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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
ich are of sufficient importance to be corrected. Colonel Sydenham Moore was printed Nydenham Moore, and the date of the battle of Seven Pines was twice printed 1st of May, instead of the 31st of May. Valentine, our Southern artist, has just completed, at his studio in Richmond, a superb bust of General Albert Sidney Johnston. It was never our privilege to meet this great man, but it is a very accurate likeness of the portrait from which it is modeled, and we learn that Colonel William Preston Johnston pronounces it the best likeness of the original extant, and proposes to have the engraving for his forthcoming memoir of his father made from this bust. There clusters around the name of Albert Sidney Johnston the highest admiration for his exalted genius, the warmest affection for his purity of character, and the tenderest memories and saddest regrets for his early fall. It will be a source of double joy to admirers of genius, virtue and patriotism everywhere to learn that
unded, their leader being of the former. General Johnston afterward spoke of it as a remarkable eveit. During the assault upon the city, General Johnston accompanied Hamer's brigade of Butler's dal Butler was wounded at the same point. General Johnston's horse was thrice wounded; but, though hnce of his gallant charger probably saved General Johnston's life on this occasion, as he was left ahe field on which he fell, at Shiloh. General Johnston probably entered the cornfield a few minught, after the fight was done, he came to General Johnston, and, with tears standing in his eyes, tod henceforth to be accounted his friend. General Johnston felt a deep regret when Hamer, shortly afal Butler and General Taylor certified on General Johnston's pay-account that, as inspector-general, mob, thrust out her skinny finger toward General Johnston and hissed out, Tejano! Her divination o closed active operations for some time, General Johnston, having no fixed rank or employment recog[12 more...]
e crested Wood-Duck. the wounded eagle. General Johnston's ideas of the conduct of life; of educat many good soldiers from the service. General Johnston was not without sufficient influence to hl about them. As almost the only family that General and Mrs. Johnston saw in their years of plant vision and steadiness of purpose enabled General Johnston to govern his life by a few simple, gener a letter of May 16, 1849, to the writer, General Johnston says: My crops are small, but since at some length a number of extracts from General Johnston's letters, touching topics connected with the President, were especially zealous. General Johnston, however, looked at the matter in an unexof the Administration organ. He wrote to General Johnston, on the 21st of May: General Taylorhe plantation for military service again, General Johnston had the encouragement of his wife, who noe path of duty, and trod it manfully. General Johnston, in conversation with the writer, said, i[40 more...]
r's boyish reminiscences of China Grove. General Johnston's relations with children. Irish John. ch were occupied in paying the soldiers. General Johnston, with his clerk, negro driver John, and nsed to it are often chilled to death. By General Johnston's direction I recorded observations and cccupied plain holes in the ground; these, General Johnston called the plebs. Others, who seemed to cactus — as many as sixty, I believe. General Johnston showed me a tract on the dividing ridge bught best to establish a new wagon-road. General Johnston was consulted, and gave such accurate inser to the author, dated October 19, 1854, General Johnston says: Know-Nothingism will have itss certain of the thief. I pointed out to General Johnston that by the principle of exclusion the guUnited States Government. Soon after, General Johnston was appointed colonel of the Second Cavalude. It has been mentioned that, when General Johnston was appointed paymaster, his family spent[36 more...]
tradition. Mr. Davis reverses the rule. General Johnston made Colonel of the Second cavalry. no F with the frontier people. his motives. General Johnston's influence with Young men. two illustratier of Texas. It was a happy day for General Johnston when, mounting his splendid gray charger,or the comfort of the officers' families, General Johnston reserved only one small room for his own commanders, even when deserving. When General Johnston reached Fort Mason, the border was full og instance is given as an illustration of General Johnston's mode of dealing with the people of the cember 24, 1856, inclosing the foregoing, General Johnston remarks: They praise or condemn on hat night between ten and twelve o'clock, General Johnston entered his room, and inquired whether hece. Before answering, my informant asked General Johnston whether he proposed to take official actiold that such had been the advice given. General Johnston then asked whether he had counted the cos[41 more...]
us was very cold, and the car on which we traveled had no stove in it, or a very small one. He complained of cold feet, and I at once took from my valise a pair of stout woolen socks, and put them over his boots. He said that he had never heard of that expedient, and, soon finding himself relieved, got me to explain how the effect was produced; of course, he was perfectly familiar with the atmospherical laws which elucidated it. A very warm friendship grew up between General Johnston and myself; my admiration of his character and military abilities is such that I consider his death to have been the greatest blow which the Confederacy received. More than any other officer that I have met, he appreciated the great military fact that the occupation of Missouri, flanking the somewhat disaffected Northwest, might have totally changed the course of the war. I remain, my dear colonel, sincerely your friend, Thomas C. Reynolds. Colonel William Preston Johnston, Lexington, Virginia.
difficulties of the Government. call for militia. General Johnston's urgency. letters to the Southern Executives. appeessary for defense, exhibited by the Gulf States. General Johnston fully foresaw the difficulties and dangers of his poss to the Memphis Historical Society, Colonel Munford, General Johnston's aide-de-camp, states the essential question, and anssemble an army equal to the emergency was not due to General Johnston. While the writer will have occasion frequently to eat in no point of vigilance, decision, or energy, was General Johnston at fault. The narrative of military operations is therefore postponed, and the facts in regard to General Johnston's efforts to obtain men and arms are here grouped together, tchannels of the civil service. Experience had taught General Johnston, what subsequent events of the war proved to other ge troops, it will be proper to show the means used by General Johnston to procure arms. This will be best done, though at t
ard and Hardee, had been long maturing in General Johnston's mind. To defend the line of the Cumbere united voice of the Kentucky refugees. General Johnston found it hard to steel himself against thfive to one. His strategy succeeded. General Johnston held on to Bowling Green till the last moe army were cheered by the accounts which General Johnston, with thoughtful care, forwarded by meansver might aid the commanders at Donelson, General Johnston neglected nothing to secure the retreat oof his troops, in perfect order. When General Johnston learned, February 15th, that a battle wasar. In the midst of these unhappy scenes General Johnston remained calm, distributing his troops inabout the camps where the troops lay; and General Johnston ordered the establishment of a strong mile disaster almost or quite as soon as did General Johnston. Very early in the morning he rode over s, do not fight a battle in the city. General Johnston also telegraphed Colonel D. P. Buckner, a[23 more...]
ments and arms. power of local demands. General Johnston's review of the situation. plan of conceic terror and fury. Exasperation against General Johnston. demands for his removal. the press. p Davis's firmness. attacks in Congress. General Johnston's serenity. steadfast friends. moral poorrespondence between President Davis and General Johnston. success the test of merit. Colonel Jacially a division of the command, by which General Johnston should face Buell and cover East and Middnessee River. The issue at Donelson left General Johnston with little more than half his former str General Beauregard addressed a letter to General Johnston, dated February 12th, which shows how strong a hold General Johnston's views had taken on his mind. Though for the most part a recapitulatio Beauregard suggests the probability that General Johnston would speedily have to retreat behind theess to say that it was not the purpose of General Johnston to take that step unless compelled to do [2 more...]
suffer any hardship. He had magnetized me; and to this hour his splendid person stands out in my thought as the incarnation of that Confederacy to which my heart yielded its utmost love and loyalty. He was and is to me as royal Arthur to England's brave romance. Thus reverencing him, and remembering him, the written words which connect me with his approbation and confidence are precious in my sight. I thank you for them again and again. Respectfully yours, J. N. Galleher. Colonel William P. Johnston, Lexington, Virginia. Some extracts from an editorial article of Colonel J. W5r. Avery will be pardoned, as they disclose in part the secret of General Johnston's wonderful influence over his soldiers, which stirred every man with the conviction that he was under the eye of his commander. This gentleman says: The records of no war show a knightlier warrior than the one whose name heads this sketch. We may be pardoned for laying a leaf upon his bloody yet most honorable