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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 7 7 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 6 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 2 Browse Search
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 5 5 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 5 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 3 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 5 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 5 5 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 5 5 Browse Search
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Your search returned 640 results in 309 document sections:

urnt by the guerrilla Morgan, 3.232. D. Dahlgren, Admiral John A., in command of the sq<*>tadron off Charleston, 3.200 Dix, Dorothea L., beneficent labors of, 1.575. Dix, Gen. John A., his telegram in relation to the American flag, 1.185; popular cry of, 1.574, 579 (and note), 1.580. Foster, Gen. John G., in the Burnside expedition, 2.167; operations of in Nbor States, uprising of the people of, 1.343. Fremont, Gen. John C., appointed to the Western Department, 2.59; fortifies , of Ohio, 2.29. Pea Ridge, battle of, 2.256. Peck, Gen. John J., his defense of Suffolk against Longstreet, 3.41-3.44.n. L., notice of, 1.539; death of (note), 3.378. Pope, Gen. John, operations of in Missouri, 2.181,182; campaign of the ArResignation of National officers, 1.48-1.97. Reynolds, Gen. John F., at the battle of Gettysburg, 3.59; killed, 3.60. R65; defeat of Gen. Crook by Early near, 3.348. Winder, Gen. John H., Confederate commissary-general of prisoners, 2.26; ch
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
elf and command alone, I gave the order to retreat, and did so in perfect order, and returned to my work in the swamp. I saw none of the cavalry, to my knowledge, after the skirmish. They might have been around there, but they certainly were not in the open field when I returned from the woods. With respect, I remain, sir, your obedient servant, Wm. P. Innes, Col., Comdg. First Regiment, Michigan Engineers and Mechanics. Col. J. B. Fry, Chief of Staff, &c. No. 70.-report of Maj. John if. Foster, Third Ohio Cavalry, of skirmish near Corinth, Miss., May 9. Hdqrs. Third Regt. Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Camp near Corinth, May 9, 1862. Sir: In compliance with your orders of May 8, 1862, I proceeded with two companies (L and M) of the Third Regiment Ohio Voluniteer Cavalry to relieve two companies of the same regiment on picket duty on the Corinth road, about 5 miles from Corinth. On coming up to the companies on duty I inquired of Capt. D. C. Doane, the officer in com
stance is found in the Confederate federate Army in the case of Bishop Polk, a corps-general, who fell while on the Atlanta campaign. The musicians formed a numerous class among the non combatants. Although their legitimate duty in time of battle was confined to that of stretcher-bearers, they often participated in the fighting. At Shiloh, the band of the Forty-eighth Ohio laid aside their instruments, procured rifles, and went into the fight, where two of their number were killed. Major John a. Bering: History of the Forty-eighth Ohio Volunteers. Still, it must be confessed that the dead drummer-boy was not so common a feature on the field as might be inferred from the work of battle-field artists. The frequent loss of life among the stretcher-bearers attests the faithful work of the men employed in that duty, most of whom were musicians. At the battle of the Weldon Railroad, the ambulance train of the Fifth Corps lost 2 sergeants killed and 6 stretcher-men wounded: 8 hors
ane the brigade. After the battle at Nashville the regiment remained in winter-quarters near that city until the spring of 1865, when, the war having closed, it was ordered to New Orleans. From there it went with the Fourth Corps to Texas, where it joined Sheridan's Army of Occupation, remaining there until December 21, 1865, when it was mustered out. Eighth Illinois Infantry. Stevenson's Brigade — Logan's Division--Seventeenth Corps. (1) Col. Richard Oglesby; Major-Gen. (3) Col. John P Post. (2) Col. Frank L. Rhoads. (4) Col. Josiah A. Sheets; Bvt. Brig.-Gen. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Officers. Men. Total. Field and Staff   1 1   1 1 16 Company A 1 21 22   12 12 184   B 1 15 16   16 16 190   C   16 16   18 18 193   D   14 14   13 13 199   E   15 15   12 12 198   F 2 14 16   20 20 186   G   10 10   14 14 187   H  
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
e, deaths in each 48 Attucks, Crispus 52 Average strength of regiments 466 Addenda 576 Badges of the different corps 64 Baltimore Riot 470, 488 Bates, S. P., quoted 27, 57, 488, 489 Battles and engagements, number of, during the war, 542 Battles, list of, with Union loss in each 543 Battles, list of, with Confederate loss in each 549 Battles, chronological list of, with greatest regimental losses in each battle 561 Bayonet and sabre wounds 24, 78 Bering, Major John A., quoted 45 Black Brigade of Cincinnati 52 Bloodiest battle of the war 540 Border States, number of men furnished 537, 552, 554 Border States, loyalty of 536 Brigade losses, Confederate 558 Brigade losses, Union 116, 117, 118 Captured and missing 23, 424 Casualty returns, deficiencies in 574 Cause unknown, deaths from 530 Cavalry regiments, formation and strength of 6 Cavalry regiments, maximum losses in 6 Census of 1860, military population 535, 536,
nee — all prisoners. Missing--Privates Samuel Hart, John Kelsey, Edward L. Marsh-supposed to be prisoners. Company F.--Killed--Privates James Flynn, James Nelson, Michael Dowling, Henry Hilliard, Wm. Mackay. Wounded--Capt. Hugh McQuaide, severely, taken prisoner. Privates John McIntire, Patrick McGann, Martin O'Neill, Thomas Murphy, Wm. Fielding. Missing--Sergeant Donahoe, Corporal Moloney, Privates Timothy Sullivan, Michael Kennedy, Joseph Sheppard, Patrick Coyle, Lawrence Mooney, John Holland. Company G.--Wounded--First Lieut. Thomas S. Hamblin, in the leg. Privates Edward Sweeney, Benjamin Taylor, (all taken prisoners,) Henry Lansing. Missing--Henry Hedge, Thomas H. Kerr, Patrick McGinn, William H. Millett, Charles J. Rydecker, George Wright, (all supposed to have been taken prisoners.) Company H.--Killed--Private John Orman. Wounded--Norton Schermerhorn, slightly; Luthur L. Mills, both arms shot off, (a prisoner;) Hugh F. Dunnigan, in leg, (a prisoner;) Willi
Doc. 8. the Hatteras expedition. Report of Gen. Butler. U. S. Flag ship Minnesota, August 30, 1861. Major-General John, E. Wool, Commanding Department of Virginia: General: Agreeably to your orders, I embarked on the transport steamers Adelaide and George Peabody, five hundred of the Twentieth regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Weber commanding; two hundred and twenty of the Ninth regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Hawkins commanding; one hundred of the Union Coast Guard, Capt. Nixon commanding; sixty of the Second United States Artillery, Lieut. Larned commanding, as a force to operate in conjunction with the fleet, under command of Flag Officer Stringham, against the rebel forts at Hatteras Inlet. We left Fortress Monroe on Monday, at one o'clock P. M. The last ship of our fleet arrived off Hatteras Inlet about four o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Such preparations as were possible for the landing were made in the evening, and at daylight next morning dispositions were ma
am Chadwick, elbow shattered; Blair Kinkead, severely, in calf of leg; George W. Read, severely, in cheek. Co. J-Privates Archelam Snigo, slightly, in hand; Wm. Barlo, slightly; N. C. Lovett, slightly; Isaac Kirk, slightly; James Break, slightly, in leg. Co. K--Privates Sheppard Lewis, supposed mortally; Harlem Page, severely; Andrew Hutchinson, slightly. Missing.--Co. A--Private John Richards. Co. D--Private Wm. H. Brown. Co. I--Private Lorenzo Shackler. Co. K--Privates Marcus L. Decker, John H. Briscoe. Thirty-Second Ohio regiment.--Killed.--Co. G--Private Samuel H. Prior. Co. I--Private William Clarke. Wounded.--Co. F--Privates Abraham Lessy, seriously; John Clarke, seriously. Co. G--Privates Robert J. Hamilton, seriously; Harper Brosens, seriously. Co. H--Private Chas. Prior, seriously. Co. K--Private Thomas B. Hess, seriously. Co. B--Private Isaac Hamilton, slightly. Co. F--First Lieutenant Charles C. Brant, slightly; Private Will Sharpe, slightly. Co. G--Private Jame
ground. With great respect, I am sir, your obedient servant, E. O. C. Ord, Brig.-Gen. Commanding Third Brigade, P. R. V. C. Brig.-Gen. Lorenzo Thomas. Adjutant General U. S. A., Washington, D. C. List of the men recommended for reward for gallant conduct at the battle of Dranesville, December 20, 1861, by Captain H. Easton, of battery A, First Pennsylvania Artillery: Quartermaster's Sergeant John H. Sphar; Orderly Sergeant Jacob Deitrick; Sergeants Peter Cummings, Robert Taylor, John Ruse; Corporals William Weston, Daniel Nerhood, James D. Wolf, Henry Barkholder, Peter Schiele; Privates: Joseph Hinsey, William McDowell, Adam Barr, Henry Deihl, McFarland Marks, John Pink, John Flimswick, John Steele, James Craft, John Higgins, Henry Campbell, Gustavus Seyforth, Oscar French, George W. Welsh, Simon Flory, John Young, William Lawrence, Horatio Houston, James Wilson, Francis M. Peters, Michael J. Crooney, Robert Carman, Reuben Bixler, John Berkholder, Joseph Williams, John B.
generation to take part in the War of the Revolution, will be found in the local history of that contest wherever Connecticut men took part, whether in Pennsylvania or Wyoming, or in the western reserve of Ohio. Zephaniah went to Quebec with Wolfe, and I have the powder-horn which he bore, dated April 22, 1758. He went from Connecticut to the town of Nottingham in New Hampshire, and married Abigail, daughter of General Joseph Cilley. They had several children, the youngest of whom was John, my father, who was born May 17, 1782. He married Sarah Batchelder, of Deerfield, New Hampshire, June 5, 1803. By her he was the Powder-Horn of Zephaniah Butler, 1758. father of three girls, Polly True, born June 8, 1804, Sally, born March 11, 1806, and Betsey Morrill, born January 9, 1808. The last of these is now living at Nottingham, New Hampshire, the widow of the late Daniel B. Stevens, Esq. Mrs. Sarah Batchelder Butler died February 23, 1809. John Butler then married Charlotte Ell