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The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1865., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: August 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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and that we will co-operate with her as far as may be in our power to do so. Resolved, That the Secretary of the meeting he instructed to communicate a copy of these proceedings to Mrs. Hopkins. The following was also offered: Resolved, That each member of this meeting will consider himself a committeeman to aid (by raising contributions and otherwise) in forwarding the object which we have in view, to aid in the relief of our sick soldiers.--(Adopted.) The following are the committees appointed: On Resolutions.--J. G. Shorter, E. A. Baker, Dr. W. R. Cunningham, C. J. McRae, W. G. England, G. T. Yelverton, E. Philips. On Address.--R. H. Smith, J. L. M. Curry, E. Harrison, J. G. Shorter, H. C. Jones E. S. Fair, W. P. Chilton, (added on motion.) Executive Committee.--Wade Keyes, S. S. Scott, E. C. Elmore, Alfred Jones, (added on motion.) Treasurer — John Harrell. Secretary — D. L. Dalton. W. P. Chilton, Pres't. H. C. Jones, Sec'y
use to pay taxes to the Confederate Government--and several skirmishes took place, but we lost no men. The boat — a fine new boat, which would carry about fifty men — was smashed up. It was hid in Pasopatanzy Creek, a few miles below Aquia Creek. The Don also accompanied the expedition to Fredericksburg as high up as Jones' Point, on Monday last, and fired a broadside into a party of rebels, who skedaddled. As was afterwards learned from a letter found on a prisoner, they had stationed Jones' Light Battery there, but the effect of the broadside caused the men to run and leave their pieces, which they did not attempt to get until the next day. The Don also paid a visit to York river and gained much information of value. A party was set ashore at West Point, which was found to be deserted of men, a few women remaining. Here they were just too late to capture Colonel Richardson, of Lee's Staff, and four soldiers, who had just left there — they having vamoosed just as the Don<
r oldest, and in former years most influential, families. John Paca (second son of the late Edward T. Paca), and Alfred Jones, his maternal uncle, are the victims of this tragedy. From the evidence given to the coroner's jury, it appears that John Paca and Alfred Jones were engaged in making a fence around a lot adjacent to the premises occupied by Mrs. Edward T. Paca, to which Mr. William B. Paca (an uncle of John, and who by virtue of a trusteeship controlled the property of his deceasese. The next instant the load from the gun in the hands of Mr. William B. Paca was lodged just behind the left ear of Alfred Jones, tearing and lacerating his throat in a most horrible manner. --He, too, expired instantaneously and without a groan. It appears that Mr. Jones received also a load from a gun in the hands of one of the three sons, as the discharge of three guns and a number of shot entering the neck and from a different direction would indicate. It was clearly shown at the i