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at course. Persons intending to patronize him will please notify him of such intention immediately. References: Richmond Judge J. M. Gregory, Goddin & Apperson, Stephen Hunter, Samuel & Wilson, W. W. Wooldridge, R. T. Farish.Henrico, Col. S. McRae, Dr. J. N. Garnette, James City, James H. Allen,Norfolk. Dr. J.J. Simpkins, Louisa. John Hunter Accemse, Dr. P. F. Brown, Wm H. B Geo. W. Medge,King William. Ambrose White, Dr. L. Edwards, Albemarle Elder Jas.W. Goff, Elder R. L. Coleman, Caroline, George Fitzhugh, Dr. C. Urguhart. Hon, D. C. Dejarnette, Henry George, Philip Samuel. King and Queen. William Bonlware. Elder Ro. Y. Henley, E. S. Acre, Lawrence Muse Esser. Elder P. Ainsley, Edward M Ware, Muscoe Garnett, Richard Baylor Spotsylvania. Elder F. Frayzer. Thomas Anderson. Fredericksburg. James Gray. J. D. Brown, A. N. Bernard. Fauquter. Enos Hord. Wm H. B. Curtis M. N. Walton. Petersburg.
ll, Ed., and S. H. Gordon7116th441.98 Neilson, Hall151B309.45 Neilson, Hall1 rood & 31 polesEast Tan-Yard....13.50 Price, Mary B., est188Rocketts69 ½1.26 Pickett, Geo. C., estNo. Water75 ½5.44 Parnell, Willis J132d and Jackson5211.88 Reeve, Jas. L175th401.80 Sinton, J. C., Trustee for J. W. Clarke110H and 24th4411.88 Sanphilip, SNicholson202.52 Satter white, W. L. 5-6, and C. Thomas 1-6Valley402.52 Sharpe, JasLester27017.01 Sharpe, Richard H9Nicholson503.15 Smith, Jno. WG4th601.62 411.88 Sanphilip, SNicholson202.52 Satter white, W. L. 5-6, and C. Thomas 1-6Valley402.52 Sharpe, JasLester27017.01 Sharpe, Richard H9Nicholson503.15 Smith, Jno. WG4th601.62 Smith, Jno. WD5th1002.70 Shook, JacobWebster & Madison1232.21 Shook, JacobCabell and Alley2153.87 Shook, JacobMason and Alley610.55 Snyder, W. KSmall lotB. Road....0.90 Townsend, Darrel, est7Lester216.44 Wicker, F., est212Rocketts31 ¾3.67 Watt, Margaret and Jane6020th50.81 Williams, Wm. C., est7949th1488.46
Henry Heth: Lieut. Col. B. E. Ficklin; Major, G. C. Wharton; Adjutant, W. M. Thomas. And Regiment.--Colonel, A. W. Reynolds; Lieut. Col. not yet appointed: Major, F. W. Finney; Adjutant. John L. Cowardin. 3rd Regiment.--Field officers not yet appointed. The following companies are now in the camp near Wytheville. name of COMPANIESCOUNTYname of Floyd GuardsVucewellJoseph HarrisonB. W. Willions Hugh Higalobaham and Wm. M. Thomas Mc Alry Rough & Ready.Wythe.John Rechan Jas. Bheas Chas.Raimyardease and R. S. Grayson Red's GraysonAlexander Davis.L. H. Hryant.S. P. Dicxinian and T. M. Cov. Wythe Minute-Men Wythe.Ko. H. Gleaves. A.C. Burnes.Wm. C. Sanders and Wm. O. Moure. Carroll Rough & Roeds Rides.CarrollWm. Lundy J. R. SumderP. Rearrar and H. H. Geamer Bland Sharp ShuntersBlandA. J. GravsonG. WolfordL Newberry and McAtlan West Augusta SildeTazewellWm. H. hrowanRo. WinstonR. G. Baldwin and James Ferry Jagoweti RangersTazewell Edwin H. Harman R. H. Taylor
$40 reward. --Run away, some time in June last, my Negro men, Sam and Washington. They were seen with some of the Volunteer companies, quick in the direction from Richmond to Yorktown.--Washington is quite black, about five feet six inches high, and about twenty-five years old Sam is a bright mulatto, about the same age and height. I will give $20 for the delivery of either, or $40 for the delivery of both of said Negroes to Jas. M. Taylor &Son, at Richmond, or secured in any jail in the State, so that I ran get them. jy 11--5t Sen. J. Williamson.
tail and mane streaming like black banners in the air. Since his great double team race with Lantern. Ethan has done nothing, and his fame was in a fair way of being forgotten, while Patchen had been taking the cream of the stud business, at high prices. But yesterday's race has redeemed the past, and made him for the time the most celebrated trotting horse in America. It is said that the preliminaries of another match between Flora to harness, and Ethan and his mate as before, have been arranged, and that the race will be trotted on Union Course next Monday. In case it should be announced, we advise all interested in trotting horses to attend, for, undoubtedly, it will be the most remarkable trotting match on record. Recapitulation. Union Course, L. I. July 15--Match for $1.000, mile heats, best three in five, to wagons: Sam McLaughlin names boss, Ethan Allen and running mate Socks111 Jas.McMann names b Flora Pemple.2 2 2 Time--2;22½, 2:22, 2:22½
Runaway. --Left my farm on the 21 instant, a Negro man, named T Chus. He is stout built, about six feet high, very bright mulatto, with curly hair and took with him several suits of clothes He belongs to Mr. Theophilus Tatem, about miles below the city, and may be lurking about the neighborhood, or near Edna Mille, in Charles City county, where he was formerly hired. I will pay Ten Dollars for his delivery at my farm on the Osborne Turnpike, about five miles below the city, or to myself in Richmond. James M. Taylor, au 15--4t At Jas. M. Taylor & Son's office.
Runaways. --Left my farm, on the 13th Instant, a Negro man, named Telemachus. He is stout built, about six feet high, very bright mulatto, with curly hairs and took with him several suits of clothes. He belongs to Mr. Theophilus Tatem, about two miles below the city, and may be lurking about the neighborhood, or near Edna Mills, in Charles City county, where he was formerly Hired. I will pay Ten Dollars for his delivery at my farm. on the Osborne Turnpike, about five miles below the city, or to myself in Richmond. James M. Taylor. au 15--4t At Jas. M. Taylor & Son's office.
Detained. --Two men, named Sidney McKey and Ro. E. Moore, were before the Mayor yesterday for breaking into Jas. Ford's house by smashing his door and other acts of violence, equally betraying the absence of a descent regard of law and a powerful quantity of stimulating fluid. It appearing that the parties were soldiers and had only taken the usual license of making fools of themselves, the Mayor determined only to detain them till called for by the Captain of their company. The same disposition was made of Henry McBride, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. He is also one of the military arms of the country.
Runaway --Let my farm, on the 13th instants Negro man, named Telemachus. He is stout built, about six feet high, very bright mulatto, with curly hair and look with him several suits of clothes. He belong to Mr. Theophilus Tafem, shout two mile in the city, and may be lurking about the neighborhood or near Edna Mills, in Charles City county, where he was formerly hired. I will pay Ten Dollars for his delivery at my farm, in the airborne Turnpike, about five miles below the city onto myself in Richmond. James M. Taylor, At Jas. M. Taylor & Son's office.
f the 26th of August, in which there is the following statement: "The regiments immediately around Fair-fax compose the Brigade of Gen Longstreet. Many of them were formerly in the brigade of Gen. Early, of Franklin county, but became dissatisfied with him in consequence of an error into which he fell during the battle of the 21st--mistaking the enemy, who had hoisted a Confederate flag, for his friends, and refusing to permit his man to fire. The 7th Virginia Regiment, commanded by Col. Jas, L. Kemper — the idol of his men and the bride of the State--comprised a portion of this brigade, and were drawn up fronting the enemy in order of battle. During the formation, a fierce volley from the disguised Federals was poured into a portion of it. Still the command of Gen. Early was, 'Boys, don't fire, those men are your friends.' Capt. Thomas B. Massie, commanding the 'Washington Greys,' of Rappahannock county, observing the mistake of the commander, and unable to repress his moment