Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 29, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. E. Johnston or search for J. E. Johnston in all documents.

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eached the latter place. On arriving at Chester, he turned his column to the right, captured Camden, and moved on the main road to Cheraw. General Hardee was compelled to evacuate the town and retreat to Rockingham. He was then ordered by General Johnston to fall back upon Fayetteville. On reaching the vicinity, on Wednesday, the 8th, he took a position six miles from town, where he was reinforced by the command of Lieutenant-General Hampton. It was believed that a stand would be made and trsenal, the seven cotton and three oil factories, etc., made it a place of sufficient importance to the Government to make a more determined defence. On Thursday the artillery and trains began to cross the river. Then it was announced that General Johnston had left; and all hope of defence was abandoned. Thursday was a gloomy day. The weather was inclement, the people sad, the soldiers disappointed.--The citizens began to secrete their provisions, plate, jewelry, etc. The ladies had provision
to what we published yesterday. Yankee papers of the 25th state that the Fourth army corps, under General D. S. Stanley, is reported on its way to Knoxville, to join in the Western campaign; and its strength is estimated at from fifteen to eighteen thousand men. A cavalry force, stated at six thousand, has left Knoxville, under General Stoneman, and is moving, also, toward West Virginia. From North Carolina. We are still without official advices from North Carolina later than General Johnston's report of the battle of Bentonsville, which we published more than a week ago. When last heard from, Sherman was at Goldsboro', and we think it likely he is still there, resting and recruiting his men after their tramp through South Carolina. The Yankee papers say he will next direct his columns against Raleigh. Four hundred and eighty of Kilpatrick's men, captured by Hampton at Fayetteville, reached this city yesterday. They constituted, by all odds, the nastiest lot of Yankee
, at an early age, he was regarded as a brilliant ornament. On the secession of Mississippi, his native State, he promptly resigned his commission, and, offering his services to the Provisional Government at Montgomery, was appointed major of engineers in the regular Confederate army. Assigned as chief engineer officer at Charleston, his engineering skill was recognized as of essential benefit in the operations which reduced Fort Sumter. Transferred to Virginia, he was selected by General J. E. Johnston as chief of staff, and, after the first battle of Manassas, received the merited promotion to the rank of brigadier general. The commander of a splendid division in the Army of Northern Virginia, he served in the campaign of 1861 and 1862 with conspicuous credit. In the seven days battles around Richmond his command did gall ant service, contributing, in a large measure, to our successes. The ability evinced on these occasions by General Whiting, in the disposition and handling of