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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces in the campaign of the Carolinas. (search)
Capt. David Gillespie; 25th Ind., Lieut.-Col. James S. Wright, Maj. William H. Crenshaw, Lieut.-Col. J. S. Wright; 32d Wis., Col. Charles H. DeGroat, Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Carleton, Maj. William H. Burrows. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Mortimer D. Leggett, Brig.-Gen. Manning F. Force, Brig.-Gen. Mortimer D. Leggett. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Manning F. Force, Col. Cassius Fairchild, Brig.-Gen. Manning F. Force, Brig.-Gen. Charles Ewing: 20th Ill. (provost-guard of division to April 3d), Capt. Henry King; 30th Ill., Lieut.-Col. William C. Rhodes, Capt. John P. Davis; 31st Ill., Lieut.-Col. Robert N. Pearson; 45th Ill., Maj. John O. Duer; 12th Wis., Col. James K. Proudfit; 16th Wis., Capt. Joseph Craig, Col. Cassius Fairchild, Capt. Joseph Craig, Col. Cassius Fairchild. Second Brigade, Col. Greenberry F. Wiles, Brig.-Gen. Robert K. Scott: 20th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Harrison Wilson; 68th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. George E. Welles; 78th Ohio, Capt. Israel C. Robinson, Col. G. F. Wiles, Lieut.-Col. Gil
64, having been assigned to Mersy's (2d) Brigade, Sweeny's (2d) Division, Sixteenth Corps. After the fall of Atlanta, this division was transferred to the Fifteenth Corps as its Fourth Division. General Corse commanded the division at the defense of Allatoona; General Rice commanded it during the March to the Sea and in the Carolinas. Twentieth Illinois Infantry. J. E. Smith's Brigade — Logan's Division--Seventeenth Corps. (1) Col. C. C. Marsh. (2) Col. Daniel Bradley. (3) Col. Henry King. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field and Staff 3   3   1 1 16 Company A   10 10   17 17 93   B   12 12   22 22 110   C 1 14 15   14 14 93   D 1 14 15   15 15 102   E   15 15   25 25 114   F   11 11   13 13 105   G   11 11   22 22 111   H 1 14 15   18 18 132   I 1 19 20   21 21 110   K   12 12 1 23 24 106
. On the Pinola — Thomas Kelly, captain of the forecastle; Robert H. Johnson, landsman; John Notton, landsman. Total, three. On the Varuna — Andrew A. Smith, landsman; Charles Hartford, seaman; Daniel McPherson, ordinary seaman. Total, three. the wounded. On the flag-ship Hartford--Philip Morgan, seaman, severely; Charles Banks, landsman, severely; Theodore Douglass, officers' steward, severely; Randall Talifaira, landsman, severely; Henry Manning, ordinary seaman, severely; Henry King, marine, severely; Jabail Doane, seaman, slightly; Geo. White, marine, slightly; Mr. Cauley, carpenter, severely; Mr. Heisler, lieutenant of marines, slightly. Total, ten. On the Brooklyn--Mr. James O'Kane, Master, severely; Jas. Stafford, Acting Master, slightly; E. J. Lowe, Master's Mate, slightly; Wm. McBride, seaman, severely; Levin Heath, marine, slightly; Thos. Griffin, landsman, severely; John Willoughby, ordinary seaman; John Chase, seaman, slightly; E. Blanchard, ordinary seam
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hudson, Henry (search)
his name in the far north of the western hemisphere, and intended to winter there; but a majority of his crew became mutinous and compelled him to sail homeward. On the way his son and seven of his men who had remained faithful to him were seized by the mutineers, and, with the commander, were placed in an open shallop and abandoned on the icy sea, where, of course, they soon perished. The names of the wretched passengers in that little vessel, left to perish, were Henry Hudson, John Hudson, Arnold Ludlow, Shadrach Fanna, Philip Staffe, Thomas Woodhouse, Adam Moore, Henry King, and Michael Bute. The compassionate carpenter of the ship furnished them with a fowlingpiece, some powder and shot, some meal and an iron pot to cook it in, and a few other things. They were towed by the ship out of the ice-floes to the open sea, and then cut adrift. The fate of the castaways was revealed by one of the mutineers. England sent an expedition in search of them, but no trace could be found.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Huguenots. (search)
site of Beaufort, made choice of a spot for a colony. The Indians were kind, and so were the Frenchmen, and there was mutual friendship. Ribault addressed his company on the glory to be obtained and the advantage to the persecuted Huguenots by planting there the seed of empire, and asked, Who will undertake the work? Nearly all were willing. A colony of thirty persons was organized by the choice of Albert Pierria for governor. Ribault built a fort, and named it Carolina, in honor of his King, the remains of which were yet visible in 1866. After giving the colonists good advice, Ribault departed for Europe with the rest of the company. Coligni was delighted with his report, but was unable to do anything for his colony then, for civil war was raging between the Huguenots and Roman Catholics. When it subsided the admiral sent three vessels—the Elizabeth of Honfleur, the Petite Britain, and the Falcon—under the command of Rene — Laudonniere, who was with the former expedition, to <
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers, chapter 13 (search)
heir work as if the ship had been entered by force, and they had free leave to pillage, breaking up chests, and rifling all places. One of them came by me, who asked me what they should do. I answered, he should make an end of what he had begun; for I saw him do nothing but shark Plunder. up and down. Now were all the poor men in the shallop, whose names are as followeth: Henry Hudson, John Hudson, Arnold Lodlo, Sidrack Faner, Philip Staffe, Thomas Woodhouse or Wydhouse, Adam Moore, Henry King, Michael Bute. The carpenter got of them a piece, A gun. and powder and shot, and some pikes, an iron pot, with some meal, and other things. They stood out of the ice, the shallop being fast to the stern of the ship; and so, when they were nigh out, for I cannot say they were clean out, they The mutinous crew, on the ship. cut her head fast from the stern of our ship, then out with their topsails, and towards the east they stood in a clear sea. In the end, they took in their tops
John Hill. Samuel Hill. Thomas Hill. John Hoi brook. Joseph Hold en. Reuben Hooker. Thomas Hoppin. Edward Horton. Josiah Horton. Caleb Hovey. Josiah Hovey. Thomas Hovey. Samuel Howard. Simon Howard. Abraham Hurley. William Hurley. Peter Jackson. Job Jennens. Phinehas Jennison. Abel Johnson. Abijah Johnson. Jesse Johnson. Jonas Johnson. Lawrence Johnson. Philip Johnson. Wicom Johnson. James Jones. John Kidder. Henry King. Peter Landman. Joseph Larkin. Jonathan Lawrence. James Learned. William Learned. Jack Leaven worth. Robert Leonard. Job Littlefield. Jonathan Locke. Thomas Long. Richard Loring. Thomas Mason. Edmund Masters. Robert McCleary. Arthur Me Cord. Daniel McGuire. Daniel McNamara (deserted). John Mead. Thomas Melendy. Joseph Mills. Samuel Mills. Pierce Moran. William Morse. Ephraim Mullett. John Myrick. Alexander Nelson
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
S. Mitchiner, Robt. G. Moore, Jno. C. Simms, Geo. S. Strickland, Nicholas Strickland, Wm. S. Strickland, Willis Tharington, Jas. J. Wilder. Co. F. Sergeant Jas. H. Johnson, Mus'n W. H. Wade, Private Jas. W. Atkins, (representative of W. Gill), one mule, bridle and saddle. Private Thos. H. Arnold, Solomon Arnold, Thos. G. Ellis, Jno. C. McRary. Co. G. Sergeant W. H. Leonard, Private Jas. M. Leonard, Robt. R. Leonard, Jas. H. Burnett, Private Burril King, Henry King, Darby Jacobs. Co. H. Sergeant Martin V. Isley, Corporal Chas. C. Cheek, Private A. T. Bryan, Jasper N. Wood, (representative of Jno. Wood), Wm. H. Euliss, one mule. Geo. W. Tesh. Co. I. Sergeant Jas. M. Johnson, Simon B. Staton, Corporal Wm. A. Lipscombe, Robt. F. Ricks, Lawrence Billup, Corporal Marcellus L. Henssey, Private David J. Grantham, David Peacock, Henry Pate, Geo. H. Staton. Co. K. Sergeant Jas. H. Dilliard, Willis C. Fisher, Private
Tragedy in Tennessee. --The Memphis Argus states that a brutal murder was committed week before last, in Gibson county, Tenn. Mr. Patton Woods, an old and respected citizen of that county, while engaged in building a fence in one of his fields, was a approached by two brothers named Henry and Thomas King, between whom and himself hostile feelings had for some time existed. An old quarrel was resumed, which resulted in the brothers, who were armed with clubs, assaulting him in concert. Mr. Woods was felled to the ground, and unable to offer the slightest defence, was so horribly beaten that death almost immediately ensued. The murderers, as soon as they discovered their victim was dead, fled to the woods. The horrible affair becoming known in the neighborhood, the brothers were at once suspected of the murder, and pursued. Henry King was arrested and lodged in jail, but his brother had not been apprehended.
A Secessionist Loses a Legacy. --Henry King, a wealthy resident of Allentown, Pa., died a few weeks since, leaving an estate valued at $300,000. He died childless. He was a brother of T. Butler King, one of the Commissioners of the Confederate States, now in Europe. Mr. King had made a will leaving half of his property to his wife and the other half of his property to his wife and the other half to his brother, but a few weeks before his death, exasperated at the secession sentiments of his brother, he made a new will, leaving most of his property to his wife, and the remainder to charitable purposes.