Your search returned 28 results in 7 document sections:

l. George M. McCourt, London, Wis. Smith Pine, Keeseville, N. Y. Warren P. Smith, West Coxsackie, N. Y. Georga A. Vossler, 39 Harrington St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. Walrath, Atkinson, Neb. John H. Warmouth, Box 83, Oneida, N. Y. Company B Col. Clinton Beckwith, 108 Mary St., Herkimer, N. Y. C. C. Catlin, Melvin, Kan. Myndrct W. Gardner, 1614 W. 19th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Philip Goodman, Soldiers' Home, Hampton Roads, Va. R. A. Jackson, Boonville, N. Y. Josiah King, Soldiers' Home, Bath, N. Y. Ira D. Warren, Zumbrota, Minn. Leonard Ward, R. F. D. No. 3, Oneonta, N. Y. Damon 0. Yates, R. F. D. No. 33, South Dayton, N. Y. W. W. Young, B. F. D. No. 1, Ilion, N. Y. Thomas H. Yocmans, Soldiers' Home, Bath, N. Y. Company C 0. B. Austin, Norwood, N. Y. M. H. Doland, Milburn, N. J. William Joyce, County Hospital, Astoria, Ore. Timothy Kavenaugh, Middleville, N. Y. Edward Mabey, R. F. D. No. 1, Johnstown, N. Y. William Myers
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Non-commissioned officers and privates (search)
l. George M. McCourt, London, Wis. Smith Pine, Keeseville, N. Y. Warren P. Smith, West Coxsackie, N. Y. Georga A. Vossler, 39 Harrington St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. Walrath, Atkinson, Neb. John H. Warmouth, Box 83, Oneida, N. Y. Company B Col. Clinton Beckwith, 108 Mary St., Herkimer, N. Y. C. C. Catlin, Melvin, Kan. Myndrct W. Gardner, 1614 W. 19th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Philip Goodman, Soldiers' Home, Hampton Roads, Va. R. A. Jackson, Boonville, N. Y. Josiah King, Soldiers' Home, Bath, N. Y. Ira D. Warren, Zumbrota, Minn. Leonard Ward, R. F. D. No. 3, Oneonta, N. Y. Damon 0. Yates, R. F. D. No. 33, South Dayton, N. Y. W. W. Young, B. F. D. No. 1, Ilion, N. Y. Thomas H. Yocmans, Soldiers' Home, Bath, N. Y. Company C 0. B. Austin, Norwood, N. Y. M. H. Doland, Milburn, N. J. William Joyce, County Hospital, Astoria, Ore. Timothy Kavenaugh, Middleville, N. Y. Edward Mabey, R. F. D. No. 1, Johnstown, N. Y. William Myers
bery or murder, the perpetrators being generally non residents of this State. At on early hour last Saturday night as Josiah King, a stranger, was passing along 17th street, he was asserted by James Egan and Borny McNemen, who took hold of him in a rough manner said demanded that he should treat. them. Fearing their knives, King gave them a small sum with which to get drinks, but they throw it down and demanded more. King them pulled out a $5 note, which Eagan assisted from walked off, follKing them pulled out a $5 note, which Eagan assisted from walked off, followed by McNemen. As soon as the parties left King sought a few friends. pursued the robbers, and after a and a scuffle, captured and caged their. The Mayor remanded the prisoners to a called court on the 17th inst, and sent them to jail for safe Nemen. As soon as the parties left King sought a few friends. pursued the robbers, and after a and a scuffle, captured and caged their. The Mayor remanded the prisoners to a called court on the 17th inst, and sent them to jail for safe keeping.
e sunny South, were examined by a called Court of Justices yesterday on the charge of violently assaulting and robbing Josiah King of King, it appears, was walking along 17th street, on the night of the 10th of August when the prisoners approached King, it appears, was walking along 17th street, on the night of the 10th of August when the prisoners approached him, and, as a "feeler," challenged, him to treat. Not liking their appearance, King pulled out a $5 note, which one of them grabbed and walked off. Collecting a few friends, King started in pursuit, captured the robbers, and turned them over to theKing pulled out a $5 note, which one of them grabbed and walked off. Collecting a few friends, King started in pursuit, captured the robbers, and turned them over to the police. The Justices thought they ought to be tried before Judge Lyons for the offence, and so ordered, sending the prisoners to jail. walked off. Collecting a few friends, King started in pursuit, captured the robbers, and turned them over to the police. The Justices thought they ought to be tried before Judge Lyons for the offence, and so ordered, sending the prisoners to jail.
Indicted for Garroting. --The Grand Jury of Judge Lyons's Court assembled yesterday and found a true bill against James Egan and Barney McNamee, indicted for the highway robbery of Josiah King, on the 9th of August. The parties will probably be tried for the offence to day.
d in the Federal prison at Johnson's Island since July 20th: Lt Col. A P Hamilton, 1st Miss; Capts G W Fuller, (commander of gunboat,) S C; D C Webb, 1st Ala cavalry; J W Mullins, 1st Miss batt; C Gillespie, 65th N C; C M Tugle, 33d Ga; J M D King, 9th Ga; F M Ezell, 13th Tenn; A E Upchurch, 55th N C; J D Hardy, 18th Arkansas; S W Henry, 9th Tennessee cavalry; J C Peden, regiment unknown.--Lieutenants W J Hudson, 2d N C batt'n; W A Harvin, 51st Ga; Jno Hufsetter, 1st Ark batt'n; J M MusselmG M Cummings, Va; R D Copass, 60th Tenn; D C Jackson, 12th Va; H D Talbert, Marshall, Ky; D D Kelley, 2d Tenn cav; Daniel Rockerham, 5th Ky; S H Everman, 7th Ky; Robert Holt, 16th Tenn; Hugh Goble, 5th Ky; A P Allen, 2d Ky; Jno Kenny, Va. Captain King and Lieutenant Graham died of wounds, the others of disease. Lieut. Ray died of smallpox, which disease had broken out on the island. J. Emmett Seruggs, of Warrenton, Va., and formerly editor of the Warrenton Whig, who was a citizen pris
Husting Court, Judge Lyons presiding. --In Judge Lyons's Court yesterday James Egan and Barney McNamee, for robbing Josiah King, of South Carolina, of his pocket book containing $30 in money, were sent to the Penitentiary for three years each. Augustus Synco, formerly of Norfolk, Va., late C. S. detective, was arraigned for shooting Ella Johnson, a prostitute, in Exchange Alley, some weeks since. Hon. Humphrey Marshall and Daniel Ratcliffe, Esq., appearing for the prisoner, and Littleton Tazewell, Esq., for the Commonwealth. The jury, after an absence of some hours, brought in a verdict of guilty, and his punishment was assessed at three years in the Penitentiary.