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n the third and fourth instant. Brigadier-General Chalmers reports that Ellett's marine brigade passed up the Mississippi on the seventh. The same evening, three gunboats and nineteen transports, loaded with troops, passed up — the last ten boats from Tallahatchie, twenty miles up Cold Water, on Wednesday, going up. I think that most of Grant's forces are being withdrawn to Memphis. On the same day I again telegraphed General Johnston as follows: The following report just received: Scout Kemp reports: Near Byhalia on the tenth; the enemy is strengthening his guard on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. Twelve thousand troops passed Memphis going up the river, on the seventh. The same day, fifty pieces of artillery were landed at Memphis, and taken to the Memphis and Charleston depot. Part of Grant's army reported to be going to Corinth, and down the Mobile and Ohio Railroad--the balance to reinforce Rosecrans. Lawson reports, near Memphis, tenth: Marine brigade gone up Cumberl