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James Redpath, The Public Life of Captain John Brown, Chapter 1: the preliminary examination. (search)
east, and one in his arm. He was also cut on the forehead with a rifle bullet, which glanced off, leaving a bad wound. Brown seemed weak and haggard, with eyes swollen from the effects of wounds on the head. Stevens seemed less injured than Brown, but looked haggard and depressed. Never before, in our Christian country, or in any other civilized land, were men, thus suffering and disabled, dragged from their beds of sickness to a Court of Justice, to be tried for a capital offence. Judge Jeffreys, of England, never fully equalled this atrocity; it needed, for its. perpetration, men brutalized by the influence of American slavery. Charles B. Harding, attorney for the County of Jefferson, and Andrew Hunter, counsel for the State, appeared for the prosecution. The Sheriff read the commitment of the prisoners, and the Prosecuting Attorney asked the Court that counsel might be assigned them. The Presiding Magistrate then inquired if the prisoners had counsel. John Brown replie
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 2: (search)
discover that he is never, like other impetuous speakers, driven to amplification and repetition in order to gain time to collect and arrange his ideas; you are surprised to find that, while his conversation is poured forth in such a fervor and tumult of eloquence that you can scarcely follow or comprehend it, it is still as compact and logical as if he were contending for a victory in the schools or for a decision from the bench. After all this, however, you do not begin to understand Mr. Jeffreys character; for it is not until you become interested in the mere discussion, until you forget his earnestness, his volubility, and his skill, that you begin to feel something of the full extent of his powers. You do not, till then, see with how strong and steady a hand he seizes the subject, and with what ease, as well as dexterity, he turns and examines it on every side. You are not, until then, convinced that he but plays with what is the labor of ordinary minds, and that half his fa
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
trenches: One of our men having an empty gun, which he was in the act of reloading as he arrived at the trench, in an emergency found he had no time either to finish reloading or to club his gun, but felled his opponent by a vigorous swipe across the head with his handy ramrod. One of our officers ordered a Yankee just across the trench to surrender; whereupon our officer, not being a swordsman, leaped the breastworks, grabbed his man by the collar and proceeded to pummel him a la Jeffreys, until he gave in. My cousin himself wore a sword, which, being rather loose in the scabbard, had frequently given him trouble by falling out when the end was tipped by any accident. To prevent this worry he had tied the handle to one of the thills of the scabbard, thinking that he could easily remove the cord for the next dress parade. On this occasion, however, when he rushed up to the trench, a big Yankee crouched in the grass raised his gun right at his breast. Two or three vigor
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
d of remonstrance against the summary proceedings of the Court, Justice Stephens demanded his name, and, on being told, exclaimed, in the very tone and temper of Jeffreys: I've heard of you. I'm glad I have you here. You deserve a stone doublet. There's many an honester man than you hanged. It may be so, said Roberts, but what fuge in the hamlet of Totteridge, where he wrote and published that Paraphrase on the New Testament which was made the ground of his prosecution and trial before Jeffreys. On the 14th of the sixth month, 1681, he was called to endure the greatest affliction of his life. His wife died on that day, after a brief illness. She whevival of the sense of former things, have prevailed upon me to be passionate in the sight of all. The circumstances of his trial before the judicial monster, Jeffreys, are too well known to justify their detail in this sketch. He was sentenced to pay a fine of five hundred marks. Seventy years of age, and reduced to poverty b
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Historical papers (search)
awning ecclesiastics burned the incense of irreverent flattery under the nostrils of the Lord's anointed, while the blessed air of England was tainted by the carcasses of the ill-fated followers of Monmouth, rotting on a thousand gibbets. While Jeffreys was threatening Baxter and his Presbyterian friends with the pillory and whipping-post; while Quakers and Baptists were only spared from extermination as game preserves for the sport of clerical hunters; while the prisons were thronged with the his lifelong aspirations and prayers. He was charitable to a fault: his faith in his fellow-men was often stronger than a clearer insight of their characters would have justified. He saw the errors of the king, and deplored them; he denounced Jeffreys as a butcher who had been let loose by the priests; and pitied the king, who was, he thought, swayed by evil counsels. He remonstrated against the interference of the king with Magdalen College; and reproved and rebuked the hopes and aims of th
Henrico Mounted Rangers. --In accordance with advertisement, the citizens in the lower end of Henrico county met on the 31st of January, at the residence of R. Mills, to organize a company of Mounted Rangers. On motion, Col. J. P. Harrison was called to the chair, and Z. S. McGruder elected Secretary. Fifty-seven members came forward and enrolled their names, after which the following officers were unanimously elected: Captain, R. Mills. 1st Lientenant. Jas. H. Aiken; 2d. J. C. Schermerhon; 3d. B. O. Aiken. Surgeon, Wm. Farrar. Quartermaster, Albert Aiken. 1st. Sergeant, J. L. Johnson; 2d. J. P. Schermerhon; 3d. Capt. Jeffreys; 4th. W. Baker; 5th. Geo. H. Cox. Corporals--1st. R. C. Braxton; 2d. Wm. Throgmorton; 3d. Wm. F. Dupriest; 4th. Wash. Bottoms; 5th. Henry Myers. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet at Mr. Albert Aiken's, on Thursday, the 7th of February, at 12 o'clock.
privates Atkinson, in leg; Allman, severely; Broyden, mortally; D. F Berr, severely; H H Jackson, mortally; J A Miller, in thigh; N B Steedman, slightly. Company G. Capt. J N Withers.--Lieut J W Carroll, Lieut Jas Black, Sergt G H O Farrall, privates J A Adams, D M Allison, D H Carroll, W F Dye, W K Hackot, Robt McCaw, H R Neal, Jas Wood, R R Robinson. O P Barron, W A Fewet, W W East, G T Hall, John Kersey, severely; Sergt J M Adams, Corp G L McElwee, privates J J Coward, D M Hope, F Jeffreys, C C Roberts, W E Rose, T C Williams, J S K Sims, slightly. Missing: H Surratt. Company H, Captain Martin.--Wounded: Lieut J J Brown, slightly; Serg't T C Brown slightly; Corp'l B T Martin, slightly; privates D Cash, A J Gee, Jas T Paris, slightly; Missing: T W Martin, A M Cash. Company I, Captain Garvin--Killed: Privates J T Lawson, J G Masingaw. Wounded a Serg't W E M Richardson, slightly; Corp'ls W J King, D H Templeton, S M Neal, severely; privates Berry Blackwell, J B Cantr
Jeffreys and Butler. We are indebted to Massachusetts for some of the most agreeable surprises of the war. We had expected nothing from that State but a steady outpouring of fanaticism and fiend repulsiveness of countenance, the twain might have been brothers. The only thing honest about Jeffreys, and the same of Butler, was the face, on which God had written the villain in such manifest lead. Butler was once as extreme in his profession of love as he now is of hatred of the South, Jeffreys, as long as he looked for professional advancement to the Protestant corporation of London, was the two men. The historian informs us that there was a fiendish exultation in the way in which Jeffreys pronounced sentence on offenders; their weeping and imploring seemed to titillate him voluptuouon in New Orleans. It is rare that in this world monsters of this class receive their reward. Jeffreys, though he died in great agency in the Tower, died a natural death, and so may Butler. But he