courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and also of the Barons of the Exchequer. They represented that this plenitude of uncontrolled power in persons who could not be impeached in the colony, and who, holding their offices during pleasure, were consequently ut of the house. Rigby to the Duke of Bedford, 10 March, 1763. Correspondence III. 218. Yet the ministry persevered, though the cider counties were in a flame; the city of London, proceeding beyond all precedent, petitioned Commons, Lords, and King against the measure; and the cities of Exeter and Worcester instructed their members to oppose it. The House of Lords divided upon it; and two protests against it appeared on their journals. Journals of House of Lords, of March 29 and March 30.
idea of a patriot king. The Annual Register: Gov. Bernard, in a speech to the Legislature of Massachusetts. He would espouse no party, rule by no faction, and employ none but those who would conduct affairs on his own principles. The watchword of his friends was a coalition of parties, in the spirit of dutiful obedience, so that he might select ministers from among them all, and he came to the throne resolved to begin to govern as soon as he should begin to reign. Bolingbroke's Patriot King, 77. Yet the established constitution was more immovable than his designs. Pitt did not retire from the ministry till the country was growing weary of his German war, and a majority in the British cabinet opposed his counsels. Newcastle, so long the representative of a cabal of the oligarchy, which had once been more repected than the royal authority itself, Bolingbroke on the Spirit of Patriotism, Works, III. 18, 19. did not abandon office till he had lost weight with parliament and C
, in Grenville Papers, II. 105. The consideration of his honor, &c., and of his conscience, &c. The House of Commons, said Pitt, on taking leave, will not force me upon your majesty, and I will never come into your service against your consent. King's account to Hertford in Walpole, i. 292. Events now shaped themselves. First of all, Bute, having disobliged all sides, went to the country with the avowed purpose of absolute retirement. His retreat was his own act; Grenville's Diary, iery earnest recommendation of Bernard to the British government. Answer of Francis Bernard, 1763. Esq., Governor of Massachusetts 423. Bay, to the queries proposed by the Lords Commissioners for Trade and State, Plantations; dated 5 September, King's Library, Mss. CCV. Compare on the loyalty of Massachusetts, Bernard to Sec. of 16 Feb. 1763, and same to same, 25 Oct. 1763. On the extension of the British frontier by the cession of Canada, and the consequent security of the interior, New
ille defended his well-chosen position with exceeding ability, and was said to have outdone himself. Grenville Papers, II. 493. In a house of four hundred and fifty he es- chap IX.} 1764 Feb. caped, but only by a majority of fourteen. The king felt the vote of the opposition as a personal offence. My nature, said he, firmly, ever inclines me to be acquainted with who are my true, and who false friends; the latter I think worse than open enemies. I am not to be neglected unpunished. King to Grenville, 18 February, 1764. Grenville Papers, II. 267. In the account Grenville sent him of the division, marks of being dispirited were obvious, and the king instantly answered, that if he would but hide his feelings, and speak with firmness, the first occasion that offered, he would find his numbers return. The minister followed his sovereign's advice, and the event exceeded the most sanguine expectations of both. In a letter from the king to Lord North, 22 February, 1780. The
he country on the Mississippi. While provincial American troops were confirming to England the possession of its conquests, the British ministry was pursuing its new methods of government. The king, by virtue of his prerogative royal, appointed an impost of four and a half per cent., in specie, on produce shipped from Grenada, from and after the twenty-ninth day of September, 1764; Letters Patent, 20 July, 1764. and this illegal For Lord Mansfield's opinion, see Judgment of Court of King's Bench, 20 Nov. 1774. order was justified on the ground that Grenada was a conquered island, in which customs had been collected by the most Christian king. A chap. X.} 1764 Sept. small return to the exchequer blinded Grenville to the principles of British law. Opinion of Attorney and Solicitor General, 6 Aug. 1764. Representation of the Lords of the Treasury, 14 June, 1765. Opinion of the Attorney and Solicitor-Generals, 2 Nov. 1766, &c. The same reasoning was applied to the Canadia
dience to the laws and respect for the legislative authority of the kingdom. The raising such a question was dangerous in the extreme; if passed by undecided, it must leave the administration of the colonies in confusion; if denied, it must heighten their daring; if asserted, it must wound their affections beyond remedy. The words of the king were echoed by the Lords and by the Commons, with the promise of that temper and firmness which would best conciliate due submission and reverence. King's Speech, 10 Jan., 1765. Lords' Address of Thanks. Commons' Address of Thanks. The ministry were confident of a triumphant session and confirmed power. The impending measure drew attention from all quarters. In private, the arguments of America were urged with persuasive earnestness. The London merchants Unpublished letter of Benjamin Franklin to John Ross. found that America was in their debt to the amount of four millions of pounds sterling. Grenville sought to relieve their fears
e central province, and Headquarters of the standing forces in America; having a septennial assembly, a royal council, ships of war anchored near its wharfs, and within the town itself a fort, mounting many heavy cannon. Journal of an Officer. King's Lib. Ms. 213. There the authority of the British government was concentrated in the hands of Gage, the general, whose military powers, as ample as those of a Viceroy, extended over all the colonies, and who was extremely exasperated N. Roger alike to Conway Colden to Conway, 23 Sept. and Amherst, Colden to Amherst, 10 Oct. that he had effectually discouraged sedition. The people here will soon come to better temper, after taxes become more familiar to them, wrote an officer King's Lib. Ms. 213. The author seems to have been Lord Adam Gordon. who had been sent to America, on a tour of observation. I will cram the stamps down their throats with the end of my sword, James to Colden, giving an account of his examination
ion. For fear of mistakes, Rockingham wrote with a pencil these words: Lord Rockingham was authorized by his majesty, on Friday last, to say that his majesty was for the repeal. It is very true, said the king, as he read the paper; but I must make an addition to it; upon which he took a pen, and wrote at the end of it, the conversation having been only concerning that or enforcing. He added, I desire you would tell Lord Strange, that I am now, and have been heretofore, for modification. King to Rockingham in Albemarble, i. 302. So Rockingham was disavowed, and the opposition declared more than ever that the ministers counterfeited as well as prostituted the sentiments of the king, whose unwritten word they would not trust, Lloyd's Conduct, &c., 134. and whose written word convicted them of falsehood. On the same day, Bedford and Grenville went to an interview with Bute, whom they had so hated and chap. XXIII.} 1766. Feb. wronged. It was a proud moment for Bute, to find h
nty-one. Northington, than whom no one had been more vociferous that the Americans must submit, voted for the repeal, chap XXIV.} 1766. Mar. pleading his unwillingness to act on such a question against the House of Commons. Immediately, the protest which Lyttelton had prepared against committing the bill, was produced, and signed by thirty-three peers, with Bedford at their head. Against the total repeal of the Stamp Act, they maintained that such a strange and unheard of submission of King, Lords, and Commons to a successful insurrection of the colonies would make the authority of Great Britain contemptible; that the reason assigned for their disobeying the Stamp Act, extended to all other laws, and, if admitted, must set them absolutely free from obedience to the power of the British legislature; that any endeavor to enforce it hereafter, against the will of the colonies, would bring on the contest for their total independence, rendered, perhaps, more dangerous and formidable