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: None. Wounded: J E Reynolds. Missing: None. Co B — Killed: W W Young. Wounded: Lieut Millan, Serg J B Herbert, private West, severely. Missing: None. Co C — Killed: Sergt G M Betts, private J T Wilkins. Wounded: Capt Chappel, slightly; Lieut Jas W Hall, severely. Missing: W H Brower. Co D — Killed: None. Wounded: Jas E Adams, severely; L A Masston, F Mountcastle, Pat Carroll, Chas Walker. Missing: None. Co E — Killed: None. Wounded: Corp Fester Missing; None. Co F — Killed: NoneJas E Adams, severely; L A Masston, F Mountcastle, Pat Carroll, Chas Walker. Missing: None. Co E — Killed: None. Wounded: Corp Fester Missing; None. Co F — Killed: None. Wounded: Lt B W Lacy, Lt Chump, Sergt Apperson; W G Christian, H C Grump, W McKenzie. Missing: None. Co G — Killed: Private J C Fowler. Wounded: Sergt Jeffrey, Corp Page, Corp McLaurin, privates J W Bryant, S F Goodman, G H Grigg, W W Jonas Missing: None. Co H — Killed: None. Wounded: Lt Carner, privates Jas Green, E Cage Geo Green, Thos Walker. Missing. None. Co I — Killed: None. Wounded: Corp A A Dance. Missing: Sergt R E Boleseaux, private Tweatte. Co K — Killed: N
Ran away--$100 reward. --Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month (Much,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis Emanuel is about thirty five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emanuel, with quite a pleasing countenance when spoken to it is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may try to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the under signed, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again. Dr. Thos W Gouldin, Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--eod6t*
Ran away --$100 reward.--Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month, (March,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis Emanuel is about thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emennet, with quite a pleasing countenance when spoken to, it is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the under signed, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again. Dr Thos W Gouldin. Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--cod6t*
Ran away--$100 reward --Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month, (March,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis Emanuel is about thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emanuel, with quite a pleasing continuance when spoken to. It is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may try to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the undersigned, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again. Dr. Thos W Gouldin, Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--eod6t*
The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1863., [Electronic resource], "Shall speculators be longer Tolerated?" (search)
ocation for this robbery save the hope of plunder. By the aid of Mr. Jenkins the garroters were secured until the arrival of the police. The prisoners were remanded for further examination before the Hustings Court on the second Monday in April next. The following cases were continued: John H Day, charged with permitting faro to be exhibited on premises controlled by him; William, slave of Clifford Campbell, and Jos Hall, free, charged with breaking into Smith & Trailer's, and stealing a number of articles, including a coat belonging to Wm J Ferguson, and bed quilt and two fumblers belonging to Albert, slave of Smith & Trailer; Jas-Williams, charged with stealing two blankets, one overcoat, four shirts, three pairs drawers, four pairs of socks, and a pair of overalls, belonging to Ann Tierney and Thos Kelley. These were laid over until to day. The case of the negroes, charged with breaking into Burton & Greenhow's and stealing a lot of groceries, was continued till Saturday.
Ranaway--$100 reward. --Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month, (March,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis. Emanuel is about thirty five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emanuel, with quite a pleasing countenance when spoken to. It is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may try to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the under signed, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again. Dr. Thos W. Gouldin, Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--cod6t*
Ran away--$100 reward. --Ran away from the Danville and Greensboro' Railroad, about the 7th of this month, (March,) two negroes, named Emanuel and Dennis. Emanuel is about thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, of a dark gingerbread color. Dennis is about fifteen years of age, of a rather brighter color than Emanuel, with quite a pleasing countenance when spoken to. It is thought they are aiming to get back to Caroline county, but may try to pass themselves off as free and attach themselves to the army, or remain lurking in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be given for their delivery to either of the undersigned, near Rappahannock Academy, or secured so that we get them again. Dr. Thos W Gouldin. Jas F Gouldin. mh 25--cod6t*
A Patterson and Mrs G G Exalt, 13 prs socks; Mrs Richard Allen, 6 prs socks for 22d Va reg't; Miss Kate Gordon, Louisa, 14 prs socks; two little girls of Paxton, Powhatan co, $2; cash 00; Rev. Mr. Thomas $5, cash $5. cash. through Mrs Rice, $10, Jas R and Thos N King. Ga, through J Hampden Pleasants $100; proceeds of tableaux at King William C G, by Acquinton Aid Society, $60; through office of the Central Presbyterian, $10; cash, $2, Dr S, from sale of table, $100; Jas S Kent, $20, Dr Blairng William C G, by Acquinton Aid Society, $60; through office of the Central Presbyterian, $10; cash, $2, Dr S, from sale of table, $100; Jas S Kent, $20, Dr Blair Burwell $3; Mrs Frank Potts and others $10, a soldier in Elliott's battalion $5, John R Thompson $25; a lady, per J B Watkins, ; Kent, Pains a Co. from sale of picture $.30. Contributions and supplies may be sent to Roger Martin, Superintendent, or to Wm P Munford, Chairman of Army Committee T M C A. Roger Martin, Sug't. []
y's battle on the Rappahannock. The list embraces one hundred and forty- nine officers and privates, and many others, whose names were not known, are left out. The names of those who were killed and the most of those mortally wounded are also omitted. This regiment suffered terribly, having lost in killed and wounded more than one-half of the entire number carried into action. Among those who were wounded we will enumerate the following officers: Col. A M Scales and Adjutant H A Walker; Lieut Jas N Williamson, company A; Lieut S R Thornton, company C; Capt H A Rogers, company D; Lieut J D Boson, company E, Capt J A Fuqua, company G; Capt R H Ward, company I; Capt H L Guerrant, company, K. Richmond Howitzers This gallant company were in the thickest of the fight near Fredericksburg. Among the casualties we have only heard of the following: Killed — Thomas Barksdale. Wounded — George Richardson and — Royall. First Maryland Artillery This corps, commanded by Capt. D<
Walter Burne, G 5th Conn; H J Davis, F, 46th Pa, E W Zook G 66th Ohio; D J Bulkley, D, 61st N Y; Jas anthony, K 118th Pa; W J Crammar, H 78th N Y; D M Lees, K, 17th Conn; Jacob Knap, B, 149th N Y, Gby shell; Edward R Newsom, in forehead. Missing: Marcellus W Harrison, Wm Dudley, Austin Maclin, Jas E Nash, Henry Robinson, John Scott, Patnam with. Company F--Capt Field--Killed: Robert Fraster. Wounded: Sydney Boss, Jas D Collier, R T Gordon, R H Seward. Missing: Corp'l A T Allen, John M Barnes, Cornelian Feriny. R H King, J L Ivery, R D Mitchell, John Myrick, W A Sodier, E L Seninback, Heackinh W Smith. Company G--Capt. Branch.--Wounded: Corp'l M M Bowers, Jas P Figg, Thos Grame, Jas T Hawkins, John Kayton. Missing: Jas Mille. Company H--Capt Owens--Wounded: W Edmonds. MJas T Hawkins, John Kayton. Missing: Jas Mille. Company H--Capt Owens--Wounded: W Edmonds. Missing: Capt T F Owens, Lt H C Woodhouse, Lt Chas Beale, Corp'ls James Moreland, C B White, James Moors; Privates Wm Walker, Nat Ward, J W Williamson, T Moreland,--Bracey, Robert Randolph, J Griffin,