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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of Gettysburg, [from the times-dispatch, April 10, 1904.] (search)
s. Reference may be made to ante p. 33 and preceding volumes of the Southern Historical Society Papers, particularly the early volumes, Ii-X inclusive.—editor.] Washington, D. C., March 30, 1904. Editor of the Times-Dispatch: Sir,—Enclosed are accounts of the charge at Gettysburg by two officers of Pickett's Division of high reputation for courage and reliability—the one being Lieutenant-Colonel Rawley W. Martin, then of the 53d Virginia Infantry, Armistead's Brigade, and the other Captain John, Holmes Smith, of the Lynchburg Home Guard, who, after Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkwood Otey, and Major Risque Hutter, were wounded in that battle, commanded the 11th Virginia Infantry. In 1897 Commander Sylvester Chamberlain, of an Association of United States Naval Veterans, of Buffalo, New York, wrote to Colonel Martin (now Dr. Martin, of Lynchburg, Va.), asking him to recount the charge, saying: The charge of Pickett's Division outrivals the storied heroism of the Old Guard of Napole<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
0. Assumption Bill, The, 15. Baldwin, Colonel John B., 175. Banks, Defeat of General, 252. obert L., 3. Dana, C. A., 340. Daniel, Hon. John W., 174, 183, 223. Daves, Major Graham, 2, 224. Early, J. Cabell, 222. Echols, General John, 174. Ellis, Governor John W., 275, 291.Governor John W., 275, 291. Embargo Act of 1807, 17. Engineer Troops, Parole list of, 51. Erlanger & Co., Proposition of Virginia, Defences of, 347. Hoffman, Captain John S., 204. Holze, Henry, 115. Hood, GenLafayette, Prisoner at Olmutz, 344. Lamb, Hon. John, 1, 195. Lee Camp, Confederate Veterans; ryland, Lee's Invasion of, 5, 255. Mason, Hon. John M., 108. Masonic Sign of Distress in War,Retreat from, bridges burned, 67. Pettus, Governor John J., 58. Pickett, General G. E., his poC. J., his mission to France, 364. Pope, General John, Retreat of 77, 251, 333. Preston, Colonrgeon Alfred, first killed, 200. Slidell, Hon. John, 108, 110. Smith, Captain B. H., wounded,[2 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), First battle of Manassas. (search)
r, of Baltimore. To find the enemy, go at him, quickly, rush upon him and keep it up; trust in God and keep your powder dry; was Stonewall Jackson's way. Cononel Johnson the Star Solider. The star actor in the First Maryland was Bradley Tyler Johnson. Its last colonel, he led it through the Valley and Richmond campaigns, and until, in August, 1862, reduced to one half its original strength, the regiment was mustered out of service, by some occult method in the Richmond War Office. Colonel John son was justly indignant and refused to make a request to have the order rescinded, whereupon, General Jackson assigned him to the command of the Second Brigade in the Stonewall Division, which fought heroically at the Second Battle of Manassas. Heroic Captain Murray and his men. Captain Murray's company was mustered out of service, June 18th, 1862—the one year term of enlistment having expired— but they, with few exceptions, served faithfully to the end. whether re-enlisting or com
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
356; Negro hung by, 184, 356; Murder of two boys, 185; Looting by his men, 189. Daniel, Major John W 2 195 218, 244 327. David's Island Hospital, 32. Davidson, Lieutenant, Hunter, 323. Davstone, W. E., Dying words of, 52. Godwin, General Archie C., 194; killed, 196. Grabill, Captain John H., 363. Grafton, Camp at, in 1861, 188. Graves, Master C. W., Commanding U. S. Steamerbin, 237. Oil Works in Wirt County burned, 309. Palmer, Dr John Williamson, 176. Parham, Ensign John T., 253. Patriotism of Peace, The, 155. Patton, Colonel, Wm. Tazewell, 305. Pelham's Br, Colonel Walter H., 11. Thomas, Julius O., 43, 161. Thomas, Richard S., 163. Thompson, Captain John H., 149. Townsend, Harry C., Diary of, January May, 1865, 99. Traitors have been ever c, Colonel Lewis B, 329. Willis, Chaplain E. J ,253. Wilson, Captain J. A., 76. Winder, General John H., 85. Wirz, Captain, Henry, Stigma, removed from, memory of, 69. Wise, Captain, O. Je
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
ies in. 50 Breckinridge Col. W. C. P., 263 Boyd, Lt. L. V., killed, 268 Brent, killed, Captain, 272 Brooke Captain John M., 239 Bruce, Captain D. H., 155 Bruner, Captain, Andrew Jackson, 283 Bullock. Captain James D. 238 Burgwyn, Coeft his Bride, 146 Hutchinson Miss Mary. 303 Hunter Major Robert W.. 132 Hutter, Col., J. Risque, 857 Jackson, Capt. John H., 280 Jackson, Gen. T. J. Career of, 79 How he was called Stonewall, 80 Valley Campaign of, 82 Demonstration on of, 97 Johnson, Col. Adam R., 111 Johnston, Gen., Albert Sydney, killed, 214 Johnston, Miss, Mary, 29 Jones, Col. John M., 84 Jones, Dr., J. William, 79 Jordan, Gen. Thomas 204 Kautz, Gen. Adam V. 1 Keiley, Anthony M., 17 Kentuephen D., 25 His tribute to Parker's Boys, 106 Logan, Gen. Thomas M., 57 McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon 125 McClay. Corporal John killed, 278 McNeill's Rangers roll of, 323 McNeill, Capt. J. C., 30 McCreary. Col. James B., 278 Malvern Hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.8 (search)
ommemorate the services of the Fifteenth Regiment, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Colonel William H. Penrose, U. S. A. Engaged two hours on this line of battle on the Federal side, May 3, 1863. Loss, 41 killed, 105 wounded, 4 missing. On the west side is the following: Erected by the State of New Jersey, under authority of an act of the Legislature of 1908, introduced by Senator Joseph S. Freelinghuysen, commissioner appointed by Governor John Franklin Fort, namely, Hon. John. F. Dryden, chairman; Sergeant William H. II. Wyckoff, treasurer; Private Stephen W. Gordon, secretary; Sergeant William H. Crawley, General Joseph W. Plume, Private Albert W. Whitehowie, Private Henry M. Hoffman and John S. Gibson. On the east side is this sentiment: The suvivors of the Fifteenth New Jersey Regiment honor the memory of their comrades who bravely bore themselves in this contest and bear witness to the valor and patriotism of the men who opposed them on this fie
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
16. Anderson, Gen. Joseph R., 6. Anderson, Gen. R. H., 173. Andrew, Gov. John A., 246. Andrews, Gen., on Battle of Gettysburg, 128. Andrews, Col. of ions of Battle of 349. Confederate Flag, how it was devised, 235. Cook, Capt. John D. S., 195. Corse, Gen., Old Grand Dad, 320. Cowan, Col. Andrew, 194. , 16. Dahlgren, War-time story of, 198; Defeat of Raid of, 351. Daniel, Hon. John W., 172. Davis, Jefferson. Statement as to causes of his long imprisonmenallant exploit of Capt. Campbell. 320. Lehman, Franklin W., 273. Logan. Mrs. John A., 366. Lomax, Gen. L. L., 177. Longstreet, Gen. Old Pete, 78, 126. escape, 75; course of, inconsistent, 362. McAlwee, G. W. 354. McAnerny, Capt. John, 200. McBirney, Major, 19. McCabe, Capt. W. Gordon, 61. McLaws, Gen.urch, 338. Minor, Lieut. R. D., 50. Morrison. Col. E. M., 319. Mosby Col. John S., 21, 34, 210; Unjust strictures by, 230, 269. Munford's Marylauders nev
ness of, at Fort Fisher, 346. Breckenridge, General John C., reinforces Lee on the North Anna, II., tle of, 116; battle of, 116, 117. Corse, General John M., at battle of Allatoona, III., 58. Co; held by the national forces, 470. Dix, General John A., anxiety of, in regard to election in Neetreat from Nashville, 260, 261. Foster, General John G., assumes command of department of Ohio, war, 625; assassination of; 627. Logan, General John A., at Belmont, i., 15; at battle of Raymon taken by Sherman, II., 538. Martindale, General John H., at Cold Harbor, II., 293; before Petersresigns his commission, 173. McClernand, General John A., at Belmont, i., 15; at Fort Henry, 28; i., 4, 14, 94; crossing of, 98. Rawlins, General John A., relations with Grant, II., 191; opposesIII., 263; evacuation of 306. Schofield, General John M., n command of department of Ohio, i., 55t battle of Chattanooga, i., 492. Smith, General John E., at battle of Chattanooga, i., 506. S[2 more...]
Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899, Index (search)
Accademia, an, in Rome, 130. Adams, John Quincy, on Governor Andrew's staff, 266. Adams, Mrs. John (Abigail Smith), anecdote of, 36. Agassiz, Alexander, 184; lectures to the Town and Countryand charm, 35; describes the dress of her younger days, 35, 36. Cutler, Eliza. See Francis, Mrs. John W. Cutler, Louisa Corde. See McAllister, Mrs. Julian. Daggett, Mrs., Kate Newell, third e Howes to dine, 110 Fowler, Dr. and Mrs., their courtesy to the Howes, 139-141. Francis, Dr. John W., accompanies Mrs. Ward to Niagara, 8; becomes a member of the Ward household, 12; his appearance, 36; his humor, 37; his habits, 38; his introduction of Edgar Allan Poe, 39. Francis, Mrs. John W. (Eliza Cutler), takes charge of the Ward family at her sister's death, 11, 12; dances in stoate of, 358; longevity of the negroes in, 364; characteristics of the people, 366. Sargent, Rev. John T., meetings of the Boston Radical Club at his house, 281. Satan, idea of, 62. Schiller,
olmaster, 172065 Bartlett's Address, 181360 Bateman,—62 Bates, Gov. John L., Address by77, 78, 86, 87, 92, 93 Bay State Colony, The14 Be0 Burgoyne, Gen.86 Burnham, Nathan, Schoolmaster, 172765 Burr, Major John62 Burr, John Samuel, Jr.62 Burr, Rebecca62 Burr, Samuel, Schoolmaster, 170;62, 63 Burr, Sarah62 Byron, Lord31 Callendar, Captain John96 Cambridge, Mass.15, 82, 86, 88, 89, 91, 92, 96, 98 Camp Parole20 Elliot, Charles D.74 Ellis, Rev. George E., D. D.97 Emerson, Rev. John, Schoolmaster, 169139, 40 Emerson Genealogy, The40 Emerson, Nattopher, Jr.37, 39, 40 Gore, Christopher53 Gould, Thomas21 Gow, Rev. John R.102 Granary Burial Ground20 Grant, General7 Greaves, Thomas6 Jr.52 Hall, Willis52 Hammond, Lawrence, Recorder34 Hancock, Governor John52 Hancock,—, Schoolmaster, 172465 Harper's Magazine3 Harpswe9 Milford, Conn.13 Miller, James79 Mills, Samuel43, 44 Miles, Rev. John37 Miles ( Myles), Samuel, Schoolmaster, 168437, 38 Minute Men,