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Mayor's Court. --Yesterday the case of Frederick Thompson, for stealing two dollars from Presley, slave of B. W. Green, on board the latter's canal boat, was called, and no witness appearing, it was continued.--David Patterson was arraigned for breaking into the closet used by the apple women at the Capitol, and stealing a lot of apples, boiled eggs, pea-nuts, &c.; but the proof being deficient, he was let off.--Cass of Clinton James, brought up for using the city water without paying therefore, was continued.--Alex. B. Wells, summoned up for permitting a vicious cow to go at large, was discharged, promising to abate the cause of complaint.--John Barry was examined for making a violent and unauthorized demonstration against the person of Tim Sheehan. He was acquitted.
siding. --Samuel, slave of S. R. Price, was committed for going at large.--Jim Butler, no papers and from Petersburg, ordered 39 lashes and committed for want of a register.--Albert Tappan was remanded for examination before the Hustings Court, for feloniously selling 17 bushels of cats belonging to John A. Lacy.--James H. Ward was sent before the Hustings Court for receiving from Elizabeth Taylor a number of pieces of jewelry stolen by her from Susan Walsh, amounting value to $100.--Clinton James, free negro, arraigned for using abusive language to and striking Ro. F. Kirby, a white man, was ordered 39 lashes, and appealed from the judgment to the Hustings Court.--Sam Johnson, slave to Mrs. Brock, was ordered 39 lashes for beating James Wade, a white person.--Archibald B. Bott was fined $5 for permitting a dead horse to be and remain on his lot for three days last past.--Geo. L. West was fined $5 for allowing a nuisance to remain on his lot for ten days past.--Henry Sall was fine
a. In addition to which this Company will pay for each one so apprehended and delivered to any of its agents authorized to receive them, a further reward of five dollars. By authority of the Company. Wm. N. Bragg, Sup't Road. Edmond, owned by Mrs. R. P. Saunders, aged 22 years, 6 feet high, black, slender. Arthur, owned by Mr. R. Saunders, aged 20 years, 5 feet 4 inches high, black. William, owned by Mr. B. Bullock, aged 25 years, 6 feet high, ginger-bread color. James, owned by Mr. B. Bullock, aged 23 years, 5 feet 6 inches high. Andrew, owned by Mr. Bullock, aged 24 years, 5 feet 6 inches high, black, scar under left eye. Henry, owned by Mr. G. Bullock, aged 18 years, 5 feet high, light complexion. Kiah, owned by Mr. Wash. Buckner, aged 25 years 5 feet 10 inches high, mulatto, stout built. Pat, owned by Mr. B. F. Bullock, aged 30 years, 5 feet 10 inches high, ginger-bread color. Morton, owned by Mr. B. F. Bullock, aged 20 years,
Hustings Court, August 15. --Present: Recorder Caskie; Aldermen Sanxay, Bray, Timberlake, and Lipscomb. Charles E. Sinclair qualified as Notary Public.--Clinton James, negro, on appeal from judgment of the Police Court, gave security for his appearance at the next term.--John and Emmett Pero, and Mary Hix, gave security for their appearance to answer the charge of misdemeanor.--Fred. Kell was fined $10 and costs for permitting his slave to go at large.--Samuel Connors and Bryant Riley gave security to answer the charge of misdemeanors. The Grand Jury sworn at this term (accept Geo K. Crutchfield, Thos. Bondar, Mark Downey, and F. Griffin) this day appeared, according to their adjournment, and were again sent out of Court, and, after some time, returned into Court, having presented certain parties, "being printers usually employed, and working as such," for "unlawfully and perniciously" forming and uniting themselves "into an unlawful Club and combination, called the Richmo
Court refused as grant the application of defendants attorney for a discharge, submitted for the reason that he belonged to Capt. McCanley's cavalry company, and was under marching orders — Delta Reynolds was tried for selling liquor contrary to law and fined $60 and costs. Being a "lone woman," with a house full of children, and no money, the Court permitted her to go without requiring her to pay the amount. The defendant was tried for an assault on Elizabeth Sprowls, and acquitted.--Clinton James, on appeal from the judgment of the Recorder, sentencing him to receive thirty-nine lashes, had his case continued, and gave bail for his appearance at the next term.--The case against the members of the Richmond Typographical Association, "for conspiring together as printers to extort money from John M. Daniel," was called up and dismissed on a nolle prosequi. A rule was then awarded against the parties to appear at the next term and show cause why an information should not be filed ag
The Justices composing the Hustings Court, Recorder Caskie presiding, commenced their June term yesterday, and disposed of several criminal as well as civil cases. We append them as follows: George W. Farrell, robbing Jas C. Hunt of $200 in money, was heard and remanded for final trial before Judge Lyons. John Scott and John Dowdy, robbing Jas T Oliver of a gold watch and other articles, heard and sent on. Wm J Walker, stealing an overcoat of Edward Boyle, heard and sent on. John Doyle, stealing $150 from Jno C Hughes, heard and sent on. Chas Aury, breaking into Charles E Kent's factory and stealing 49 boxes of tobacco and one barrel of sugar; sent on. James Burke, stealing clothing valued at $50, from Jas E Levy, sent on Clinton James, free negro, selling liquor to be drunk at the place where sold, fined $60 and costs. John Cassello, stealing $37 from Pleasant M Bowley, was tried and acquitted.
ned during and since the siege of Longstreet, viz: Elisha Norfleet's houses on his Hand place, Pugh place, and Rawls place; John R Kilby's Retreat farm; F H Rawls, James B Norfleet's Lassiter farm; Mills E Riddick, Mrs Gibbs, Elisha Everett, James E Riddick, H L Eppea's barn and outhouses; Richard Lawrence, George W Riddick, ThomasJames E Riddick, H L Eppea's barn and outhouses; Richard Lawrence, George W Riddick, Thomas Briggs, George R Smith, Amos Stallings, Franklin Brothers, Benj D Smith's Jones place, Irajia Langston, David P Wright, Hardy Norfleet, A J Raby, Mrs J W Cherry's barn, Daniel H Byrd, John D McClenny, James R Saunders's Parker place and his mill, N E Pruden, Nathaniel G Norfleet, Amos R Harrel, E J Pruden, Mrs Mary Pruden, RichardJames R Saunders's Parker place and his mill, N E Pruden, Nathaniel G Norfleet, Amos R Harrel, E J Pruden, Mrs Mary Pruden, Richard T Riddick's Keeling place, A W Turner, Sr, A W Turner, Jr, Samuel Eley, and the barn and out-houses of Jesse Fulghman. And further up toward the Blackwater the houses of John Simons, Joshua Simons, Jas M McClenny, Wm H Gay, John R Clements, and Walter H Eley, have been burned. The whole country is being ruined. Many familie