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The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1863., [Electronic resource], List of Casualties in the battles near Fredericksburg. (search)
Mosby. Wounded: 2d Lieut W D Terrill, head, slightly; Privates Jno L Thompson, arm amputated; Jno R Mills, chest, severely. company D, Capt, Parker.--Killed: none. Wounded: corporal T C Howard, head, slight; Privates G W Jones, hand, slight; Jas B Longbridge, hip, slight; Robert Dunnaway, head, slight; George Hancock, leg, slight; Lewis Luck, leg, slight; Jas C Orange, head, slight; a Gill, hand, slight. company E, Eubank's Battery, 1st Lieut. O. B. Taylor, commanding.--Killed: James Jas C Orange, head, slight; a Gill, hand, slight. company E, Eubank's Battery, 1st Lieut. O. B. Taylor, commanding.--Killed: James Harley. Wounded: 2d Lieut John H Weddell, leg, with fracture of tibia, severe; Privates V F Buford, Thos E Taylor, and Algernon Tyler, burned by explosion of caisson, slight; Philip Lewis, leg, slight; Edward Childress, leg, slight. company E, Rhett's Battery, 2d Lieut. Gilbert commanding.--Killed: none. Wounded: none. Killed5 Wounded35 Total40 List of casualties in Captain Grandy's Battery, "Norfolk Light Artillery Blues," in the battle fought near Chancellorsville, May 1
Hustings Court. --The term of Judge Lyons's Court for the trial of criminal cases commenced yesterday. The Grand Jury appeared and were sworn in, with John Parcell as foreman. The Grand Jury made indictments against the following parties: James Dillshaw, for stealing an overcoat; John Ocrill three cases for burglary and grand larceny; John Moore alias Jas Malone, for assault with attempt in kill and rob; Jas. H Gilmon and Archer T Walton, for horse stealing; Gen Burns, for stealing watches and jewelry; Wm. Sulbran, for stealing goods from Shafer's; Jesse White, for homicide of John L Andrews; John Cochrane, for stealing Ma; Barham's horse; Pat Kirby, for breaking into Shafer's store; Frank Harford, otherwise called Frank Rosecrans, for breaking into Weiciger's store with intent to commit larceny; James Agan and Patrick Morgan, for garroting and robbing Wm H Hardgrove of a gold watch.
The Daily Dispatch: May 20, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties in the late battle near Fredericksburg. (search)
er Hugh Irvine, and Wm Robertson. Wounded: 1st Serg Wm Frazer Sergt Thomas West, Privates Jas Whits, John Bibo, John Ackerly, Geo Goodbar, John P more, Geo Noel, and P Carroll. Company F. Lieut Moore.--killed: Robert Daniel, wounded: Lieut R M Moore, Greg Hauger Corp'l H W Haws, Privates J J Meys, a J Ballard, and Thomas Holt. Company G, Copt. McEldowney.--killed: none. Wounded: 1st Serg M W Sneakey, Corp'l J Benson, Privates Wm Allman, P F Huffman, Jas Graham, Jas Frazer, Jas Rees, Jas T Pexton, and Arch Smiley. Company H, Copt. Bonde.--wounded: Capt J C Bonde, color-serg J H Hutcheson, Privates Wm Craig, W. Erkiew, Jos Higgins, Dick Jordan, Wyes marks. S J N McCampbell, S W Norgrove, E McAleer. C strong, and J W Wallace. Missing: Private J J east. Strength of the regiment85 Killed9 Wounded63 Missing1 Total73 Wm. W. Lewis, Adjutant 27th Va Infantry. Report of the killed and wounded of the 1st Va. Artillery in the battles of the Wilderness
The Daily Dispatch: May 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties in the late battle near Fredericksburg. (search)
Mechum. Wounded: Serg't R M Doll; Corp's Jno L Fisher; privates A L Kearfoot, Jno W Keef L K Kornex, Wm Compton. Co E — Lieut J J Saines commanding Wounded: Lieut J T Hull; Color Serg't J N Bayne; Corporal Jas Flerry; privates B F Armentrout, Jas W Lugan Jno Pryor, B Weatherholt, Wm Tuckwilleff, Wm Peregoy, J N Merchant, Henry Ludwig. Co F--Captain James B Burgess, commanding Wounded: privates John Foley, Geo H Goodwin, Wm Hillard, Jno Addison. Co G — Lt W C Sheerer, commanding. K Geo W Joy, Shoddy Connor. Co K — Capt C H Stewart commanding. Killed; Cpl Willis Skinner, privates Samuel Cooty, Samuel Phillips Wounded: Lt E J Bartow, A A A Gen'l to Gen. Paxton; Sgt E R Harrell, privates Amus Coffelit,--Stiller, mortally; Jas H Bull. Fifty Virginia regiment Co A — Wounded: Sgt Oyder, Cpl J Daws, privates H Long C Poggo, J Falkner, F Parker. Co C — Killed: Lieut James A Bell, Sergt's L M Brown, Bailey J Jones, privates John H Su Ket, Richard Tisenbur
Substitute wanted --To go to Coaffin's Bluff, nine miles below Richmond, in a heavy artillery company. For one over 45 a liberal price will be paid. Apply to Mr James Moore, on French inst near the 1st Market. Jas W Walker. my 23--3
The Daily Dispatch: May 28, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties in the Stonewall brigade. (search)
Arch Smiley. Co H — Wounded: Capt J C Boudes, Col or Sgt Hutchinson, privates Wm Craig W James Dies Jordan, W Six S E W N grows since R Scallear, C Strong, J W Wallace . Thirty third Virginia regiment. Wounded: Major Geo 1st Lieut Jas Hossel, co C, (since died;) 2d Lieut N L Powwell, co (since died,) 2d Lieut Benj co F. Killed: Serg't John Shrayman co K, Serg't Jno Gochemon, co G; Privates David P Johnson, co D; Bunnion co E, Morgan Brift co F; Henry co F; Reuben Frank, Jos Marpole co. ; Jno Jno Harrell Jacob Smoke, co ; Jacob Ritterman co F; David Sinter, Jno Jno ships, Wesley Cuffman co G; B F Millen, (since died) Wm Somers, Benj F Early Cubbage, Willis Cubbage, J R Cubbage, Jas Comer, Geo H Ronith, Jas F Miller, Franklin Rothjeb, Emanuel Rothjeb, Nickola, Jno W McGey co H; Jno A J Louer, Jno Weller, Jacob Hudlow co I; Abraham Sibert, Noah Song, Edward Siox, Solomon A Hardwick, Richard co K. D H Walton Adj't 3td Va Inf. List of k
Mayor's Court, Wednesday, May 27. --Wm. H. Crawford, arrested as an idle, dissolute person, with no visible means of support, had his case continued for another hearing. The case of John Hicks, for unlawfully assaulting and beating Hanover, slave of Elizabeth R. Tyler, was continued till Friday. Harris, slave of John Green, charged with stealing $40 worth of clothes from Jas. J Mahone, was ordered to be whipped. Mary Robey, charged with stealing $48 from Jerry Sullivan, was acquitted. Jerry Sullivan was remanded for indictment by the Hustings Court grand jury for assaulting and beating Mary Roney. The case of William Fitzgerald, for shooting Jac. Froner, with intent to kill, was called and continued until the 30th inst. The case of Lewis Crone, for stealing a cow from Wellington Goddin, was continued. Dan. Batler, John Gentry, Ro Clark, and Samuel Dake, were required to give security for their good behavior, and sent before the Hustings Court,
ongressmen, Attorney General, State Senate, and House of Delegates: City of Richmond. Jefferson Ward.--For Governor; Thos S Flournov, 251; Wm Smith, 124; Geo W Munford, 119. For Lieutenant-Governor: Samuel Price, 246; John D Imboden, 201; Jas W Sheffey, 25. For Attorney-General: J R Tucker, 325. For Congress: Wms Carter Wickham, 313; Jas Lyons, 172. For State Senate: Gen W Randolph, 310; R O Haskins, 146. For House of Delegates: Wyndham Robertson, 323; David J Saunders, 196; Thos Hok, 165; Thomas H Wynne, 278; R F Walker, 186; Wm Taylor, 44; D J Burr, 401; Thos B Bigger, 268. Monroe Ward.--For Governor: Thomas S Flourney, 410; G W Munford, 223; Wm Smith, 181. For Lieut Governor: Samuel Price, 418; John D Imboden, 338; Jas W Sheffey. 9. For Attorney General: John R Tucker, 682. For Congress: Wms C Wickham, 486; Jas Lyons, 260. For State Senate: Geo W Randolph, 609; R O Haskins, 114. For House of Delegates: Wyndham Robertson, 413; D J Burr, 318; D J Saunders, 480
te at Richmond: city Hall, Dejarnette, 47; Barbour, 6. Henrico C. H. Dejarnette, 14; Barbour, 6. Louisa county; Dejarnette's majority 325. in the 16th District the returns re-elect Hon C. W. Russell over Dr Kidwell. State Senate. Wheeling District — Dan'l M Shriver. Harrison District--Kenna Stevenson. Marion District--Jas Neeson. Preston District — C W Newlon. House of delegates. Ohio county — Thomas Edwards, Dr. Alfred Hughes and Jos. H. Pendleton. Marshall — Jas M Hoge. Brooke--Dr. N W White. Weizel — Leonard Hall. Marion — Gen T S Haymond and Stephen A. Morgan. Monongalia — D. B. Stewart and Dudley Evans. Taylor--Lieut Col. J A Robinson. Preston — R E Cowan and C J P Cresap. Harrison — W P Cooper and G W Benty. Gilmer, Calhoun, &c — J Kerr McCutcheon. Ritchie and Pleasants — Tibbs. Lewis--Dr. Wm. Bland. Official vote of Chesterfield: Smith, 345. Flournov, 134; Munford, 36; Price, 276; Imboden, 162;
ates for re-election. In the 9th District Funston succeeds Smith, present member, who is elected Governor. State Senate. Accomac, &c — G T Garrison. Norfolk co., &c — Alex Coke, (reported) Dinwiddie &c — T T Jones. Lunenburg, &c — Asa D Dickinson. Pittsylvania, &c — E F Keen. Franklin, &c — Peter Sanders, sr. Campbell, &c.--Chas H Lynch. Henrico, &c.--John R Garnett. City of Richmond — Geo W Randolph. Fairfax, &c.--Wm H Delany. Louisa, &c--Mr. Guy, (reported) Frederick, &c — Jas H Carson. Bath, &c.--Wm Frazier. Smyth, &c — Wm E Peters. Boone, &c. --Jas Lawson, (reported.) Mason, &c.--W W Newman. Harrison, &c — Kenna L Stephenson. Marion, &c — Jas Neeson. Preston, &c — C W Newton. Wheeling, &c — Daniel M Shriver. Jefferson, &c — Edwin L Moore, Rockingham, &c — Dr S A Coffman. House of Delegates. In addition to the lists of members already published we have the following: Augusta — Hugh W Sheffey, J M McCue,--Walker. Botetourt