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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Dakota, (search)
ans make two unsuccessful assaults on Fort Abercrombie......September, 1862 First ground in Dakota broken for the Northern Pacific Railroad at Grand Forks......Jan. 2, 1872 Settlement begun at Bismarck......1872 Military reconnoitring expedition to the Black Hills under General Custer, accompanied by a scientific exploring party, leaves Fort Abraham Lincoln......July 2, 1874 Senate bill to form Territory of Pembina from the northern part of Dakota is amended, changing the name to Huron, and passes the Senate Dec. 20, 1876. Referred in House to committee on Territories......Jan. 4, 1877 Seat of government of Dakota Territory removed to Bismarck......1883 Delegates from North Dakota at Fargo protest against the State constitution framed by a convention at Sioux Falls, Sept. 4, 1883, for Dakota, with the 46th parallel for northern boundary......Sept. 12, 1883 Act for admission of State of Dakota passes the United States Senate, the remainder of the Territory to be c
a-tapsco; then the New Ironsides, as flag-ship; then the Catskill, the Nantucket, the Nahant, and, bringing up the rear, the doubleturreted monitor Keokuk. They were commanded by experienced and gallant officers of the United States Navy. Their armament, including that of the New Ironsides, consisted of thirtythree guns of the heaviest calibre ever used in war, to wit, 15 and 11 inch Dahlgren guns, and 8-inch rifled pieces. The steam-ers Canandaigua, Housatonic, Unadilla, Wissahickon, and Huron constituted the reserve, and were kept outside the bar. It may be of interest to submit an extract from the plan of attack and order of battle, adopted by the Admiral and distributed to the various commandants who took part in the engagement: * * * The squadron will pass up the main ship channel without returning the fire of the batteries on Morris Island, unless signal should be made to commence action. The ships will open fire on Fort Sumter when within easy range, and will ta
the first musket-shots came the sound of field-guns from the Stono. The enemy's four Napoleons had galloped into battery within four hundred yards of the gunboats, and fired some ten rounds before they were replied to; their shots crashed through the Pawnee again and again, with some loss. It was impossible for the gunboats to turn in the narrow stream, and their guns did not bear properly. To drop down was dangerous, but it was done; when out of close range, the Marblehead, Pawnee, and Huron soon drove their tormentors away from the river-bank. To capture the Tenth Connecticut, the enemy, after dealing with the Fifty-fourth, sent a portion of his force; but the resistance made by Captain Simpkins had allowed time for the Tenth Connecticut to abandon its dangerous position at the double-quick. None too soon, however, for five minutes delay would have been fatal. A correspondent of The Reflector, writing from Morris Island a few days later, said:— The boys of the Tenth Co
gunboat, 187. Howard, Oliver O., 267. Howard plantation, 263. Howard, Willard, 34, 55, 91, 105, 133,135, 163, 164, 182, 202, 233, 237,248, 276, 291, 314, 317. Howe, Samuel G., 23. Howell, J. B., 158. Howland, Cornelius, 10, 11. Hoyt, Henry M., 196, 206, 216. Huguenin, T. A., 123, 218. Hunter, Alexander, 119. Hunter, David, 31, 36, 39, 43, 44, 46. Hunter, David, letter to John A. Andrew, 36. Hunter, General, steamer, 65, 66, 67, 150, 151, 152, 184. Hurlbut, George P., 236. Huron, gunboat, 60. Huts, The, S. C., 212. Hutson plantation, 263. I. I Company, 20, 38, 54, 75, 92, 145, 148, 150, 164, 188, 191, 198, 207, 234, 237, 245, 254, 261, 262, 266, 273, 276, 285, 286,291, 298, 802, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, 317. Illinois Troops. Infantry: Thirty-Ninth, 123, 124. Island City, steamer, 309. J. Jackson, Levi, 300. Jackson, Stonewall, 70. Jackson, William, 12. Jacksonboroa, S. C., 52, 277, 279. Jacksonville, Fla., 151, 153, 155, 156, 157, 175,
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 70: D. L. Moody on board the Spree; Spanish War, 1898; Lincoln Memorial University; conclusion (search)
Monday morning, I opened my eyes and saw Matilda looking in from the hallway smiling. She said in plain English, for her mistress had just taught her the four words: The ship is coming, Herr General. Indeed it was true. The steamer Huron, crossing from Canada, had seen our signals of distress, and she came, just in time, to our relief. We had drifted out of the usual course of ships, and to many on board there appeared very little hope of our rescue. By nine o'clock Monday morning the Huron was towing the Spree by two strong cables, and we were quietly dragged for eight days on a smooth sea back to Queenstown, Ireland. As soon as we touched land, the most of the passengers ran to the nearest church. It was of the Methodist persuasion and when the house was well filled, Moody mounted the pulpit and preached a sermon from the text, God is love, and we all gave thanks. Moody preceded me to the United States, going over by another line. I returned by the Harvel, a sister ship o
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
ss.Mass.Mass.Oct. 24, 1864.Actg. Master's Mate.Huron; Chicopee.So. Atlantic; No. Atlantic.May 15, sst. Engr. Dec. 10, 1864.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr.Huron; Kansas.South Atlantic. Finn, William. Seectg. Master's Mate.Mohawk; Cambridge; Florida; Huron.North Atlantic.May 15, 1866.Hon. discharged.Acnd.Mass.Mass.Nov. 19, 1861.Actg. Master's Mate.Huron; Sea Foam.No. Atlantic; W. Gulf.Mar. 4, 1866.d.Mass.Mass.Oct. 5, 1863.Actg. 1st Asst. Engr.Huron; Agamenticus.North Atlantic.Nov. 27, 6, 1862.Actp. 3d Asst. Engr.Huron; Nantucket.South Atlantic.Oct. 30, 1865.Hon. dt.-Comdr.Cairo; Conestoga; Osage; Vindicator. Huron.Mississippi. North Atlantic. Sellew, Edgar K.g. Ensign. Nov. 20, 1863.Actg. Ensign.Lehigh; Huron.South Atlantic. Train, Samuel F.,Mass.Mass.Mater.N. H.Mass.Mass.Jan. 27, 1862.Asst. Surgeon.Huron; Roanoke.North Atlantic.--- Oct. 30, 1865.Paser.Massachusetts. Bienville; State of Georgia Huron.Supply Steamer. North Atlantic.Nov. 10, 1865.[6 more...]
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Appendix B. (search)
erapis121,380Not built. Taghkanic121,380Not built. Talladega121,380Not built. Resaca Class. 4 screw-sloops :8831 to 900 Nantasket10900 Quinnebaug10831 Resaca10900Sold. Swatora10831 *** Nipsic Class. 8 screw-sloops :7 to 12593 Kansas8593 Maumee4593Sold, 1869. Nipsic4593 Nyack3593 Pequot4593Sold, 1869. Saco3593 Shawmut3593 Yantic Unadilla Class. 23 screw-gunboats:4to7507 AroostookSold, 1869. CayugaSold, Oct. 25, 1865. ChippewaSold, Nov. 30, 1865. ChocuraSold, 1867. HuronSold, May 14, 1869. ItascaSold, Nov. 30, 1865. KanawhaSold, 1866. KatahdinSold, Nov. 30, 1865. KennebecSold, Nov. 30, 1865. KineoSold. MarbleheadSold. OttawaSold, Oct. 25, 1865. OwascoSold, 1865. PembinaSold, 1865. PenobscotSold, 1869. PinolaSold, 1866. SagamoreSold, 1866. SciotaSunk (torpedo), 1865 ; sold, 1866. SenecaSold. TahomaSold, 1867. UnadillaSold, 1869. WinonaSold, 1865. WissahickonSold, 1865. Pinta Class. 9 screw-tugs:2350 Fortune 2350 Leyden2350 Mayflower2360
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 3: strategic Reconnoissances. (search)
destruction. This force despatched, at daylight the flag-officer crossed the bar in the Mohican and proceeded to the sea entrance of Fernandina, but rough weather prevented the vessel from entering the harbor until the 4th. In the meantime Commander C. R. P. Rodgers with three armed launches of the Wabash had gone on board of the Pawnee, which vessel was diligently threading her way through the narrow and tortuous channels in the marshes of Cumberland Sound, followed by the Ottawa, Seneca, Huron, Pembina, Isaac Smith, Penguin, Potomska, Ellen, and armed cutter Henrietta. The Pawnee, Ottawa, and Huron were the only vessels that succeeded in crossing the flats at the dividing point of the tides. The vessels left behind had no pilots, but at high water they got over and groped their way as they best could, as also the transports Boston and McClellan, the first with the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania regiment, Colonel Guss, the second with the marine battalion, Major Reynolds. Command
Daniel Ammen, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.2, The Atlantic Coast (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 9: reduction of Newbern—the Albemarle. (search)
the Ironsides, and anchoring when her after guns firing on Fisher will clear the range of the Ironsides; the Mohican, next in line, will then anchor ahead of the Minnesota, Colorado next ahead of her, and all of the line thus when anchored in reverse of order of sailing. The Seneca, Shenandoah, and six other vessels will take their positions between and outside the different vessels as marked on the plan. After the vessels above designated have got into position, the Nyack, Unadilla, Huron, and Pequot will take up position outside and between the monitors, keeping up a rapid fire when the monitors are loading. The following vessels will then take their positions as marked on the plan: Fort Jackson, Santiago de Cuba, Tacony, Osceola, Chippewa, Sassacus, Maratanza, Rhode Island, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Montgomery, Cuyler, Quaker City, and Iosco, anchoring in reverse as before. It is not desirable that the vessels should be seen by the enemy prior to the time of attack.
ard, notwithstanding all of the difficulties, and on the 12th of January the fleet had sailed in three columns, accompanied by the transports. The Brooklyn led the first line, followed in order by the Mohican, Tacony, Kansas, Yantic, Unadilla, Huron, Maumee, Pequot, Pawtuxet, Seneca, Pontoosuc, and Nereus, thirteen vessels. The Minnesota led the second line, followed in order by the Colorado, Wabash, Susquehanna, Powhatan, Juniata, Shenandoah, Ticonderoga, Vanderbilt, Mackinaw, and Tuscargged for torpedoes. The attacking force was limited, by reason of the difficulty of having more vessels in position. The following day (18th), in order to get more batteries to bear, at 8 A. M. the monitor Montauk led, followed by the Mackinaw, Huron, Sassacus, Pontoosuc, Maratanza, Lenapee, Unadilla, Pawtuxet, Osceola, Shawmut, Seneca, Nyack, Chippewa, and Little Ada. They anchored in position and maintained a heavy fire during the day. At 3 P. M. the fort no longer replied, but the fire was