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Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To Mr. And Mrs. S. E. Sewall. (search)
of life, like tickets left in the wheel, rise in value. It certainly is true of the last friends that remain to us. I have been eminently blest in my few intimate friends, and I think it is mainly owing to the fact that they were all sifted in the anti-slavery sieve .. On Christmas Eve I went with R. H. to a gathering of O. B. Frothingham's Sunday-school scholars and a troop of poor children whom they had invited to partake with them of the manifold treasures on the Christmas-tree. Oliver Johnson personated Santa Claus, and did it very well, marching round and round in grotesque costume, to the lively tunes played by a colored fiddler. The little folks seemed to enjoy it highly. 0. B. F. made a quaint little speech to them, in which he told them what a good baby Jesus was, never crying for what he ought not to have, never pulling his mother's hair, etc .... That is all the pleasuring or visiting I have done since I parted from you. My days glide on very quietly and comfortab
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
's first story, VII. Hopper, Isaac T., 43; Mrs. Child's Life of, XIII. Hosmer, Harriet, 68. Hovey, Charles F., 82. I. Indians, treatment of the, 218-220. J. Jack, Captain, the Modoc chief, 220. Jackson, General, Andrew, and the Seminole War, 219. Jackson, Francis, 260. Jay, John, 188. Jefferson, Thomas, testimony of against slavery, 133. John Brent, by Theodore Winthrop, 164. John Brown Song, the, 157. Johnson, Andrew, speech of, at Nashville, 184. Johnson, Oliver, 232. Johnson, Rev., Samuel, 96, 214. Julian, George W., letter to, 187. Juvenile Miscellany, VII., 10, 256. K. Kent, Rev. Mr., characterizes Mrs. Child. 55. King, Miss Augusta, letters to, 37, 52, 56. L. Labor question, the, 199. Lafayette's observation of the change in color of the slaves in Virginia, 126. Laws of the Slave States, against intermarriage, 126; against negro testimony, 126; in regard to punishment of slaves, 127; by which the master appropriate