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10 A. M., and reached the city in a skiff, accompanied by a valuable boat hand, who remained faithful, although appearances indicated that the boy had only to open his mouth when he might have had a passage to some other place than "Dixie's Land." The Hilja went off during the day, and will proceed to the British Provinces. The British ship Monmouth, from Liverpool, and the ship General Parkhill, from the same place, were seen off the bar yesterday, and were ordered off. The Charleston News, of Monday evening, says: The British ship A and A, from Belfast, having been chased unsuccessfully yesterday by the steam-frigate Niagara, was fortunate enough to get into port this morning, having most successfully and fearlessly run the blockade. Captain Hutchinson deserves credit for the fearless manner in which he stood into the shoal part of the bar, and will have an opportunity of getting a fine freight and dispatch. The A and A was towed into port by the steamer Gordon.
The Daily Dispatch: January 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], Disbandment of an English Indian regiment. (search)
aker recommended Jackson's policy, and closed with a strong appeal for the Union. Mr. Douglas took the floor on Powell's resolutions, and said being compelled to vote for them gave him great pain, declaring as they did that no adjustment could restore peace.--He said that Congress never had legislated on slavery without danger to the country. He defended the Kansas-Nebraska act, and defended the South from the aspersions of Wade and others. Adjourned until Monday. House.--Mr. Hutchinson offered a resolution repudiating compromise by the Republicans, and endorsing the sentiment of Wade and Hale. Mr. Sherman withdrew certain objections, which he pressed yesterday, looking to the adoption of coercive measures. The Committee on Judiciary reported to the House a bill further providing for the collection of the revenue, and investing the President with additional powers. A motion to recommit the report caused debate. The South wished to give it its quietus in
Shooting at Grenada. --At the railroad depot in Grenada, last week, Dr. John Wilson struck Hutchinson, of the Calhoun Avengers, in the face with a pistol. Hutchinson seized the pistol and fired it at Wilson four or five times, wounding him in three places, and shooting a negro through the leg. --Memphis Appeal, 17th. Shooting at Grenada. --At the railroad depot in Grenada, last week, Dr. John Wilson struck Hutchinson, of the Calhoun Avengers, in the face with a pistol. Hutchinson seized the pistol and fired it at Wilson four or five times, wounding him in three places, and shooting a negro through the leg. --Memphis Appeal, 17th.
The Daily Dispatch: August 7, 1861., [Electronic resource], List of wounded men in General Hospital, Charlottesville, Va. (search)
Harrold D F, M D, 4th Ala — slight. Hardesty D A. 11th Mississippi, F — shoulder, severe. Harvey T W, 18th Va, D — head, not severe. Havin J G, H L, C — thigh, severe. Harvey Andrew B, 2d Miss. K — thigh, very severe. Hendricks J P, 4th Ala, H — foot, slight. Hines Jas E. 2d Virginia, F — knee, severe. Hodge J W, H L, C — thigh, slight. Holliday Jas J, Hampton Legion, C — head, severe. Howell Jno C, 8th Ga, G — leg. Hurt F a, 8th Ga, K — foot. Hutchinson J H, 1st La Battalion, D — face, not severe. Hutson — Hampton Legion — head, slight. Hurt F a, Serg't 8th Ga, K — foot, slightly. Inman H a J 2d Miss. Company K--thigh. Jenkins J T, 7th La. E — leg, slight. Jennings W E, 7th so Ca, E — leg, slight. Johnson W D, 4th Ala, G — side, slight. Jones J P, 7th Virginia. Keenan Jas. 2d Mississippi, company K--foot, not severe. Kerr J T, 11th Mississippi, a — calf, slight. King Wm
s supposed that she had been detained by order of General Wool. The steamer went for the purpose of conveying down the Captain and a portion of the crew of the ship A. B. Thompson, which was condemned recently at Charleston, S. C. Oh board the Kahukee were Captain Huger, son of Gen. Huger; Lieut. J. F. Milligan, from this city, and Mr. J. B. Cary, of Hampton; also, Mis. Williams, wife of John Williams, agent of the Boston steamers, taken prisoner at Boston by Lincoln's authorities, and Mrs. Hutchinson, whose husband holds some office in the Federal Navy. The ladies are bound North--Mrs. W. hoping to get her husband released. If the Kahukee is held by Wool, and those on board imprisoned or detained as prisoners of war, a speedy retaliation should be forthwith commenced. The affair causes much excitement here, and many think that another great outrage has been committed by the Federal authorities.--It is possible, however, that an accident has happened to the boat. The stea
Arrival of rice in Havana — landing of Federals at Hutchinson Island, &c. Charleston, Dec. 2. --The Charleston Courier, of this morning, publishes an extract of a letter from Havana, stating that several cargoes of Carolina rice had been received. --Rice is quoted at 15a16 reals, and unpentint at $16 per quintets. Exchange on 16 per cent.; on Paris, 2¾a3 premium. The Mercury says there was a destructive are in Georgetown on Friday evening. A lot of naval stores were destroyed. The loss is estimated at $10,000. Two hundred Federals landed at Hutchinson island on Friday last, plundering the houses and then burning them. The cotton of Hutchinson, Fenwick, and adjoining island, was destroyed by fire, on Thursday night last, by the patriotic owners
he left hand and a shot through the boot top constitutes his injuries. Unanimous honor is given to Captain Jo. Desha, of Company C. He acted with all the gallantry of his noble nature, standing far in front of his company, and deliberately firing at the enemy. He finally fell, shot through the shoulder. Adjutant Wise lost his horse, shot in several places. Major Crossland, on his "blacksteed," was a moving spectre, urging up the laggards and encouraging the men. It. W. E. Jones, Hutchinson, Gilmore, and Major W. P. Woodall displayed distinguished gallantry. I speak particularly of the action of the 1st Kentucky, since I was with them. We left the field after a sharp contest, and only when we were in danger of being flanked and captured by superior numbers. Finding it impossible for four regiments to contend successfully against four brigades, we retired; not, however, until we had obtained over fifty loads of forage, the object of our expedition. The loss of the
ise, December, 1861. To James Burns, Tiger Rifles, New Orleans: Sir --We, the undersigned, members of the Ben McCulloch Rangers, do hereby sympathize with you in your misfortune, and, as a token of our respect, subscribe to your benefit, as follows: George Metyler, $1.00; Andy McCrumb, 1.00; J. F. Fitzsimonds, 1.00; A. F. Allison, 1.00; G. W. Brown, 1.00; J. Brinker, 1.00; G. R. Blake, 1.00; Wm. Canagay, 3.00; Cummins, 1.00; Calleen, 1.00; Christison, 3.00; Desmond, 1.00; Dotson, 1.35; Gallager, 4.00; Harmman, 1.70; Hutchinson, 70; Johnson, 3.00; Herndon, 1.00; Hislop, 3.00; Holley, 5.00; Higgs, 2.20; Irick, 1.35; Jenkins, 3.00; John Lewis, 8.00; McMullin, 1.00; Brobeck, 1.00; Morrison, 5.00; James McNoon, 10.00; Henry Maguire, 10.00; Ed. Thompson, 5.00; Frank Rea, 3.00; Chas. Reed, 5.00; Wm. Craford, 10.00; Swaney, 3.00; Stanley, 1.00; A. Sharp, 10.00; Roberts, 1.65; Scott; 3.00; Henry Smith, 3.00; Chas. Thomas, 2.65. Mobile and New Orleans papers requested to copy.
W D Bethel, 22d Tenn, wounded; Lt J T Hines, 5th Tenn, wounded; Gen Clark, do; K Maddin, 13th Tenn, do; Jno Gibson, 5th Tenn, do; W R. Matthews, Clark's Battalion, do; M Pointer, Holly Springs, do; Lt Abbott, 22d Tenn, killed; J M Jones, do; John wells. 3d Miss bat, do; Lt E C Holmes, 4th La, do; Sam M Miles, do, arm off; Patrick Lacy, 3d Louisiana, wounded; Timothy Boothe, 5th La, do; J W Yates, do; Lieut Cooper, do; Sgt Maj Brown, 11th La, do; Thos Waeller, 154 Tenn, do; W A King, do; J Hutchinson, 13th Tenn, do; W B Duke, do; J Dallis, 7th La, do; W P Vandervoort, 13th Tenn., do; Jacob Baugh, 56th Tenn, do; J Threat, do; S H Palmer, do; E R Hels, 154th Tenn, do; Corp'l P B Bobtin, 4th La, do; Octave Duplee, do; J A Wharton, 13th Tenn, do; O ondue, 4th La, do; T J Quintard, 154th Tenn, co; Geo Bosh, 12th Tenn, do; Canderson, 3d Miss bat, do; Murrel, 5th Tenn, killed; L, 27th Tenn, wounded; W H Tones, do; Brown, 13th Tenn. do; Adjutant of 13th Tenn, do; Capt Wilkins, do; Harvey Walke
, in head and leg; Private E Redman, badly in the face. This regiment went into action with two hundred and twenty muskets. Total — killed, 4; wounded, 42; killed and wounded, 48. Casualties in Col. A. H. Colquitt's State Georgia regiment. Lieut Col Newton, slightly wounded. Adjutant Jas M Reid, severely wounded. Company A, Capt Arnold.--Killed: Ord'ly Sgt S M Knowles, Corp'l Geo F Lewis, Privates Duncan Brown, Jesse Hardeman, J A Perdu. Wounded: G M Amos, A M Hutchinson, John Keough, Sidney Blount, Irvin Johnson, F McClain, Jno T Tyus, Sgt S P Burnett, W H Brett, K Johnson, Jas Rogers, Missing: Sgt W H Stewart, W Martin. Company B, Capt Hannah.--Killed: Sgt A P Stovall, Privates Jas Frezler, Wm T Payne, E Winters, Newton J Young, D L Moore, Wounded: Lieut C Tracy, (C S A,) Corp'l B M Wilkinson, Privates James Bellinger, Jno Brumley, Jno Coody, B G Stewart, L Steele, W M Anderson, C S Bacon, Julius Davis, Ro Gifford, C S Kelley, Wm Eogers, Rufus Stova