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ier General in the Southern army. We are pleased also to return all due thanks to the three companies of the 12th Georgia, and the one company from the 25th Virginia Regiment, which asaisted us in driving the enemy from the hill on our right flank. It is said by the Yankees prisoners that between fifteen hundred and two thousand of their picked troops attacked us on the right flank, and between two and three thousand on the left flank. List of the killed and wounded in Lt. Col. Hansbrough's battalion. Company A--M. Y. B. Colling, killed; P. A. Masgrove B. M. Dawson. J. W. Halterman, and Herbert Murphy wounded. Company B--Capt. Wm. H. M l hon and Augustine Herner, killed, Lt., L. D. Haymond, Serg't Wm. M Rader, J. W. Braeg, J. N. Brown, And, Ware, and M. W. Howel, wounded. Company C--J. C. Green and Therman Tinny, killed; J. B. Young, Jas. A. Johnson, wounded; wounded; Amt Paugh, Leri Were, Leonerd Cutlip, Jas, Hall, and J. J. Blankenship, taken prisoners. Pat,
414.10 Hunt, Gilbert849College and I2211.98 Hill, AlexanderMayo and Ross661650 Harvie, J. B. estDock and 17th604500 Hughes, A. est. and A. A. Hughes570Gand 5th337621 Henry, Mary A55Leigh2678 Hughes, A. A36Judah3296 Kent, JohannaValley20½282 Kent, JohannaValley20½282 Keeling, Henry7th802300 Kirby, Robert FL45825 Ladd, O. est37E32½1160 Ladd, Thomas M14th48480 Lyon, W. T., trustee for Sarah. J. WalkdenDHoward30120 Leake, Samuel est344th32320 Murphy, John214Poplar2288 McCarthy. Jas105H25500 Mayo, Abigail est21 to 25Ross & Chepulteper1304225 Mayo, Abigail est17 to 20Mayo88¾2993 Mayo, Abigail est76H24840 Mayo, Abigail estFr. Garden Hillabout 2 acres375 Mayo, Abigail est78.79H551925 Mayo, Abigail est1, 2, 3Ross812633 Mayo, Abigail est11Chepulteper27½894 Neilson, Hall41B301050 Neilson, Hall About half acre Eastof 9th and SoCanal to river1500 Neilson, Hall 1 rod and 3 poles Eastof Tanyard1500 Numand, Matthew84Church30180 O'Connell, Patrick estLValley & Richard21
zing a People's Union Democratic Party, to sustain the Yankee Administration in the present exgencies of the Federal Government, held a meeting at Clinton Hall, New York, on the evening of the 16th inst., for the purpose of consulting upon and forming a plan to accomplish that object. The call for the meeting was signed by the following persons: E. J. Brown, Waldo Hutchins, J. De Peyster Ogden, John J. Friedman, T, B. Lawson, John S. Cook, Daniel Witter, Albert G. Hyde, John L. Cilley, Jas, L. Smith, Joseph B. Varnum, Geo, Peckham, Edward Simpson, Clinton Rosevelt, John Merchant, William E. Frost, Thomas Munson, and Robert S. Lyon. The platform of this new people's party, as agreed upon at a previous meeting of the above committee, is as follows: Whereas, the primary object of this organization is to defend and sustain the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States; the vindication of the honor of the country by whatever antagouism assailed, at ho
Habeas corpus cases. --The hearing of Jas,M,eeds and Samuel Tetum, on a habeas corpus which was to have taken place before Judge Meredith yesterday evening, was laid over turn today.
W Greenleaf. Corporal Edward Drake. Corporal N Copass. Privates Carroll Guire, John Osran, John Hicks, C W Byard, J N Boswell, James Phillips, John Gerald, N Waldrup, William Renfrew, Daniel Hartsell, W R Bosswell, Patrick McEvoy, L Berhitz, Thos Buckingham, Patrick Stout, C C Brooks, C C Whitford, John Elliott, O P Sallsgiver, Alexander Joyce, Thomas Moren, Mike Dorsey, L a Garin, a G Gibson, L B Jones, Jno Hardin, Wm Daniels, Wm Carter, Thomas Phillips, James Campbell, D W Statin, Jas M Hugh, W H Rutherford, L B Thomason, E F Lyle, John Wyatt, E M Balley, W V Ray, S R miles, B Sharp, H Carter, W J Mille, C C Jones, S G Carey, Jas Moseling, G W Cottell, Fred Walter, O T Wilkinson, John C Hickey, John long, R Gainer, T M Merritt, J T Marshall, T J Dougherty, G H Carrin, Jas Green, Alfred Renfrew. the following is a list of the Confederate killed and wounded, taken from the same source: Killed--Privates Douglas, McCabe, Lee, Callahan, Boswell, and Pinkston. Wounde
The Daily Dispatch: February 21, 1862., [Electronic resource], The destruction of C to prevent their occupation by the enemy. (search)
House of Representatives. Thursday, Feb. 20, 1862. House met at 12 o'clock--prayer by Rev. Jas. Duncan. After the reading of the Journal of yesterday, Messrs. Arrington, of North Carolina, and Holdimer of Virginia, appeared and took the cash. Mr. Boyce, of S. C., presented the annexed resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Rules: Resolved, That in addition to the usual standing committees, a committee be appointed to be entitled a Committee on Public Defence to whom shall be referred the following subjects: The procuring of arms, ammunition, and munitions of war, the increase of the army, and the conduct of the war. Mr. Curris of Tenn., presented a memorial of citizens of Tipton county, Tenn., with reference to the suspension of the Sunday mail. Laid upon the table without reading. Mr. Foote, of Tenn., submitted the following resolution, and moved its adoption: Resolved, That whatever propriety there may have been in the original ado
Police affairs. --Considering the excitement attending the Presidential inauguration, the city has enjoyed a comparative exemption for the last two days from those ills that afflict a community with such an admixture of floating population as ours. On Saturday Jacob Dilman was locked up on the charge of stealing a Colt's pistol from Jas. M Johns. Thomas Kinney was put in as an accomplice in the robbery. On yesterday, William, slave of Eaton Nance, was locked up on the charge of stealing a shawl from G. Donnellan. Some half dozen men arrested for drunkenness were left off by the Mayor.
. John G. Blair, 16 pairs gloves for N. W. Mrs. George Hannah, 11 pairs socks, 1 pair gloves. Arthur McClash, contribution $5. Contributions for soldiers' Lodge. Lewis D. Crenshaw$25 00 Richard Meade25 00 R. B. Haxall25 00 Ginter, Alvey & Arents25 00 Dunlop, Moncure & Co25 00 Kent, Paine & Co25 00 John A. Lancaster & Co25 00 Wm. Ira Smith25 00 Ellet and Drewry25 00 L. Nunnally20 00 Bacon & Baskerville20 00 John C. Robson20 00 Lieut. Quinan20 00 Alfred Moses15 00 John Dunnivant10 00 S. M. Price & Co10 00 Ellet & Weisiger10 00 George J. Sumner10 00 Rev. A. E. Dickinson10 00 S. L. Johnson5 00 W. Peterson5 00 James Woodhouse5 00 Dr. George N. Skipwith5 00 William Bell5 00 Chas. E. Kent5 00 Cash2 00 Ladies Aid Society109 00 Contributions intended for the Soldiers" Ledge, or for the sick and wounded soldiers, can be left with the members of the Army Committee, as follows: W. P. Manford, at office of J. M. & K. Company; J. and Jas. near
and Jos Gore. Company C.--Killed — Corp'l Lewis Clark, and privates Lee Harless, James Harriss, and John Gunoe. Wounded--Privates David Dingus, Wm Richards, Joshua Wall, and McMeely. Company D.--Killed — Serg't Lewis Cook, and private W C Sigga. Wounded-- 1st Sergeant Julian Ballard, and privates Johnston Runelds, Floyd Nelson, Johnson Jordan, Joe Ferrill, William Farley, and Van Holston. Company E.--Killed — None. Wounded — Serg't Eldidge Henderson, and privates Wm Rodgers, Jas R Davis, David Collins, John Crawford, Wm. M Millin, Floyd M Millin, and Wilten Thompson. Company F.--Killed--Private Abe Young Wounded--Privates Charles Crawford, G W. Butcher, Tom Cibbins, Patrick. Duffy, and Musker Bowler. Company G.--Killed-- First Sergeant Wm H Watson and Sergeant Ezra Sayre. Wounded--Second Lieutenant John S McGuire, Sergeant John M Bent, Corporal Lemuel Davie, and privates Nathen J Slavens, Wm P Thomson, James P Duvall, James Ashley, and Hiram Monroe
W. W. Newman, Ch Massie, Wm W Carraway, Jr., J A. Alderson. House of Delegates. Samuel M. Wilson, Nath'l Riddack, Valentina Thrash, P W McKinney, Andrew Hunter, M R Kautman, R U Crockett, W G T Nelson, Jas W. Cuslis, H B Woodhouse, Albert Leidfey, John Orgain, Jr., Colin Buss, Peter Saunders, Jr., S McCaman, John H Hopkins, H C Worsham, Wm A Bradford, George Tyler, Geo T G. Triton. Chas J. Shannon, Wm Eggleston, Richard H Baker, Jr. Jas B Roer, John C Rutherfoord, Willoughby Newton, Charles Grattan, John R Edmunds, Wm M Tate, Jno T Anderson, Thos H Flood, Mason Mathews, Charles Blue, Samuel McB Reid, Matthew Harrison, D H Gordon Jno L Woolfolk, A L Carter, W Biskervill, Jr, R R Nelson Jno O Stener Warnes Anderson, A B Evans, Richard Liby, C W Murdaugh, Robert J Davis, A. W. McDonald, Jr. Thos C Green, A. S. Buford, R. B. Dice, Thos H. Gillespie, Geo. W Sherrard, Wm J