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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Headquarters moved to Holly Springs-General McClernand in command-assuming command at Young's Point-operations above Vicksburg- fortifications about Vicksburg-the canal- Lake Providence-operations at Yazoo pass (search)
twenty-five wounded. The loss of the enemy was less. Fort Pemberton was so little above the water than it was thought that a rise of two feet would drive the enemy out. In hope of enlisting the elements on our side, which had been so much against us up to this time, a second cut was made in the Mississippi levee, this time directly opposite Helena, or six miles above the former cut. It did not accomplish the desired result, and Ross, with his fleet, started back. On the 22d he met [General Isaac F.] Quinby with a brigade at Yazoo Pass. Quinby was the senior of Ross, and assumed command. He was not satisfied with returning to his former position without seeing for himself whether anything could be accomplished. Accordingly Fort Pemberton was revisited by our troops; but an inspection was sufficient this time without an attack. Quinby, with his command, returned with but little delay. In the meantime I was much exercised for the safety of Ross, not knowing that Quinby had bee
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXX. September, 1863 (search)
. The victory of Bragg has lifted a mountain from the spirits of the people, and another victory would cast the North into the slough of despond. Gen. C. J. McRae, and another gentleman, have been directed to investigate the accounts of Major Caleb Huse, the friend and agent of Col. Gorgas, Chief of Ordnance. Gear. McR. writes from Folkestone, England, to Col. G. that the other gentleman not having appeared, he is undertaking the work himself, and, so far, the accounts are all right. Messrs Isaac, Campbell & Co. (Jews), with whom the Ordnance Bureau has had large transactions, have afforded (so far) every facility, etc. September 27 Nothing additional has been heard from either Bragg's or Lee's army. But the positions of both seem quite satisfactory to our government and people. How Rosecrans can get off without the loss of half his army, stores, etc., military authorities are unable to perceive; and if Meade advances, there is a universal conviction that he will be beate
dianola, Texas, 1.272. Steele, Gen. F., his capture.of Little Rock, 3.215; cooperative movements of in Arkansas, 3.270-3.273. Stephens, Alexander H. Union speech of at Milledgeville, 1.54; advantages of the Union to the South shown by (note), 1.57; chosen Vice-President of the Confederacy, 1.252; sketch of, i 259; declares slavery the corner-stone of the new Government, 1.261; intentions of the Confederates stated by, 1.381; reception of by the Virginia convention, 1.382. Stevens, Gen. Isaac J., death of at Chantilly, 2.461. Stevens's Iron-clad Floating Battery, 1.560. Stevens, Thaddeus, prophetic warning of, 2.29; ironworks of destroyed by Confederate cavalry, 3.54. Stone fleet expedition to Charleston harbor, 2.128. Stone, Gen. Charles P., placed under arrest and sent to Fort Lafayette, 2.146; letter of Superintendent Kennedy, detailing important services of(note), il. 147. Stoneman, Gen., his raid against Lee's communications with Richmond, 3.283; details of
at, 554. Steedman, Capt., naval expedition, 459. Steedman, Gen. J. B., at Chickamauga, 422; at Nashville, 686. Steele, Gen. F., at Yazoo Bluffs, 289; at Fort Hindman, 293; at Vicksburg, 311; captures Little Rock, 451-2; in Arkansas in 1864, 536; advances to Camden. 552; attacked at Jenkins's ferry, 553-4; storms Blakely, 723. Stein, Col., Ohio, killed at Stone River, 281. Stein, Gen., 27; killed at Prairie Grove, 40. Steinwehr's division, at Wauhatchie, 436. Stevens, Gen. Isaac I., killed at Chantilly, Va., 188-9. Stevenson, Gen., at Port Gibson, 305. Stevenson, Gen. T. G., killed at the Wilderness, 571. Stewart, Gen., captured by Hancock, 572. Stewart, Lt.-Col., at Van Buren, Ark., 447. St. Louis, Rosecrans at, 556-8; Price threatens, 559. Stone, Col., at Columbia, S. C., 700. Stoneman, Gen. Geo. D., on the Peninsula, 122-7; 159; his orders, 353; his raid. 365; his disastrous raid to Macon. 633-4: takes Kingsport, Tenn., and Abingdon, Va.
Doc. 156 1/2.-military situation in Missouri. Under date of Mexico, (Mo.,) Aug. 8, Brig.-Gen. Pope writes a letter to Mr. Isaac 11. Sturgeon, of St. Louis, explaining some points in his recent proclamation, which we have already published. After a vivid picture of the disordered condition in which he found affairs upon taking command of his Department, Gen. Pope says: My first object was to restore peace and safety, so that the forces under my command could be removed from the vicinity of the settlements, and to do this with the least bloodshed, the least distress to quiet persons, and the least exasperation of feeling amongst the people. Two courses were open to me to effect this desirable result. The first was to put in motion in all parts of this region small bodies of troops, to hunt out the parties in arms against the peace, and follow them to their homes or places of retreat, wherever they may be. This course would have led to frequent and bloody encounters, to se
and watchful man, and has splendid boys. Gen. Milroy, the commander of the expedition, was quite energetic, and always in the lead in the proper place — no braver man lives. The following is a list of our killed and wounded, as many friends will look with interest to see the fate of their friends in the battle, to wit: killed, wounded, and missing. Twenty-Fifth Ohio regiment.--Killed.--Co. D--Private Charles Latham. Co. E--Corporal Levi S. Stewart; Privates Christopher J. Thayer, Isaac Nyne. Co. F--Private John C. Fuller. Co. G--Private Wm. J. Maher. Wounded.--Co. A--Sergt. Hezekiah Thomas, seriously; Privates J. W. Holland, seriously; C. H. King, seriously; Levi Butler, slightly; Henry Meek, slightly; Levi Ryan, slightly; Wm. J. Lockwood, slightly; Samuel Henry, slightly; James McMullins, slightly; Daniel J. Crooks, slightly; James C. Bolan, slightly. Co. B--Second Lieut. John D. Merriman, slightly; First Sergt. George W. Martin, slightly; Corporal Charles Beck, left
h, General, 83, 132, 133, 268, 283. Braxton, General, 449. Breckinridge, General John C., 30, 37, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 204-05, 326, 355, 361, 441, 444, 445, 446, 447, 569, 570, 579, 581,589, 590. Brennan, Henry M., 510. Brent, Major, 202, 203. Brockenbrough, General, 93. Brodie, Dr. R. L., 60. Brooke, Commander, 164, 168, 191. Brooklyn (ship), 207-08, 212. Brooks, Governor of Arkansas, 642. Brown, Governor of Georgia, 472. Major, account of Fort Donelson's surrender, 28. Commander Isaac N., 192. Report on activities of the Arkansas, 203-05. Browne, Col. W. M., 482. Bryan, 85. Buchanan, General, 639. Admiral Franklin, 82, 165, 168, 169, 170, 173. Trial battle with Federal ships, 166-67. Buckner, Gen. Simon B., 24, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 337, 356, 357,358, 359, 360, 462, 526. Buell, Gen. D. C., 15, 31, 35, 38, 41, 43, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 323-4, 326, 327. Bull Run Batles of, see Manassas. Bullock, Capt. James D., 208, 210, 211, 221. Rufus,W. 63
den, Brigadier General, U. S. A., retired, 330 W. 95th St., New York City. Lieut. Charles M. Bradt, M. D., St. Charles, Mich. Lieut. Dennis A. Dewey, Captain 108 U. S. C. T., West Winfield, N. Y. Lieut. Francis N. Piper, 148 Webster Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Lieut. G. W. Quackenbush, 2746 S. Lincoln, Englewood, Denver, Colo. Lieut. James H. Smith, 3541 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. Non-commissioned officers and privates Company a Thomas Barnaby, West Chazy, N. Y. Rev. Isaac 0. Best, Broadalbin, N. Y. H. S. Burnham, 507 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. J. W. Chapin, 1731 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Albert H. Clark, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Lewis Dupee, East Beekmantown, N. Y. Jeremiah Gratton, 190 Webster St., Malone, N. Y. Lewis Gratton, West Constableville, N. Y. W. H. Jones, 407 Ballinger St., Herkimer, N. Y. Oliver King, Mooers, N. Y. Rev. Eli P. LaCell, 1404 4th St., Santa Rosa, Cal. George M. McCourt, London, Wis. Smith Pine,
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry, Non-commissioned officers and privates (search)
Non-commissioned officers and privates Company a Thomas Barnaby, West Chazy, N. Y. Rev. Isaac 0. Best, Broadalbin, N. Y. H. S. Burnham, 507 Park Ave., Woonsocket, R. I. J. W. Chapin, 1731 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Albert H. Clark, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Lewis Dupee, East Beekmantown, N. Y. Jeremiah Gratton, 190 Webster St., Malone, N. Y. Lewis Gratton, West Constableville, N. Y. W. H. Jones, 407 Ballinger St., Herkimer, N. Y. Oliver King, Mooers, N. Y. Rev. Eli P. LaCell, 1404 4th St., Santa Rosa, Cal. George M. McCourt, London, Wis. Smith Pine, Keeseville, N. Y. Warren P. Smith, West Coxsackie, N. Y. Georga A. Vossler, 39 Harrington St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A. Walrath, Atkinson, Neb. John H. Warmouth, Box 83, Oneida, N. Y. Company B Col. Clinton Beckwith, 108 Mary St., Herkimer, N. Y. C. C. Catlin, Melvin, Kan. Myndrct W. Gardner, 1614 W. 19th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Philip Goodman, Soldiers' Home, Hampton Roads,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
ell, John, 171. Grant, Gen. U. S., at Newport, 254, 255. Guild, Mrs., Edward, 269. Gurneys, the Russell, 280, 281. H Hale, John P., 70. Hale, Sarah, 3. Hallet, Benjamin F., 69. Hanover, King of, funeral of, 288, 289. Harkness, Major, 178, 179. Harper's Ferry, 87. Harte, Bret, 261; loans to, 330. Harvard Divinity School, graduation, 4, 5. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 254. Hawthorne, Una, daughter of Nathaniel, 237-40, 277. Hay, John, Lincoln's secretary, 202. Hayes, Dr. Isaac I., Arctic explorer, 90-92. Hazard, Margie, 248, 249. Hennessys, the, 280, 297-99. Henry of Prussia, 346, 347. Higginson, Charles, 148. Higginson, George, 155. Higginson, Henry, 284, anecdote of, 193; and Soldiers' Field, 327, 328. Higginson, Rev., John, 327. Higginson, Louisa Storrow (mother of T. W. H.), letters to, 4 ff., 17 ff., 24 ff., 34, 63, 81 if., 85 ff., 101, 106, 111, 117, 121, 137 ff., 144, 146, 157, 164 ff., 194, 199, 201, 221 ff., 224. Higginson, Mary Chann