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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.11 (search)
and heavy siege-guns were erected for the defence of Richmond. It was one of the strongest positions on the river to guard against naval approaches, and it was afterwards constructed into a fort (Howlett House battery), with heavy guns to keep the enemy's iron-clads at bay. I cannot recall all of the officers of the Fifteenth Regiment that took part in this adventure, but I do remember Major Hammett Clarke, Captains Allen M. Lyon, M. W. Hazlewood, J. M. Gunn, G. H. Charters, J. C. Govers, John Vannerson; Lieutenants A. L. Phillips, J. K. Fussell, A. L. Lumsden, E. M. Dunnavant, W. L. Smith, Peter Bowles, B. B. Bumpass, P. H. Hall, John Dansie,— Parsley, and others, all of whom were from Richmond and its vicinity. Secured the Key. The next day the Confederate troops extended the line to the Appomattox river, but not without sharp fighting and some severe losses of men and officers. The lodgment at Howlett's, however, as heretofore described, had secured the key to the situat
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
x, William, 343. Bowles, C. S. Navy, Surgeon R. C., 294. Bragg, Petition for the removal of Gen.; favored by President Davis, 143, 266, 325. Breckinridge, Gen. John C, 146; Escape of, 313. Bradford, C. S. Navy, Capt. W. L., 291. Brandon, Capt., Lane, Impetuosity of, 30. Brandy Station, Battle of, 368. Brooke Battm, 160; at Shiloh, 215; the 14th Regiment Infantry, 165. Lowry, Gen. M. P., 147. McGuire, Dr. W. P., 367. Magnaminity of the true soldier, 337. Magruder, Gen. John B., 118. McKinnon, James, 110. McLean, Hon., 357. Malvern Hill, Battle of 128. McMasters, John, 343. McNulty, Dr. F. J., 165. Manassas, 377. Marshal Weitzel, Gen., Godfrey, 276. White Oak Road, Action on, 75. White Oak Swamp, 378. Whiting, Gen. 266. Wilderness, Battle of the, 373, 382. Wilkinson, Capt. John N., 264. Williams, Col. Lewis B , 107. Williamsburg, Battle of, 122. Williford, Lieut., killed, 281. Wilmington, N. C., Ladies' Memorial Association
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D. (search)
vy, 284. Caison, Albert Stacey, 158. Calhoon, Hon. S. S., 94. Campbell, Colonel John A., wounded, 131. Carter, Captain R. R., C. S. Navy, 283. Cary, Colonel Colonel John B., 363, 380. Cavalry, 9th Virginia, Roll of Company B, 292. Cavalry, 9th Virginia, Roll of Company C, 330. Chaffin's Bluff, Encampment at, 196. Chantown, battle of, 130. Kirkland's N. C. Brigade in 1864-1864, 165 Lamb, Colonel John C., killed, 191. Landry, Captain R., Prosper, 202. Last Battle of the onel A. D., killed, 193. Moorehead City, N. C , assault of, 64. Mosby, Colonel John S., 238, 348. Munford, General Thomas T, 265. Murdaugh, Lieut. W. H., address, 361, Otey, Hon. Peter J., 337. Parham, Benj. M., 82. Parker, Captain John C., 88 Parker, Dr. W. W., Major of Artillery, 388. Patterson, Captain,., 58. Ruggles, Daniel Dunbar, 380 Secession, Causes of, 17. Schofield, General John M., 328. Scott, James A , 180 Scott, Colonel, John, 259. Scouts of Ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Crutchfield's artillery Brigade. (search)
Staff—Wounded—Major William S. Basinger, Lieutenant E. P. Starr, Adjutant. Company A, Lieutenant W. H. King, Commanding: Killed—Lieutenant Wm. H. King; Sergeants R. Millen, W. H. Bennett; Privates Henry Crook, E. L. Gordon, J. W. Myddleton, John Vicars. Wounded—Lieutenant Fred A. Tupper; Sergeant Harry H. Woodbridge; Corporal H. Barrs; Privates James Belote, J. S. Gans, J. Hitchcock, B. Newbern, J. T. Smith, S. Syntis B. Green. Company B, Lieutenant Geo. D. Smith, Commanding: Kilmanding: Killed—Captain G. C. Rice; Lieutenant George M. Turner; Sergeant George E. James; Privates B. Abney, Alfred O. Bowne, Jacob Gould, John H. McIntosh, Ed. A. Papy, B. J. Rouse; Corporal W. H. Rice. Wounded—Lieutenants Eugene T. Blois, John R. Dillon; Sergeants F. Ripon Sweat, Bayard J. McIntosh, Chas. R. Maxwell, M. McLean, C. J. Sweat, Albert Folker. Died Since of their Wounds—Company A: Lieutenant Fred A. Tupper; Private B. Green. Company B: Lieutenants George D. Smith,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
de by, 352. Confederate Cause, The, 21, 357. Confederate Dead, The, Poem by A. C. Gordon, 382. Confederate Forces, Total of, 308. Confederate Navy, The Shenandoah, 116; Alabama, Florida, 126. Council, Col J. C., 12. Cowardin, Lieut. John L., 139. Crater, Charge at the, 285. Crutchfield's Artillery Brigade; Operations of April, 1865, 38, 139, 285. Cumberland Grays, 21st Va. Infantry, Roster and Record of, 264. Custer, Gen., Geo. A., 239. Danville, Explosion at, Aprf the, 60. Georgia Battalion, Casualties in, April, 1865, Gibbs, Maj. W. H., 38. Gill, Sergeant-Maj W F., killed, 161. Gloucester County (Va.) Confederate dead of, I, 20. Goode, Col., J. Thomas, 3, 16. Gordon, A. C., 382. Gordon, Gen. John B., 105. Green, Lieut. J. M., 281. Gregg, Gen., Maxey, 107 Gregory Maj. W. F. C., 5. Grimball, Lieut., John, C. S. N., 116. Grimes, Gen., Bryan, 167. Groveton, Battle of, 99. Hagood, Gen. J., Brigade of, 13, 223. Hamilton, Col.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Elliott, General Stephen, Jr., 233. Ellis, Governor John W., 138 Emilio's History of the 54th Mass., 7308. Fort Fisher, Defence of, 159. Foster, General John C., 19. Franklin. Battle of, 240. Frayser, E. A., 309. Horton, Lucy Frances, 33. Howard, Gen. John H., gallantry of, 77. Howitzers, The Richmond, ury, 257. Lafayette Artillery, The, 236. Lamb. Hon. John, 300, 359. Lamb, Col. Wm , at Fort Fisher, 159. ; Diary of,; Positions held by, 6, 16. Pelham, Major John; Tributes to, 212, 292; Portrait of Presented Leen Church, Richmond, The Second, 259. Preston, General John S., 244. Proskauer, Major, 21. Pryor, Colone of, 12. Shatter, General W. R., 227. Shields, Col. John C , 241. Shiloh, Battle of, 225. Simons, Genof, 3. Williams, Benjamin J , 333. Williams, Rev. John G., 37. Winder, General John H., 242. Wirz, General John H., 242. Wirz, Captain, Henry, 337. Women of the South, Tributes to, 186, 213, 304, 331 Wright, honored, Private, 10.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 29. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
Josiah, 349. Grant, General U. S. 272; his change of base, 285; losses in. 287. Greble, Lieutenant John T., 202. Greer, Mrs., Hal. W., 314. Gunboats, Federal, 142, 208, 16. Guy, Colonel JoColonel John H, Roll of battery of, 311. Harper's Ferry, Capture of 134. Harper, General, Kenton, 163. Hatcher's Run, April 5, 1865, 291. Henderson, Hon Don E., 297; Colonel R. J 220. Hill, D. H., neral G B., 102, 287. McDonald, Major E. H 163. McGuire, Dr Hunter, 99, 336. Magruder, General John B., 198. Manassas, Second Battle of, 305. Marietta, Ga., Burning of, 198. Marshall, t. 289. Pegram, Captain, C S. Navy, 208 Peters, Lieutenant, Winfield, 138, 243. Pickett, Colonel John T, 342. Pleasants, James, Gallantry of, 223. Pope, General John, Cruelty of, 103. PrGeneral John, Cruelty of, 103. Prather, F. W. S., killed, 143 Price, General, Sterling, 213. Prisoners, Treatment of, 125, 229, 234. Pulaski, Fort, Escape of Lieutenant W. W. George from, 229; officers at, 234. Rayner, Hon
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.43 (search)
pany a —Petersburg city guard. Bain, Sergeant John W. Eckles, Private Benjamin F.; wounded. Hawthorne, Private John W. Harrison, Private William Henry. Ivey, Private George W. Ma George W. Green, Private J. W. Pugh, Private John J.; killed. Rawles, Private W. R.; killeer, Private Charles; killed. Laughton, Lieutenant John E., Jr.; seriously wounded. Smith, Primore, Private James H. (courier). Crow, Sergeant John E. Davis, Private Richard B.; wounded. d. Scott, Private William H. Turner, Sergeant John R. Tayleure, Orderly Sergeant W. W. ys. Barnes, Private Hezekiah. Barnes, Private John R. Cardwell, Private George W.; wounded. Company H —Norfolk Juniors. Baldry, Sergeant John R.; killed. Beale, Lieutenant Charles L Company I —Meherrin Grays. Avery, Private John W. Brewer, Private Jesse. Butler, Private A. W. Jean, Private J. L. Jones, Private John J. Johnson, Private Samuel. Lee, Priv[3 more...
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 31. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
, U. S. Navy Admiral, 333. Breckinridge, General John C., 306. Bright. Captain R. A., 228, 356. Brooke, Colonel John M.,327. Brunswick Guards, Company H, 53d Va., roll of, 120. Buck, Ca Robert 135. Gordon, A. C., poem of, 183; Gen. John B., 19, 349. Govan, General D. C., 156. 97. McCabe, W. Gordon 372. McClanahan, Captain John H., 12. McCausland, General, John, 266. ley, 66. McKelway, St. Clair, 97. Mallett, Prof. John W., 100. Manassas, Second Battle of, 278. Mangam, Lt. John H., 217. Manning, Colonel, Wade Hampton, 73. McNeill, Rangers of Captain JoCaptain John H., 12; Jesse. 12. Maryland's claims in the war, 209. Maury M. F., 326; Col. R. L., 326. H., 163. Palfrey, Gen F. W., 36. Parke, Gen. John G., 31. Parker, Captain W. H., 331. Pearto General Canby, 48. Thomas, D. A., 74; Colonel John D., 74. Torpedoes first used in C. S. Nar, Battle of forces engaged in, 61. Wise Captain John S., 176. Wood, Captain, J. Taylor, 27. [4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.10 (search)
in, P. C. Cabell, Sergeant T. R. Martin, Corporal R. N. Dunn, W. H. Duerson, Privates W. B. Mosby,* J. H. Daniel, W. N. Anderson,* Sol. Banks,* R. E. Dignun,* F. Faison,* E. Fizer,* W. R. Kilby,* Thomas Maring, J. J. Sinnott, S. Smith, W. C. Hite;* prisoners, Privates Mat. Lloyd and Robert Lloyd. Company I—Sergeant W. F. Terry, Corporal C. L. Parker,* Corporal J. T. Ayres,*Corporal T. E. Traylor, Privates R. O. Meredith,* G. W. Shumaker,* S. S. Neal,* C. A. Wilkes* and C. H. Chappell,* Sergeants John T. Crew, E. C. Goodson, and W. T. White, and Privates S. Clarke and W. C. Taliaferro. Killed and died of wounds, twenty-three; wounded and prisoners, eighty-seven; prisoners and wounded left with enemy, marked *forty seven. From all information obtainable it may be stated that the First Virginia Regiment lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, not less than 125 men out of about 160 that went into the charge. General remarks. Pickett's men could have gone into battle on the pr