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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 14 (search)
d, Promotion, Nov., 1865; Mustered out, &c. Second lieutenants. J. A. Trowbidge, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Aug. 11, 1863. Jas. B. O'Neil, 1st U. S. Art'y, Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 10, 1863. W. W. Sampson, 8th Me., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 10, 1863. J. M. Thompson, 7th N. H., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Jan. 27, 1863. R. A1. Gaston, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., April 15, 1863. W. H. Hyde, 6th Ct., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., May 5, 1863. JAs. B. West, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; First Lt., Feb. 28, 1863. Harry C. West, 100th Pa., Oct. 13, 1862; Resigned, Nov. 4, 1864. E. C. MiERRlTAM, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Nov. 19, 1863. Chas. E. Parker, 8th Me., Nov. 17, 1862; First Lt., Aug. 26, 1863. C. W. Hooper, N. Y. Vol. Eng., Feb. 17, 1863; First Lt., April 16, 1863. N. G. Parker, 1st Mass. Cavalry, March, 1863; First Lt., May 5, 1863. A. H. Tirrell, 1st Mass. Cav., March 6, 1863; Resigned, July 22, 1863.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXII. November, 1863 (search)
Meredith (United States) writes from Fortress Monroe, proposing that prisoners west of the Mississippi be exchanged at Galveston. Mr. Ould, our agent of exchange, indorses on it that there is no necessity for immediate action, for the United States are not exchanging any prisoners at all at this time. Mr. Memminger writes for troops to be sent to Ashville, West North Carolina, which is menaced by the traitors, tories, and Federals. His family is there, having fled from South Carolina. Hon. Jas, Farron also writes that a bad state of things exists in that section, and communication is kept open with the enemy in East Tennessee. From St. Helena Parish, Ark., we have letters stating that all restraint is thrown off, and everybody almost is trading with the enemy. Some 1500 bales of cotton per week is taken to the Yankees from that region. They say most of the parties have permits from the government or from commanding generals to trade with the enemy. Gen. Whiting writes
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott), April 29-June 10, 1862.-advance upon and siege of Corinth, and pursuit of the Confederate forces to Guntown, Miss. (search)
, behaved well, officers and men keeping at all times in good order, though marching rapidly and under fire. The First Arkansas Regiment, commanded on that occasion by Capt. William A. Crawford, did its whole duty. The casualties are as follows: Killed, 2; wounded, 6; total, 8. Prisoners taken — a lieutenant, a sergeant, and 3 privates, by First Arkansas Regiment. Of arms taken or lost the reports show none. The above meager account, captain, is respectfully submitted. Jas . F. Agan, Colonel, Commanding Fourth Brigade, Ruggles' Division. Capt. Roy Mason Hooe, Assistant Adjutant-General. No. 67.-report of Capt. L. Hoxton, Tennessee battery, of engagement at Farmington, Miss., May 9. Corinth, Miss., May 12, 1862. Sir: In accordance with orders I submit the following report [of the part] which the right section of my battery took in the battle of Farmington, on Friday, May 9: I received orders at 7 a. m. to harness up my right section and report to
more troops, 528; 551; his Message at the Extra Session, 555 to 559; Gen. Fremont's letter to, 583-4; Davis writes to, with regard to the privateersmen, 599 ; Magoffin's letter, and the President's reply, 610-11; directs the formation of army corps, 619. Livingston, Edward, 95. Locke, John, on the Slave-Trade, 28. Loguen, Jerry, a fugitive slave, 215. London Times, The, Russell's estimate of our forces prior to Bull Run, 550. Lone Star, order of the, 270; 350. Longstreet, Gen. Jas., at Blackburn's ford, 539. Lopez, his intrigues and death, 270. Loring, Ellis Gray, his church mobbed, 126. Louis XIV., decides to acknowledge our Independence, 265. Louisiana, 53; purchase of, 84-5; Whig or Union party triumph in, 211; withdraws from the Dem. Convention, 314; legislative instructions to her delegates. 316; secession of, and the votes thereon, 348; population in 1860, 351; seizure of Federal property in, 412; surrender of the cutter McClellan to the authoritie
irginia, 130. blockade runner, escape of a, 472; a British runner forced to hoist the white flag, 473. blockade-running ended at Charleston, 482. Blunt, Gen. Jas. G., 36; joins Schofield. 36; routs Rebels at Maysville, Mo., 87; at Prairie Grove. 38 to 41; at Honey Springs, 449. Boomer, Col., severely wounded at Iuka,ttack the right wing in flank and rear. but declines, 209; at Fredericksburg, 344; he routs Howard's corps at Chancellorsville, 357; his death, 359. Jackson, Gen. Jas. S., killed at Perryville, 219. Jackson, Gen. C. F., killed at Fred ksburg, 347. Jackson, Col., 76th Pa., at Fort Wagner, 477. Jacksonville, Fla., reta; at Mission Ridge, 442; at Nashville, 654-6. Wood, Maj., brings off four guns from Maryland Heights, 200. Wood, Brig.-Gen. (Rebel), wounded, 221. Wood, Col. Jas., 136th N. Y., at Wauhatchie, 436. Woodward, Judge Geo. W:, on the conscription act, 488; beaten as candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, 509. Wool, Gen
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Johnsonville. (search)
in, T. G.; Haig, John; Hamilton, Sam.: Hammel, J. M.; Hanner, A.: Johnson, Tyler; Jones, Jerry; Lanier, Wm.; McBurney, W.; McGuire, Jas.; McKenney, G.; Miles, W. P.; Mitchell, J. N.; Moore, F. A.; Morrison, J. B.; Moss, John; McDonald, J. L.; Moran, Wm., wounded at Price's X roads, but refused to leave his gun, killed at blockhouse near Baker's, on N. and C. railroad; Nepper, J. C.; Peel, Thos.; Priddy, M. C.; Prout, Josh; Prout, George; Powell, George; Reed, R. D.; Robinson, George; Sanders, Jas. L.; Scott, G. H.; Scott, J. M.; Siegel, Chas.; Smith, S. F.; Skeggs, Eugene; Southerland, Wm.; Stucker, Wm. G.; Summer, T. R.; Temple, C. R.; Thornton, A. R.; Taylor, J. G.; Wermesdoff, J.; Weaver, A. B.; Williams, Phil.; Woods, James C.; Wilson, W. W.; Wilson, T. J. Absentees in hospital and on furlough not reported. Non-commission officers, artificers and teamsters all took positions at the guns when a reduction of numbers required it. Rice's Battery. T. W. Rice, Captain, comma
. As an illustration, see Plate V. Vol. 2 of Wilkinson. The jars of the accompanying cut have lids or stoppers, which are luted or rendered air-tight by liquid clay, pitch, gypsum, or mortar. Some of the jars had flat bottoms a, and were set upon the cellar or store-room floor; and others, being pointed, were set in a stone ring, like the amphorae b b and ring-base c. Late excavations on the site of Troy have exhumed ranks of enormous jars. See Fruitjar. Egyptian vases and jars. Jas′per. 1. A silicious mineral of several varieties. 2. Marble of a greenish color, with small red spots. There is an antique jasper with small spots of black and white. 3. A kind of earthenware prepared from pounded spar. Jaunt′ing-car. An Irish vehicle having two seats, back to back, over the wheels, a well in the middle, and a seat for the driver in front. Jave′lin. A hurling-spear, about 5 1/2 feet long; it has a wooden shaft and an iron head. It is yet used in Europe <
008-1 2; in Haverhill, 108; in Nantucket, 09; martyrs, 113-120; sentiment in England, 130. Anti-Slavery societies, organization, 26; in New England, 72, 74, 75, 130, 200; National, 76, 79, 87, 201. Anti-Unionist, 13. B Bacon, Benjamin C., 201. Bailey, Dr. Gamaliel, 100, 207. Ballou, Adin, 205. Barbadoes, James, 202. Bates, Judge, 61. Beecher, Henry Ward, 90, 142, 148; speech in England, 90-93; and Lincoln, 92. Bell, 152. Benson, George W., 203. Benton, Thomas H., 154. Birney, Jas. G., 2, 5, 42, 56-58, 205. Black laws 35;in Ohio, 35. Black Republic of Texas, 135. Blair, Gen. Frank P., 158, 186-191; and Missouri emancipationists, i 6; and Missouri Abolitionists, 188; appearance of, 189; fearlessness, 189; quarrel with Fremont, 189; and capture of Camp Jackson, 189-1911; threats against, 190. Blair, Montgomery, 158, 161. Bonner, Hon. Benjamin R., 155. Border-ruffianism, 153. Border Slave-State message, text of, 213-214. Boyle, James, 205. Bradley, John, 135. Bre
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865, Roster of the Nineteenth regiment Massachusetts Volunteers (search)
eb. 24, ‘62; 26; deserted Aug. 31, ‘62. Honey, Jas. M., priv., (I), Aug. 10, ‘61; 41; disch. disa9, ‘65; 38; disch. disa. Jan. 27, ‘65. Kelly, Jas. A., priv., (H), Jan. 18, ‘65; 42; M. O. June 3), May 25, ‘64; 28; M. O. June 30, 1865. Kent, Jas. G., priv., (B), Dec. 26, ‘61; 42; wounded Dec.isa. Dec. 27, ‘64, from Co. B, 24 V. R.C. Kent, Jas. A., corp., (B), Aug. 6, ‘61; 20; wounded Sept.. 4, ‘63; 23; sub. Henry Hall; N. F.R. Kissick, Jas. H., priv., (I), July 26, ‘61; 19; transf. to Hallet; transf. to 20 M. V. Jan. 14, ‘64 Lord, Jas. H., mus., (A), July 26, ‘61; 28; re-en. Dec. 64 to May 17, ‘65; M. O. June 30, ‘65. Lurvey, Jas. T., 2nd Lieut., (B), Aug. 6, ‘61; 34; resigned64 in rebel prison (sergt. Gen. report.) Morse, Jas. E., priv., (C), July 26, ‘61; 22;re-en. Dec. ed for duty; see Co. D, 30th, 9 mos. Nickerson, Jas. P., priv., (H), Aug. 1, ‘63; 21; sub.; disch. ; disch. expir. term, Aug. 28, ‘64. Phillips, Jas. H. H., priv., (G), Aug. 23, ‘61; 20; wounded D
r Roome, Discharged for disability. Geo. Morse, Wm. Emery, Wm. Pinkerton. Discharged for disability. Additional members. Allen, Erasmus D. Beattie, Jas. Bird, Chas. C. Brusseau, October. Carroll, Jno. W. Clancy, Jeremiah. Wounded. Clifford, Richard. Cross, Fred K. Died since muster out. d or died in hospital. Hatch, Albert P. Helmer, J. Herron, Wm. Hewitt, Chas. B. Higgins, Fred T. Horrigan, Jno. Horrigan, Michael. Holden, Jas. Hudson, Wm. J. Huntington, Chas. Irish, Millard F. Isaacs, Wm. H. Killed or died in hospital. Kelly, Michael. Kelly, Patrick. Kelly, Willinded. Right, Jno. Rock, Louis. Rowley, Jno. M. Sallinger, W. Schwamb, Chas. Wounded. Shannon, Edwin. Shay, G. Siddons, Geo. Siddons, Jas. Smith, Ansell. Discharged for disability. Smith, Frank B. Smith, Jno. Smith, Jno. H. Soper, Herman. Stratton, Frederic S. Stuedivant, Andr