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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.69 (search)
hardbread, coffee, sugar, salt, and 100,000 pounds of salt meat. On the 3d Hurlbut, who had been left at Memphis, was ordered to send four regiments from his comd to be a loyal man, who had been expelled from Memphis some months before, by Hurlbut, for uttering disloyal and threatening sentiments. There was a good deal of pensibly as a warning to those who entertained the sentiments he expressed; but Hurlbut and the expelled man understood each other. He delivered his copy of Johnstonjust arrived, we had now about forty thousand men for the siege. Prentiss and Hurlbut were ordered to send forward every man that could be spared. Cavalry especialy organizing in his rear to raise the siege. On the 3d of June a brigade from Hurlbut's command arrived, General Nathan Kimball commanding. General Kimball was wege, but they behaved well. On the 8th of June a full division arrived from Hurlbut's command, under General Sooy Smith. It was sent immediately to Haynes's Bluf
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The battle of Stone's River. (search)
multaneous and destructive volley of musketry. They staggered, but quickly re-formed and, reenforced by Preston and the Confederate Palmer, advanced again to the charge. The battle had hushed on the extreme right, and the gallantry of this advance is indescribable. The right was even with the left of the Union line, and the left stretched far past the point of woods from which Negley had retired. It was such a charge as this that at Shiloh b roke the strong lines of W. H. L. Wallace and Hurlbut, and enveloped Prentiss. The Confederates had no sooner moved into the open field from the cover of the river bank than they were received with a blast from the artillery. Men plucked the cotton from the boles at their feet and stuffed it in their ears. Huge gaps were torn in the Confederate line at every discharge.. The Confederate line staggered forward half the distance across the fields, when the Union infantry lines added minie-balls to the fury of the storm. Then the Confederates
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 4: campaign of the Army of the Cumberland from Murfreesboro'to Chattanooga. (search)
oping thereby to draw off some of the troops from Meade. But this suspicion was dispelled by another dispatch from General Foster the next day, Sept. 14, 1863. bearing a report that Longstreet's corps was passing southward into North Carolina. Then Halleck directed Meade to ascertain the truth or falsity of the latter report, when it was found to be true, as we have observed. See page 101. Meanwhile Halleck had ordered Burnside to move down and connect with Rosecrans, and directed General Hurlbut, at Memphis, to send all of his available force to Corinth and Tuscumbia, to operate against Bragg, should he attempt the anticipated flank movement, and, if necessary, to ask Grant or Sherman, at Vicksburg, for re-enforcements. He also telegraphed to the commander at Vicksburg to send all available forces to the line of the Tennessee River. At that time Grant was in New Orleans, and Sherman was in command in the vicinity of Vicksburg. Similar orders were sent to Schofield, in Misso
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
Port Hudson, and the retreat of Johnston from Jackson, See page 146. by which Grant's army was relieved from pressure, General Frederick Steele was sent to Helena to organize an expedition to capture Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. His forces gathered there at the beginning of August numbered about six thousand men (including five hundred Indiana and Kansas cavalry), with twenty-two guns. He was soon joined by General Davidson (then operating in Arkansas, under the command of General Hurlbut) with an equal number of men, mostly mounted, with eighteen guns, making his whole force, when he moved from Helena on the 10th of August, about twelve thousand men and forty guns. Davidson and his horsemen took the lead in the march. The White River was crossed at Clarendon, August 17, 1863. when Davidson pushed forward, on its western side, on a reconnoissance toward Brownsville, the capital of Prairie County, then held by Marmaduke. Meanwhile Steele sent his extra supplies, and o
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 8: Civil affairs in 1863.--military operations between the Mountains and the Mississippi River. (search)
t force was concentrating. Soon after Sherman left, General Hurlbut, then in command in West Tennessee, sent out raiding pr supplies. But his career in that region was short. General Hurlbut sent out troops from Columbus, on the north, and from tisfied that a web of danger was gathering around him (for Hurlbut had an ample supply of troops for the emergency), and starpi. His progress was slow, for the streams were brimful. Hurlbut's troops burned the bridges in his track, and he had but fh four divisions, two each from the corps of McPherson and Hurlbut, and accompanied by those leaders at the head of their resed of the divisions of Generals Veatch and A. J. Smith, of Hurlbut's (Sixteenth) corps, and of Generals Leggett and Crocker, his expedition to Meridian, and these had been sent by General Hurlbut to occupy it, so that the Confederates might not obstrformation furnished by spies, he might expect to find Generals Hurlbut, Washburne, and Buckland, it being their quarters. H
oad leading also, but more circuitously, to Corinth. Get. Hurlbut's division lay in the rear of Gen. Prentiss. Gen. Smith's , McClernand, by 11 A. M., found himself pushed back, with Hurlbut's fresh division on his left, and the debris of Sherman's lines of defense to replace those so suddenly demolished. Hurlbut's and W. H. L. Wallace's divisions were still intact; whiled fell into line on their flanks, or just behind them. Hurlbut held the direct road to Corinth, with woods at his back ane, until his army had returned to Corinth. An hour later, Hurlbut's division, worn out by incessant fighting against fresh rre still fighting as eagerly and confidently as ever, when Hurlbut's retreat compelled them to fall back also, or be flanked ude of his country. The division fell back into line with Hurlbut's new position; losing of its batteries but a single gun, 2 regt's not reported)2261,0331,1642,423 4th Division--Gen. Hurlbut3131,4492231,085 5th Division--Gen. Sherman3181,2754412
skirmish with his rear-guard that night. Meantime, another division, which Gen. Grant had pushed forward from Bolivar, at 3 A. M. of the eventful 4th, under Gen. Hurlbut, to the relief of Corinth, had struck the head of the enemy's retreating forces and skirmished with it considerably during the afternoon. Hurlbut was joined aHurlbut was joined and ranked, next morning, by Ord. The Rebel advance, having crossed the Hatchie river at Davis's bridge, were encountered by Ord and driven back so precipitately that they were unable to burn the bridge, losing 2 batteries and 303 prisoners. Ord, being in inferior numbers, did not pursue across the river, but gathered up 900 small atake away on the first train. I had eighty wagon-loads of assorted rations which had reached me that night at Ripley, and had ordered the 30,000 from Chewalla to Hurlbut. believing the Rebel army utterly demoralized and incapable of resistance; but he was directed to desist and return to Corinth. Nine days after his return, he w
rst advice that Longstreet had been dispatched southward from Virginia — it was said, to Charleston — he had telegraphed Sept. 13. to Burnside at Knoxville, to Hurlbut at Memphis, and to Grant at Vicksburg, to move troops to the support of Rosecrans; and the orders to Burnside and Hurlbut were reiterated next day. Schofield at SHurlbut were reiterated next day. Schofield at St. Louis and Pope in the northwest were likewise instructed respectively to forward to Tennessee every man they could spare. And it now occurred to Halleck — or did the day after Chickamauga — that two independent commands on the Tennessee would not be so likely to insure effective cooperation as if one mind directed the movementsck in New Orleans, the fort. out of reach by telegraph; and Sherman, who represented him at Vicksburg, did not receive the dispatch till it was several days old. Hurlbut promptly put his West Tennessee corps in motion eastward; but this was not enough; and Halleck, on learning of tile reverse on the Chickamauga — hearing nothin
ry or mounted infantry, about 1,600 strong, sent out by Gen. Hurlbut, commanding in West Tennessee, under Lt.-Col. J. J. Phi. A. L. Smith--directed against him from Columbus, Ky., by Hurlbut, with 6,000 men, of whom 2,000 were mounted — was brought his time taken the alarm, as well he might — the forces at Hurlbut's command being three times his own — and had started soutMemphis to find roads which even horsemen could traverse. Hurlbut was aware of this, and had ordered the burning of every br into Tennessee. Gen. Sherman, with four divisions of Hurlbut's and McPherson's corps, and a brigade of cavalry under Wincy was to have been supplied by a strong division sent by Hurlbut, under Gen. Win. Sovy Smith; but that officer, who was to and other hotels, where his spies had assured him that Gens. Hurlbut, Washburne, and Buckland, were quartered. He failed to enemy's expectations, unless they were very moderate. As Hurlbut had at least 6,000 men in or about the city, it was not pr<
narrative of the pursuit of Lee, 390; his testimony in relation to Gen. Meade, 402. Huger, Gen. (Rebel), at Seven Pines, 143; his position in front of Richmond, 160; is present at the battle of Malvern Hill. 165. Humphreys, Gen., at Vicksburg, 345; at Gettysburg, 382 to 387; at Farmville, 742. Hunter, Gen., his order on Slavery annulled by the President. 246-7: he defeats W. E. Jones at Piedmont, 600: miscarries at Lynchburg, 601; is succeeded in command by Gen. Sheridan. 607. Hurlbut, Gen., 59, 64; at Corinth, 230. I. Imboden, Gen., captures Charlestown, Va., 396. Immell's battery, at Iuka, 224. Independence, Mo., garrison at, captured, 36. Indiana, Morgan's raid into, 405. Indian campaigns, Sibley's and Connor's, 455. Indianola, iron-clad, destroyed, 299. Indians, slaveholding among the, 32; at Fort Smith, 33; in battle of Pea Ridge, 33-4. Indian Territory, 32-3. Ingraham, Capt. D. N., his iron-clad raid from Charleston, 465. Innes, Col