Your search returned 61 results in 24 document sections:

One hundred dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for a negro woman by the name of Winney Morton, who ran off on Thursday morning, 3d of July. She is 5 feet high, stout built, jet black, talks very lady like, but looks grum. She had on a hood bonnet, head tied up with a black silk handkerchief. She has a sister living in Manchester, and a husband waiting upon Captain Sales in the army, and owned by Sampson Jones, of Richmond. The above reward will be given, if lodged in jail. ly 4--1w* J. W. Satterwhite.
Ten Dollars reward. --Ran away, a black Boy, Albert, about 15 years old, stout built, full eye, quick spoken; supposed to be about some of the camp grounds, as I found him in one of them about three weeks ago, and has left since. I will pay the above reward if delivered to me or in jail, so that I get him again. Sampson Jones. Main and 9th streets, or on au 12--3t* 6th, north of Leigh.
the Navy Department, under its present head, with power to send for persons and papers, and report the same to the two Houses respectively. Mr. Barksdale called the question on his substitute, and the vote being taken, it was adopted. Mr. Jones, of Tenn., moved to reconsider the vote just taken, and to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. After some discussion on the motion, it was withdrawn by Mr. Jones, when it was renewed by Mr. Conrad, of La., who expressed himself at some Mr. Jones, when it was renewed by Mr. Conrad, of La., who expressed himself at some length with reference to the conduct of the Navy Department, and concluded by withdrawing his motion. Mr. Foote renewed the motion, and spoke at length upon the question. Mr. Barksdale said he did not wish to appear as the partisan or champion of Mr. Mallory, but desired that justice should be done, and it was in this spirit that he offered the resolution. The question recurring upon the motion of Mr. Conrad to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was adopted, the motion w
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1862., [Electronic resource], Confiscation of property in Portsmouth. (search)
One hundred and fifty dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for a negro woman by the name of Winney Morton, who ran off on Thursday morning, 3d of July. She is five feet high; stout built; jet black; sharp nose; talks very lady-like, but looks grum.--She had on a hood bonnet, and her head tied up with a black silk handkerchief. She has a sister living in Manchester, and a husband waiting upon Captain Sales, in the army, and owned by Sampson Jones, of Richmond. The above reward will be given, if lodged in jail. au 28--1m* J. W. Satterwhite.
moved for a reconsideration, to allow him an opportunity to offer an amendment to the 8th section of the bill. The amendment prohibits an appeal from the decision of the assessors. A reconsideration was granted, and the amendment adopted. After other slight amendments the bill was put on its passage, and passed by a vote of ayes 26, noes 10. A message was received from the House announcing the passage by that body of an act "to authorize the Governor to settle the account of Sampson Jones, agent of Mrs. Jane A. Griffin." On motion, the Senate adjourned. In the House, Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the Governor of this Common wealth be respectfully requested to inform the House of Delegates under what clause of the Constitution, or under what law or laws of this State, his proclamation of the 30th August, 1862, calling out the militia of certain counties of this Commonwealth, and ordering them to report to Maj.
The Legislature. In the Senate, yesterday, House bill to authorize the Governor to settle the account of Sampson Jones, &c., was passed. The account refers to rations furnished the City Battalion. Mr. Aldison offered a resolution that the Committee of Courts of Justice be directed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill granting an amnesty to all citizens who have given evidence of loyalty to the State of Virginia, but who, from force of circumstances, have been compelled to take the oath of allegiance to the Federal or Pierpont Government. Adopted, A resolution was submitted to the effect that when the Senate adjourn on Thursday next, it will, with the concurrence of the House, adjourn to meet on the first Wednesday in January next, unless sooner convened by the Governor. Agreed to. Mr. Armstrong reported a bill "To enlarge the powers of the Common Council of the city of Richmond." Read the first time. Mr. Armstrong offered the following:
ly the case, often had failings out, fights and bickering. The Mayor committed Beaty in default of security in the sum of $150. Wm. Caesar, a negro belonging to S. D. Denoon, was up for stealing five pieces of bacon, valued at $16, from Sampson Jones. The investigation implicated Robert, slave of Mr. Jones, as party concerned in the abstraction of the bacon, and both were consequently sent before the Court of Hustings, for trial, on the second Monday in November. Bill for their appearanMr. Jones, as party concerned in the abstraction of the bacon, and both were consequently sent before the Court of Hustings, for trial, on the second Monday in November. Bill for their appearance was given. Betsy and Claiborne, slaves of Wm. Collingswood, were brought up for stealing 14 head of cabbage from Mrs. H. E. Hibble. The testimony made it appear that Betsy was most to blame, and she was ordered to be punished. Sundry negroes, including the following, viz.--Eliza Ann Smithers, Mary Fox, Chas. Henry, Dick Meekins, Lavinia Trent, Sally Boasman, free, and Henry, slave of Mrs. E. J. Cill, Charles, slave of Mrs. Dennis, John and Mary, slaves of Mrs. Lavinia Hall, were a
hooting at and wounding Mary Haley and Margaret Kennedy, two children, on Byrd street, a few days since. He was acquitted, no felonious intent being proved. Gilmer A. Lumpkin was examined and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons for forging S. H. Owens & Son's name to a check for $700, and drawing the money thereon. There is another charge of a similar character, only for a larger amount, ($6,000,) now pending against him. William, slave of S. D. Denoon, and Robert, slave of Sampson Jones, were tried for stealing bacon from the latter. William was ordered 39 lashes, and Robert acquitted. Roberta, slave of S. J. Rutherfoord, was tried for stealing sundry articles of wearing apparel from another darkey, and being found guilty, was ordered 20 lashes. The Grand Jury re-assembled (G. W. Smith foreman,) and indicted the following parties, viz: Peter Lawson and Wm. Lawson, for tumultuously making an affray by beating Emanuel Raymond, in the 3d Market, all the par
One hundred dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for a negro woman by the name of Winney Morton. who can off on Thursday morning, 3d of July. She is 5 feet high, stout built, jet black, sharp nose, talks very lady like, but looks grum. She had on a hood bonnet, head tied up with a black silk handkerchief. She has a sister living in Manchester, and a husband waiting upon. Captain Sales in the army, and owned by Sampson Jones, of Richmond. The above reward will be given, if lodged in jail. jy 4--1w* J. W. Satterwhite.
One hundred dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for a negro woman by the name of Winney Morton who ran off on Thursday morning, 3d of July. She is 5 feet high, stout built, jet black, sharp nose, talks very lady like, but looks grum. She had on a hood bonnet, head tied up with a black silk handkerchief. She has a sister living in Manchester, and a husband waiting upon Captain Sales in the army, and owned by Sampson Jones, of Richmond. The above reward will be given, if lodged in jail. jy 4--1w* J. W. Satterwhite.