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, twenty-eight, so far as we can learn, though Capt. Cameron's men think the figure too low. On our side, we have a loss of one taken prisoner by the enemy and twelve wounded, two of them seriously. The following is a list of those wounded and missing on our side: wounded.--Corporal Joseph O. H. Spinney, Corporal Judson H. Waldo; privates, William Luce, badly, Joseph Chamberlain, Thomas A. Foster, James Sherlock, Oscar D. Herrick, John R. Wilder, Hiram D. Sturm, William Farnsworth, James Kelley, Frank Doyle, all of company K. missing.--Private Harvey Strong, company K, Ninth Illinois cavalry, a prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Thirty-six wagons went out--thirty-eight returned, laden with corn, bacon, flour, vinegar, etc. Col. Brackett speaks in the highest terms of the conduct of Major Humphrey of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, Capt. Williams, and Lieuts. Madison and Ballou, and First Sergeant Miller, of Bowen's Missouri cavalry battalion; as also of Capts. Burgh, Knig
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Chapter 39: capture of the regiment. (search)
iment. The men were marched to a field outside the city and camped for the night. The roll was called and it was found that 153 of the Nineteenth had been captured and that 1600 men and 67 officers, all told, in the corps were prisoners. The names of the enlisted men captured are: SergeantGiles D. Johnson. SergeantMichael Scannell. SergeantMarcus Kimball. PrivateJames Dunn. Irving Walker. Albert Wszlaki. SergeantFrancis Osborn. PrivateSamuel A. Bridges. Patrick Brestow. James Kelley. Thomas Stringer. SergeantMilton Ellsworth. PrivateTerrence Thomas. Francis Bradish. William E. Fletcher. George B. Otis. James Ridlon. Thomas Stone. SergeantNelson B. Knights. CorporalAbram Warner. PrivateJacob Brill. Clarence P. Crane. Charles J. Chamberlain. William P. R. Estes. Patrick Fitzgerald. Charles B. Mills. Michael Kelly. SergeantJames Gormley. SergeantJames Clark. Hugh Dernon. John Doherty. Daniel Corrigan. William Kelly. Edward C. Thompson. Thoma
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
une 30, ‘65. Kelly, Jeremiah, priv., (I), Aug. 10, ‘61; 18; disch. Mar. 26, ‘65; pris. June 22, 1864 to Feb. 26, ‘65. Kelley, John, priv., (E), July 25, ‘61; 35; died Dec. 13, ‘61, Muddy Branch, Md. Kelley, John E., priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 33; Kelley, John E., priv., (F), July 25, ‘61; 33; disch. disa. Mar. 10, ‘63. Kelly, John F., priv., (B), Feb. 27, ‘64; 18; M. O. June 30, ‘65 as Mus. Kelly, John J., priv., (I), Aug. 23, ‘61; 18; disch. disa. Mar. 24, ‘63. Kelley, John P., priv., (E), July 25, ‘61; 32; disch. disa. Dec. 13, ‘61Kelley, John P., priv., (E), July 25, ‘61; 32; disch. disa. Dec. 13, ‘61. Kelly, Luke, priv., (G), July 25, 1861; 18; wounded June 30, 1862; disch. disa. Aug. 7, 1862, Washington. Kelly, Michael, priv., (H), Aug. 26, ‘61; 18; abs. pris. in Co. D.; M. O. on Ind. M. O. roll as priv. to date June 30, 1865, as of Co. D, ‘61; 23; disch. Oct. 22, ‘63; to enlist in U. S.A.; disch. Aug. 8, ‘64 expir. of service in Batt. A, 4th U. S. Arty. Kelley, Patrick J., priv., (D), Aug. 6, ‘61; 23; disch. disa. Feb. 28, ‘63 at Convalesce
.................................. 292 Joy, Edward,.................................................... 330, 348 Jordan, John,........................................................ 104 Jordan, John F.,............................................ 187, 286, 291 Jordan, Nathaniel B.,................................................. 146 Kearney, Gen., Phil.,.................................................. 99 Keedysville, Md.,.................................................... 130 Kelley, James,....................................................... 328 Kelly, Luke (G),...................................................... 107 Kelly, Michael,....................................................... 328 Kelly, Patrick (F),............................................. 193 Kelly, Thomas, (G),............................................. 107, 249 Kelly, William,....................................................... 329 Kelley, William B.,.................................
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
2d Corporal W. E. Lumsden, 6th Corporal T. E. Woodson, 7th Corporal A. B. Shackleford. Privates. Byers, Wm., Boyd, Chas., Brander, Carter, Carper, A. J., Clements, Jas., Kay, Wm., Wartinagle, M., Little, C. M., Lewis, J. M., Maupin, R. W., Davis, P. M., Davis, D. N., Dodel, C. G., Eddins, C. C., Gibson, R., Gibson, J. W., Garrison, Wm., Holley, G. D., Houchens, J. F., Houchens, W. T., Houchens, J. C., Head, Q. V., Kelley, G. W., Killcollin, P., Marshall, B., McCallister, B., Merritt, L. T., Moody, R. B., Pace, J. R., Pendleton, Wm., Riner, Jno., Sutton, S. C., Taylor, Jno., Via, G. M., Wood, Eli, Ward, N. T., Walton, G. E. T., Wood, W. R. [3 officers, 45 men.] I certify that this roll is correct. C. F. Johnston, Capt. Albemarle Ar'y, Poague's Battalion, 3d Corps, A. N. V. First Corps—Lieutenant-General James Longstreet. J. Longstreet, Lt.-Gen. Osman La
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
Private David Dotch, Private A. G. Morrison, George Perdue. Co. E. 1st Sergeant W. H. Broaderatis, 2d Sergeant D. L. Hedick, 3d Corporal C. D. Rawley, Private T. B. Burleson, J. H. Deger. Co. F. Private A. M. Connerad, Private J. Kelley, S. Irwin, F. A. McAmety. Co. G. Private R. S. Hogarth. Co. H. 2d Sergeant John J. Gray, 3d Sergeant A. F. Walker, Private Thomas Boyd, Private James Vinzant, W. H. Jenninas. Co. I. Private S. A. Mitchell, Private H. R. Edney, J. H. Hanes, W. M. Cullough, J. D. Selman. Co. K. Corporal D. W. Thrasher, Private S. M. Brown, A. A. Richie, Private J. C. Sutton, J. W. Woods. [74] Forty-third Alabama Regiment. Non-commissioned Staff. Q.-M. Sergeant James Kelley, Commissary Sergeant H. J. Marsh. Drummer Moses Hill, Co. A. 3d Sergeant Carter Riggens, 1st Corporal W. L. Warlston, 3d Corporal C. S. Curtis, 4th Corporal Jacob Michael, Private Lewis C. Button, Thos. A. Glover, Jos
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Roster of the companies. (search)
Joseph Hampton, wounded November 17, and died November 30, 1862; W. L. Haggard, Edward Haggard (Hunker), James P. Haggard, Sanford Haggard,——Haybrook, John Henry Jackson, promoted to sergeant major; James Johnson, Robt. D. King, Jeff C. King, James Kelley, wounded and prisoner at Hartsville, Tenn., December 9, 1862, lost leg; Wm. C. Kearney, J. Braxton Lyle, Joseph C. Lyle, James Henry Mullins, died in Camp Douglas, September 18, 1864, heart disease; Henry S. Meredith, James Oliver, died in Camord, John Bowman, James Batterson, F. M. Breedon, J. C. Clay, N. Current, Jesse Current, John Davis, J. H. Demmitt, J. W. Demmitt, L. J. Fretwell, R. F. Goodman, George Gregory, B. Hanly, R. J. Hoover, Jesse Haney, Joseph Hinton, Sam Hamilton, James Kelley, Emerson Neal, John Penn, Wm. Phillips, William Ross, P. C. Sullivan, Sam Smizer, George Shawhan, N. D. Smith, James Tate, Cyrus Turner, Charles Talbott, David Wilson, James Wilson, R. Wilson—50 officers and enlisted men. Company H. Comp<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Hanover Grays. (search)
n, John T. Gibson, Robert H. Griffin, R. R. (wounded). Harwood, John W. (detailed). Haw, Edwin (dead). Haw, John H. (sergeant). Haw, Richardson W. (twice wounded; dead). Haw, William (wounded). Hazelgrove, Andrew (died in prison). Hogan, William (dead). Home, Robert R. (died in prison). Home, Ralph R. Hott, William (wounded). Hughes, P. H. (wounded; dead). Johnson, P. L. Jones, Washington (killed). Jones, William Wingfield (wounded and dead) Kelley, James S. (dead). Kent, George W. (wounded). Lipscomb, Henry (wounded). Lorgan, Benjamin (dead). Mantlo, William (twice wounded). Mantlo, Cornelius (wounded). Mills, John T. (detailed; dead). Mosby, John S. (dead). Norment, William E. (dead). Nunnally, L. M. (dead). Otey, Thomas (wounded). Otey, William (wounded and dead). Pate, John W. (transferred and dead). Pate, William B. (dead). Richardson, Bowling (dead). Richardson, John (wounded). Ric
e fight every Field and Staff officer became dismounted, but continued the discharge of their duties on foot. Company A, (Confederate-Volunteers.) Captain J. H. Etheredge, commanding.--Killed: Captain J. H. Etheredge. Wounded: Serg't B F Davis, slightly in shoulder; Corporal J F Lamkin, slightly in foot; Privates L N Thrash, slightly in leg; J M Thrash, slightly on head; R W McGinty, slightly on knee; F G Mitchell, slightly in thigh. Company B, (Ramah Vol. Guards,) Capt. Charles C Kelley, commanding — Killed: Privates Joel Brewer, and George Dennard.--Wounded Corporal R L Croom, severely on head; Privates A C Dennard, severely in thigh; J J Dykes, severely in leg; George Christian, severely in leg; Sergeant Samuel Gee, slightly on chin. Company C, (Jasper Infantry,) Captain L A Lane, commanding.--Killed: Private Wm S Seymour. Wounded: Sergeant J W Preston, slightly in neck; Corporal L B Thigpen, slightly in abdomen; Corporal J J Tyler, slightly in shoulder; Private Wm
or signing a writ of error. The application of John Frobig, for a discharge on similar grounds, is still pending before the Judge, and undetermined. C. S. District Court, October 16th --Present: Jas. D. Halyburton, Judge--The Grand Jury re-assembled to- day, and returned a true bill against E. C. Jones, sometimes called E. Chambers Jones, soldier, for forging the name of Capt. Z. B. Morrts, Co. B, 59th Virginia regiment, to a pay roll for four months pay as captain. There are several other cases against Jones ne acted on. In the case of James Kelley, member of company A. Irish Battalion, for forging a pay roll, the Grand' Jury returned the indictment not a true bill. The Court sits to day at 11 o'clock. Supreme Court of Appeals.--This Court has been in session for several days past listening to arguments in cases brought to its attention, but no decisions have yet, been rendered or will be for a week to come. Judges Daniel, Moncure, Robertson, &c. are on the bench.