Your search returned 112 results in 44 document sections:

William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
y Merritt's Cavalry A. P. 23 15 5 43 2d Massachusetts Cavalry Merritt's Cavalry A. P. 10 28 23 61 9th New York Cavalry Merritt's Cavalry A. P. 11 32 2 45 Dabney's Mills, Va.             Feb. 5-7, 1865.             11th Pennsylvania Crawford's Fifth 9 70 9 88 16th Maine Crawford's Fifth 3 59 11 73 Wise's Forks, N. C.             March 7-10, 1865.             120th Indiana Ruger's Twenty-third 7 30   37 25th Massachusetts Carter's Twenty-third 6 19 2 27 General Index.     Page. Absentees, large number of, in Union Army 532 Accidents, deaths from 50, 528, 529 Ages of soldiers, Union Army 62 Aggregate of deaths 525 Aggregate enrollment, Confederate 554 Aggregate enrollment, Union 526, 527, 532, 533 American soldiers, heights and ages of 505 Andersonville prison, number of deaths in 51 Antietam, the bloodiest battle of the war 540 Anthropological statistics 62 Army corps, histories of 64   Fi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
will compel us to deny ourselves that pleasure. The committee consists of the following gentlemen: General Bradley T. Johnson, Chairman; General I. R. Trimble; Winfield Peters, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer; R. M. Blundon, Secretary; J. Lyle Clarke, Wm. P. Zollinger, R. W. Gwathmey, Dr. Wm. H. Cole, M. O. Shriver General Geo. D. Johnston has been doing most successful work in Jackson Miss., Vicksburg, etc. With General Johnston's push, tact, and zeal, aided by the efficient help of such kind friends as General N. H. Harris, Geo. M. Kline, Esq., &c. there is no wonder that he has had splendid success. Our next number (December) will be issued early in the month, and will close Volume Ten, which will then be ready for binding. We propose preparing for it a General Index of our ten volumes, which will be very valuable, not only for its convenience in reference, but also as showing at a glance the extent and real importance of what we have already published.
General Index. Abbot, Ezra, 68. Agassiz, Louis, excites the spirit of research, 74; his school for young ladies, 74, 209-211; his personality, 74. Agassiz, Mrs. Louis, plans her husband's school, 200; president of Radcliffe College, 180. Aldermen, 401. Allston, Washington, 41. Allston Street, fort at foot of, 27. Almshouses, 17, 32, 276. American Lodge, K. of P., 292. Amicable Lodge of Masons, 280-283. Amity Rebekah Lodge, 286. Andover, college library and apparatus moved to, 26. Anniversary committees, 406-408. Appleton, Rev. Nathaniel, 236; the Revolution the great event in his ministry, 237; church lands sold in his time, 237; gifts to, 237; salary, 237. Arlington, 9. Assessors, 402. Assets and liabilities, comparative statement of, 319. Assistants, Council of, 5, 23. Associated Charities, its beginning, 259; its aim, 259; organization, 259; registrar appointed, 259; visiting, 259; conferences, 259; the society incorporated,
General Index. Abstract of births, &c, 1739-1783, 101, 102 Act for establishing Fire Department, 155 Action of the town during last war with Great Britain, 136 Adams's (Capt.) company in French War, 36, 37, 184 Admissions to, and dismissions from the Church, 101, 123, 125, 242 Agricultural characteristics of the inhabitants, 148 Amount contributed by the town during the war, 1861-65, 159 Anecdote of Rev. Mr. Cooke's canonicals lost, 82, 83 Answer of Rev. Thaddeus Fiske, to call for settlement, 1788, 106; his ordination, 107,123, 124 Antipedo-baptists, 48 Area of Second Parish in Cambridge, 110 Arlington, Advocate, newspaper, 164; Heights, 130, 163-165; celebration of change of name, remarks by Hon. Charles Sumner, 161, 162; Land Company, 163, 164; name of West Cambridge changed to, 4,160; Public Library, 142, 163, 165; Schools, 163, 165; Water Works, 162, 163 Autobiography of Rev. Samuel Cooke, 29, 31, 89-92 Baptists, 49, 86, 104-106, 12
The Virginia Index. --We are requested by the editor of the Virginia Index to state that the publication of that paper will be resumed on Friday next, under new and permanent arrangements.
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Doings of the thirty-sixth Congress. (search)
B. M. De Witt, Esq. The Enquirer, of yesterday, announces that B. M. De Witt, Esq., late editor of the Richmond Index, has become one of the editors of the Enquirer. We are truly glad to welcome our friend De Witt to the editorial fraternity once more. Probably no man in the State has a more familiar acquaintance than himself with the politics of Virginia for the last thirty years. He is, at the same time, one of our ablest and meet forcible editors, and remarkable for tact and judgment. He is, withal, a courteous and dignified gentleman, always respecting the rights and feelings of others, and making the press an example as well as an instructor of the people. God speed to him!.
The index. This paper, which had been temporarily suspended, made its appearance on Friday last. Its worthy editors announce that it will appear on Wednesday next, and regularly thereafter on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Index has been conducted with talent, and with that courtesy and fairness which is always an ornament to the highest abilities, and we heartily wish our friends, its editors, every success in their vocation.
Confederate journal in London. --The Montgomery (Ala) Mail, noticing a new journal in the interest of the Confederate States, published in London, says: It is called the Index, and is edited by Henry Hotze, formerly of this city, and more recently connected with the editorial department of the Mobile Register. A volunteer private in the Confederate States Army, Mr. Hotze was, some months since, withdrawn from the ranks and sent to Europe upon important Government business, which be performed promptly and satisfactorily.
ch just now are being put forth in the North for the war. The editor thinks the symptom a hopeful one, for if reason is to be arbiter it is certain the war policy can never be sustained. The Daily News has an article in the defence of American heroism and patriotism; and condemns the sophistry of those who find fault that Americans are not sufficiently despondent. The Liverpool Post advocates mediation and argues that England is the power to mediate and Palmerston the man. The Index, the London organ of the rebels, says that Geo. N. Senders brought no communications whatever from the "Confederate Government" to the European Commissioners. The Paris correspondent of the London Times gives a version of Gen. Butler's difficulty with the French Consul at New Orleans, very unfavorable to Gen. Butler. Important discoveries are said to have been made, which will enable jute to be used to a great extent as a substitute for cotton. The article has, in consequence, adv
Gen. McClellan has shown enterprise and good generalship, and his men great valor. The Paris Constitutional, of the 27th ultimo, throws doubt on the truth of the Federal victory at Hagerstown. It says that a dispatch was received at Paris to the effect that Gen. McClellan, after the battle, retired upon Washington. [from the London army and Navy Gazette, September 27.] The Confederate invasion of Maryland has, if we may believe latest advices, proved a failure. The London Index (rebel organ) says that the Southern club at Liverpool was meeting with great success in raising funds for the relief of Southern prisoners in Federal hands. The contributions already exceed £8,000. Napoleon defines his position on the Roman question. The most important news from the continent of Europe is to be found in the Paris Moniteur, of the 25th of September. The official journal publishes, for the first time, a letter from the Emperor Napoleon, dated in May last, addressed