Somerville Directory
Abbreviations—b. stands for business in Boston, h. for house, n. for near, cor. for corner of, op. for opposite.
The word street will be omitted as superfluous.
Hewes, James F., h. Medford Turnpike.
Harmon, Ebenezer S., b. spring maker, h. Walnut.
Henderson, Franklin, repairs railroad, h. Central.
Hersey, David R., b. accountant, h. Church.
Higgins, William, constable, h. Broadway.
Hill, Ivers, provision dealer, h. Cambridge.
Hill, James, Jr., F. H. market, h. corner Cambridge and Medford.
Hills, William H., carpenter, h. Dane.
Hitchins, Augustus, yeoman, h. Cambridge.
Hinds, Lewis H., McLean Asylum.
Hodgden, Phineas S., carpenter, Laurel.
Hodgden, L., carpenter, h. Laurel.
Holton, Leonard, b. truckman, h. Broadway.
Holt, Chauncey, brickmaker, h. Broadway.
Holt, Charles, b. auctioneer, h. Franklin.
Holbrook, George, b. accountant, h. Broadway.
Holt, John, b. silversmith, h. Prospect