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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
G. Sergeant Jos. G. McWilliams,Co. H. Private Jacob J. Sharff,Zzz=Co. H. Joseph D. Hicks,Zzz=Co. H. Wm. Melvin,Zzz=Co. H. Private Edward Hooper,Co. D. Joseph Hill,Zzz=Co. D. Wm. J. Hill,Zzz=Co. D. A. M. Hamrick,Zzz=Co. D. D. W. Armentrout,Co. E. J. Bowman,Zzz=Co. E. John Criswoll,Zzz=Co. E. James Dean,Zzz=Co. E. M. O'Connell,Zzz=Co. E. Priv'te J. R. Shipe,Co. I. O. A. Jones,Zzz=Co. I. Robert W. Dixon,Co. K. Musician Geo. W. Hout.Co. K. Geo. W. Hamrickhouse.Co. K. Samuel Hutchinson.Co. K. Reuben W. Small.Co. K. John F. Webster.Co. K. Geo. W. Yontz.Co. K. I certify, on honor, that of the above number of men, there were present, actually armed and in line of battle, thirty-one (31) enlisted men, on the morning of the ninth (9th) instant, the day of the surrender of this army. [62] J. J. Jenkins, Capt. Commanding Regiment. Thirty-seventh Virginia Regiment. Corporal Thomas H. Wilson,Co. A. Private Jacob Bosher,Zzz=Co. A. John A. Germain,Zzz=Co
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Committees appointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. (search)
ointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. May 5, 1736, William Symmes, Joseph Frost, William Rand, £ 25. May, 1837, William Symmes, Joseph Frost, Joseph Kent, £ 30. May 15, 1738, William Rand, Samuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 14, 1739, Joseph Kent, Samuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 13, 1740, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Peirce, James Tufts, £ 40. May 11, 1741, Joseph Kent, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Tufts, £ 40. MaSamuel Hutchinson, Henry Gardner, £ 30. May 13, 1740, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Peirce, James Tufts, £ 40. May 11, 1741, Joseph Kent, Captain Caleb Brooks, James Tufts, £ 40. May 10, 1742, and May 10, 1743, the same committee. May 8, 1744, Captain Caleb Brooks, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, £ 50. May 13, 1745, the same committee. May 19, 1746, Joseph Kent, Nathaniel Francis, John Bradshaw, £ 50. May 11, 1747, Peter Tufts, Philip Cartwrite (Carteret), John Bradshaw, £ 60. May 6, 1748, Nathaniel Lamson, Joseph Kent, John Bradshaw, Nathaniel Francis, and Henry Gardner, £ 80. May 15, 1749, the same committee, with Mr. Kent, chairman, £ 100. M
II., 25. Hills, John, 66. Hills, Thomas, 66. Hillsboro, N. H., 38. Hingham, Mass., 34, 44. Historic Genealogical Register, New England, 80. Historic Heights and Points, 60. History of Medford, Brooks-Usher, 15. Hittenger, —, 40, 65. Holbrook, Samuel, 68. Hooker, —, 74. Hopkins Classical School, 70. Horn Pond, 2. Horn Pond Brook, 3. Horn Pond House, 3, 7. Horn Pond Locks, 2, 3. Hotten, Camden, 50. Houghton (family), 24. Hunt, William, 55. Hurd, Mercy, 55. Hutchinson, Samuel, 16. Increase, Ship, 73. Ipswich, Mass., 78. Jackson, Dr. Charles T., 9. Jackson, Edward, 76. Jackson, Patrick T., Esq., 8. Jackson, Richard, 76. James, King, 27, 28, 77. Jane, 88. Jaques, Colonel, 24, 41. Jaques, William, 41. Jenner, Thomas, Town Clerk, 11. Jenny, 88. Johnson, John, 82. Jones, Dorcas, 85. Jones, Ruth, 68. Keene, Sarah A. (Vinal), 71. Kendall's Boston Brass Band, 2. Kent, Benjamin, 88. Kent, Ebenezer, 43, 88. Kent, Joseph, 14, 15, 16, 8
y lands of widow Mary Rand, of Captain Eben Breed, by land of William Hoppin and Meriam Fosket, and by rangeways, at £ 55 old tenor per acre£3924s4 1/2d Meadow, 4 acres, 54 rods, on same highway, and bounded by lands of Joseph Frothingham, Samuel Hutchinson, Nathaniel Frothingham, and rangeway, at £ 66 old tenor per acre£2665s6d Pasture, on highway leading from Charlestown to Cambridge, and bounded by land of Michael Brigden and a rangeway, at £ 35 old tenor per acre£2034s4d The children 1d. His will speaks of his son John, resident at Surinam, S. A., and that one's son Ebenezer. William Hoppin was a rigger, who died a very old man in 1773. The late Rev. Dr. Hoppin, of Christ church, Cambridge, was a great-grandson. Samuel Hutchinson, the shoemaker, lived on the road to Winter Hill. Miriam Fosket, born in 1665, Miriam Cleveland, was widow of Thomas Fosket, a brother of Jonathan, who once owned the windmill, which he sold to John Mallet, on the southeast of the range <
36. Hitchings, Mrs., Augustus, 47. Hobbs, Miss, 97, 100. Hobgoblin Hall, 23. Holbrook, Abiah, 38. Holbrook, Abiah, Jr., 38. Holbrook, Mary Needham, 38. Holbrook, Samuel, 38. Holden, Oliver, 44. Holland, Silas H., 12. Hooper, Thomas, 90, 99, 100. Hopkinton, Mass., 86. Hoppin, Rev. Dr., 85. Hoppin, William, 82, 85. Hopping, Nicholas, 41. Howe, Lord, 86. Hurd, Benjamin, 65. Hurd, Benjamin. Jr., 20, 46, 63. Hurd, Joseph, 42, 63, 65, 66. Hurd. Josiah S., 90. Hutchinson, Samuel, 82, 85. Independent Christian Church, 1. India, 81. Ireland, Johnny, 47. Ireland, Martha, 70, 71, 72. Jackson, Mrs., Eleanor, 70. Jackson, Rev., Henry, 90. Jaques, Henry, 90. Jaquith, Oliver, 67, 68. Jefferds, Miss, 93, 95, 96. Johnson, Captain, 83. Johnson, Elizabeth (Jeffs), 86. Johnson, Jeffs, 85, 86. Johnson, Miss, Sebrina, 93. Johnson, Zechariah, 86. Jones, Ruth, 19. Kelley, Hall J., 90. Kenney, James, 41. Kent, Samuel, 16, 21, 63, 64. Kettell, 79. Ket
8. Mary, m. John Goddin, 26 July, 1771. Elizabeth, of Lexington, m. Joshua Underwood, of Camb., 25 Aug. 1771. Widow—, funeral 7 Aug. 1775. Sar. or Sor., funeral 18 Aug. 1775. Sarah, of Boston, m. Joseph Weeks, of Camb., 5 Jan. 1778. Polly, d. 12 Oct. 1790, a. 20 mos. Mary, of Camb., m. Roger Adams, of Newton, 14 Oct. 1805. Jonathan F., m. Ruthy Frost, 9 Apr. 1809. Lydia, of W. Camb., m. Samuel Skilton of Chas., 16 Jan. 1814. Lydia, m. Thomas H. Teel, 25 Aug., 1814. Lucetta, m. Samuel Hutchinson, of Chas., 14 Dec. 1817. Mary, m. Thomas Leach, 22 Apr. 1821. Samuel W., m. Susan Ann Adams, 24 Oct. 1838. Bowen, m. Mehitable Locke, 6 June, 1833 (Locke Book, 286). Levi, d. 19 July, 1825, a. 19 yrs. Hannah, d. 11 July, 1839, a. 25. Mary Eliza, d. 16 Sept. 1841, a. 10. Walter, d. (at Boston) 6 Feb. 1848, a. 25. Rust, Wallis (of Boston), m. Wid. Rebecca Cutter, 29 Oct. 1797. Had Adeline, m. John Jarvis, 6 Jan. 1822; and others. See Cutter (par. 37). S Sanderson, Benja
under a hanging rock. On the spot is a cool and never-failing spring that now runs into the north part of the south reservoir. For seventy-five years it has been called the Hannah Shiner spring. The land on which it is was once owned by Samuel Hutchinson and was then called the Donty Richardson lot. The town of Winchester now owns it. But cool and refreshing as was the spring water in 1820, Hannah was still a lover of rum, and on December 22 came down to see Mrs. Hutchinson while under iMrs. Hutchinson while under its influence. After venting her displeasure upon that good lady's earthen milk pans, much to their detriment, she continued on her devious way to the village of South Woburn (Winchester). In going over the foot-bridge that spanned the Aberjona, she fell into the water and was drowned. The same writer said, She had a little dog that always went with her; the dog commenced barking and gave the alarm. Abel Richardson (who owned the mill and lived near by) and his sons took her out of the wate