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n the Potomac, by General McClellan and staff, accompanied by the President and cabinet, the diplomatic corps, &c., all of whom were mounted. The General was escorted by his body guard (Major Barker's dragoons) and two regiments of regular cavalry — in all nearly two thousand mounted men. The salute was fired from fifteen batteries of artillery — about a hundred guns — and the whole was witnessed by between twenty and thirty thousand spectators. Colonel Burchard and twenty-four men of Jennings' brigade attacked Captain Hays, with one hundred and fifty rebels, at the latter's place of residence (near Kansas City) to-day, and succeeded in driving them away, burning Hays' house, and the house of a man named Gregg. Both Hays and Gregg were captains in the rebel army. Colonel Burchard and Lieut. Bostwick were slightly wounded, and their two horses were killed. The rebels had five men killed and eight wounded. News from the eastern shore of Virginia — Accomac and Northampton C
pedition to this point. The command-consisting of the Seventy-ninth and a detachment of the Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Sypher's section of artillery, from Standart's battery; Major Owsley's battalion of Kentucky, and Captain Jennings' battalion, of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, forming the advance brigade, commanded by Col. H. A. Hambright, acting as brigadier-general, and the First Wisconsin, the Thirty-fifth Indiana, a detachment from the Thirty-eighth Indiana, a bons of cavalry, under command of Colonel (Acting Brigadier-General) Adams, numbering between 2,000 and 3,000. I deem it a duty to refer in complimentary terms to the marked efficiency of Colonels Starkweather and Hambright, Major Owsley, Captain Jennings, and Lieutenant Sypher. The endurance and gentlemanly bearing of their respective commands deserve especial notice, a large portion of their troops having marched 75 miles in less than three days time. While we failed to chastise the en
n in this war and the next, and the one after that indefinitely. He rallied his boys, made a speech to them, and upon their return to the field nearly monopolized the fighting. Twenty-five men of the First Kentucky were killed and wounded. Among the number are Captain G. W. Drye, wounded; Lieutenant Phil. Roberts, wounded; Captain Kelly, killed; Lieutenant Cann, missing; Lieutenant Peyton, missing. Of the Forty-fifth Ohio, ninety-one were killed, wounded, and missing, among whom are Captain Jennings, wounded; Captain Ayler, wounded; Lieutenant Macbeth, wounded; Lieutenant Wiltshire, wounded; Lieutenant Mears, wounded. The conduct of the rebels was barbarous in the extreme. All prisoners, dead, and wounded were stripped. Four dead bodies of the Forty-fifth were found quite naked. One wounded officer, while unconscious, was aroused by efforts to cut off his finger, to obtain a gold ring. He was stripped to his shirt and drawers. Such is the venomous malignity of these despera
mmediate direction, covering the right flank. Camped near Stewart's Creek this night. Sunday, Dec. 28.--I sent one battalion Seventh Pennsylvania, under Capt. Jennings, to relieve the battalion Fourth Michigan on Jefferson pike. Monday, Dec. 29.--The army again advanced — the Seventh Pennsylvania, under Major Wyncoop, on ut of which they had driven a large force of the enemy's cavalry. They were supported by a portion of the First Middle Tennessee cavalry, also dismounted, Capt. Jennings's battalion of the Seventh Pennsylvania, and two companies of Third Kentucky, under Capt. Davis, were posted in the woods near and to the right of the Fourth nst the line in front of our left — he routed the enemy and captured one stand of colors, which was brought in by a sergeant of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania. Capt. Jennings, of the Seventh Pennsylvania, with his battalion, supported this movement. At the same time I charged the first line in our front with the Fourth Michigan an
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Artillery on the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
four hundred yards in advance of the skirmishers, fired twenty rounds, and with a section of another battery, succeeded in driving back an advancing line of the enemy. The fire of the artillery was opened about 1 o'clock P. M. For over two hours the cannonading on both sides was almost continuous and incessant; far, very far, exceeding any cannonading I have ever before witnessed. The last named batteries were opposite the cemetery position of the enemy. During this cannonading, Lieutenant Jennings, a brave and gallant officer, fell wounded, and later in the day, Captain Carlton, who has in action so gallantly commanded his battery, fell also wounded. The command of the battery fell upon, and was at once assumed, by First Lieutenant C. W. Motes. The artillery ceased firing, and a part of Pickett's division passed over the ground occupied by these batteries in their celebrated charge. Captain Manly occupied, slightly shifting the position of his guns, the same position occup
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
rsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5. Mustered out May 20, 1865. Regiment lost during service 1 Officer and 30 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 34 Enlisted men by disease. Total 65. 127th Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry. Organized at Harrisburg August 16, 1862. Moved to Washington, D. C., August 17. (Co. A detached at Harrisburg, Pa., on provost duty entire term.) Duty in the Defenses of Washington till December. Attached to Jennings' Brigade, Abercrombie's Division, Defenses of Washington, to December, 1862. March to Falmouth, Va., December 1-9. Attached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Army Corps, Army of the Potomac. Battle of Fredericksburg December 12-15. Duty at Falmouth till April. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Operations at Franklin's Crossing April 29-May 2. Maryes Heights, Fredericksburg, May 3. Salem Heights May 3-4. Banks' Ford May 4. Mustered out May 29, 1863. R
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
.; hostler; Hudson, N. Y. 14 Feb 63; 30 Je 64 Black Id. S. C.; dis. $50. Jefferson, Benjamin F. 21, sin.; hostler; So. Bend. O. 12 May 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Jennings, William 44. —— —— —— 10 Mch 63; 28 May 63 Readville; dis. —— Jennings, William H. H. 22, sin.; farmer; Amherst. 10 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Johnson, AlexaJennings, William H. H. 22, sin.; farmer; Amherst. 10 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Johnson, Alexander H. Mus. 16, sin.; seaman; New Bedford. 2 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Worcester. Johnson, Frederick Sergt. 25, sin.; hair-dresser; Boston. 11Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Johnson, Henry 22, mar.; farmer; Montrose, Pa. 14 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Wilkes Barre, Pa. Johnson, Isaac. 22, sin.; farmer; So. Reading. 14 Jly 63; 20 Y. Jeffries, Walter A. Sergt. 38, mar.; laborer; Cincinnati, O. 29 Apl 63; 20 Aug. 65. Captd 16 Jly 63 James Id. S. C.; ex. 4 Mch 65 Goldsboro, N. C. $50. Jennings, Francis N. 20, mar.; farmer; Hadley. 23 Nov. 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Johnson, Charles F. 20, sin.; farmer; Chicago. 21 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Joh
flank with artillery and dismounted cavalry, and with so much force that the Seventh Pennsylvania were cut in two, causing some confusion for the moment, but Major Jennings quickly reformed his regiment and, supported by Major May, commanding Fourth Michigan, made a vigorous and irresistible attack upon the enemy, who was driven tion. Minty's brigade was instantly withdrawn and hastily formed on the right (or south) of the road in line of regimental column. The Seventh Pennsylvania, Major Jennings, on the right, Fourth Michigan, Major West, on the centre, and the Fourth United States, Captain McIntyre, on the left. Long's brigade was formed in the rear when the brigade came out more than half the sabres were stained with human blood. Among the cases of daring vouched for are the following: An orderly of Major Jennings, Samuel Walters, Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania, rode upon a rebel cavalryman, who threw up his hand to guard the blow. The sabre came down, severing the ha
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 20: White Indians. (search)
ur of plurality is past. Some leaders have renounced the practice, others have denounced the dogma, of polygamy. Elder Jennings is living with a single wife; Stenhouse, Elder no longer, is living with a single wife. Why should not plural famili with a single wife. One lady is dead, but he has not taken a sister into her place. We supped last night with Elder Jennings at his new villa, where we saw his wife and daughters. Being a wealthy man, Jennings has been urged to seal a third andJennings has been urged to seal a third and fourth sister to himself, according to the will of heaven; but he has held aloof from counsel in this matter, and in face of bishops and pontiffs, anxious for his good, he steadily refuses to add wife on wife. A man of business, dealing with men of every class and creed, Jennings has been carried into something like silent opposition to his Church. He will not bring, he says, another woman to his house. His living partner seems to me the happiest Mormon woman in the town. Well, in the ci
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 21: polygamy. (search)
costly; yet a man who loves his wives can hardly refuse to dress them as they see other ladies dress. To clothe one woman is as much as most men in America can afford. In the good old times, an extra wife cost a man little or nothing. She wore a calico sunshade, which she made herself. Now she must have a bonnet. A bonnet costs twenty dollars, and implies a shawl and gown to match. A bonnet to one wife, with shawl and gown to match, implies the like to every other wife. This taste for female finery is breaking up the Mormon harems. Even Jennings shrinks from the expense of dressing several fine ladies, and Brigham Young may soon be the only man in Salt Lake City rich enough to clothe a dozen wives. No gathering of the Saints to Zion, no assertion of divine authority, can impede the action of this enemy of Brigham Young. Women who dress like squaws may obey like squaws. The sight of a pink bonnet wins them back into the world, and arms them with the weapon of their sex.