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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz) 112 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 9 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 4 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 1 Browse Search
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Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), I. First months (search)
that my lines have fallen in pleasant places! The said Chief-of-Staff is General Humphreys, a very eminent engineer. He is an extremely neat man, and is continuall belt. They all ride well, and would be handsome horsemen, if got up. General Humphreys, with his usual bland smile, appeared on a small gray, which was of a conays the General: I am going to Washington; would you like to go? . . . Major-General Humphreys said he too would go, and the General's son George completed the partyegant pair of trousers! Now then, Lyman, are you ready? Where's Humphreys? Humphreys is always late! Come, come along, the train is going to start! You should hsophically, but it was hard, very hard. Most of all to General Meade and General Humphreys, who really took it admirably, for both of them have excellent tempers ofarties were in a great rage at not being led on. Alas! it was of no use; General Humphreys, with a heavy sigh, pronounced the opportunity (if it had ever existed) n
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 4 (search)
him really like sons. So fell good Uncle John, a pure and great-hearted man, a brave and skilful soldier. From the commander to the lowest private he had no enemy in this army . . . . I found General Meade with Generals Wright, Warren, and Humphreys consulting together in the same spot where Grant sat yesterday among the bullets, for no apparent reason. You never saw such an old bird as General Humphreys! I do like to see a brave man; but when a man goes out for the express purpose of geGeneral Humphreys! I do like to see a brave man; but when a man goes out for the express purpose of getting shot at, he seems to me in the way of a maniac. . . . In the afternoon there was some fighting on the right centre, without result; Burnside pushed down on the left, driving the enemy before him; and so the day closed, our army crowding in on Lee and he standing at bay and throwing up breastworks. [At this period Lyman was in the habit of writing a few lines about the events of the day, and then taking up his narrative several days back. A bit of foresight of which he characteristical
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
suspicion on anyone who has a stray bit of lace or other martial finery. . . . At 10.30 General Humphreys and General Meade, taking only Sanders and myself, embarked on a boat with General Ingallshing; for a round shot came bounding over the country and hopped right in front of him and General Humphreys. The attack over, I asked leave to go in and see Harry, and the General told me I could hby officers here to be no general at all, though brave; and. General Tyler is the man whom General Humphreys had tried for cowardice, or some misbehavior in the presence of the enemy; and who has, inGeneral Meade made examinations in person of the enemy's lines, and the orders drawn up by General Humphreys were more than usually elaborated. People have a vulgar belief that a General commanding de of officers in the camp: such a flitting of figures in a variety of not much clothing! General Humphreys said: Yes, perhaps it would be well to have the horses saddled; for, he added with a hopef
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 7 (search)
Wisconsin. I arrived in camp somewhat after dark and was tenderly welcomed by all, from the General down. Barstow and Humphreys were highly pleased with their gifts. To-day a curious thing occurred. While I was away, looking for a place for the n back in confusion. Griffin had advanced and restored the retired line. And who rides hither so placidly? It is General Humphreys: he has stolen off and, bless his old soul, has been having a real nice time, right in the line of battle! A prettsh him, and communicated the same with much eloquence, by the instrumentality of the magnetic telegraph; whereat Major-General Humphreys, Chief-of-Staff, had the brutality to laugh! We made our usual peregrination to Globe Tavern, where we got aboue can order — just order what groceries he pleases, and no questions asked behind the counter! October 10, 1864 General Humphreys deserted us to-night, for a brief leave — no, of course I mean he went early this morning, having taken his breakfa
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 8 (search)
may be sure that was the first and last of the warders. November 2, 1864 As it was fine, after three days rain, General Humphreys bestirred himself to give rational entertainment to the two Englanders; and so General Meade ordered a couple of br with an account of our picnic yesterday to Butlerdom. The day was further remarkable for the departure of my dear General Humphreys to take command of the 2d Army Corps. For Hancock has got a leave of absence, and will doubtless be put to recruiting fresh troops, while it is hoped that the President will permanently assign Humphreys to this Corps. He is in high glee at going, and will be in despair if a big fight is not got up for his special benefit. He was a great favorite and was escora delicate job in face of the enemy, who are pretty close up; but it all was done in entire quiet, to the relief of General Humphreys, who feels the new honor of the 2d Corps. That worthy officer stopped on his way to his new Headquarters and honor
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
sent up the Quaker road, to join the left of Humphreys', and to be followed by most of the rest of Charlie Mills sitting on horseback, near General Humphreys. He nodded and smiled at me. Immediateln and Griffin, making a detached left wing. Humphreys' left rested somewhat west of the Boydton plank. Ord and Humphreys were now crowding in their skirmishers, trying for openings in the slashings, though his head was perfectly clear. General Humphreys had slept, I don't know when — but there house (where Sheridan was) we came upon General Humphreys, at a large Boydton plank road house denly--boom! boom! and the distant smoke of Humphreys' batteries curls above the pine trees. At t, where the Rebel train, closely followed by Humphreys, had come to a hopeless deadlock. The road mile east of the Piedmont coal mine, just as Humphreys's rear guard were marching on. As they had sof General Grant. Advance your skirmishers, Humphreys, and bring up your troops. We will pitch in[24 more...]
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), Index (search)
7. Haw's store, 131. Hayes, Joseph, 186, 220, 224; dinner party, 71; wounded, 90. Hays, Alexander, 42, 82, 139; death of, 92. Hayter, Arthur Divett, 241. Heavy artillery, 81. Henderson, Mary, II. High Bridge, Appomattox, 352. Hill, Ambrose Powell, 88, 89, 93, 94, 222, 293, 294; death of, 341. Hoke, Robert F., 136. Holbrooke, —, Dr., 72. Holland, Sir, Henry, 21. Holman, Silas Atherton, 316. Hood, John Bell, 296. Hooker, Joseph, 93, 114; described, 230. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 36, 57, 60, 65, 68, 69, 232, 277, 316, 318, 324, 329, 345, 346, 352; 353, 356; described, 6, 73, 78, 108, 307; on horses, 8; rejoins army, 64; mystery, 76; before Petersburg, 163, 217, 234, 237; on war, 243; new command, 279, 285, 326; at races, 321. Hunt, Henry Jackson, 63, 197, 275, 277; on Grant, 313. Hutchins, Benjamin Tucker, 16. Huts for winter quarters, 60. ice, 135. Indian, picket, 242. Ingalls, Rufus, 34, 60, 163, 279. Irish, good qualities, 131, 208.
commanding the first and second army corps Irvin McDowell commanded the 1st Corps in front of Washington. A. A. Humphreys commanded the 2d Corps at Petersburg. John Newton commanded the 1st Corps at Gettysburg and after. Darius N. Co successors were Major-Generals D. N. Couch, John Sedgwick, O. O. Howard, W. S. Hancock, G. K. Warren, D. B. Birney, A. A. Humphreys, Brevet Major-Generals Gershom Mott, N. A. Miles, and F. C. Barlow, and Brigadier-Generals John Gibbon, William Haysle a blunder for which he was responsible. He died on Governor's Island, New York, February 9, 1886. Major-General Andrew Atkinson Humphreys (U. S.M. A. 1831) was born in Philadelphia, November 2, 1810. He was closely associated with engineeeph Hooker, Brigadier-General Daniel Butterfield, Major-Generals George G. Meade, Charles Griffin, George Sykes, and A. A. Humphreys, Brevet Major-General S. K. Crawford, and Major-General G. K. Warren. The corps fought in whole or in part through
ar. 13, 1865. Grierson, B. H., Mar. 2, 1867. Griffin, Charles, Mar. 13, 1865. Grover, Cuvier, Mar. 13, 1865. Hardie, James A., Mar. 13, 1865. Harney, Wm. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Hartsuff, G. L., Mar. 13, 1865 Hatch, Edward, Mar. 2, 1867. Hawkins, J. P., Mar. 13, 1865. Hazen, Wm. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Heintzelman, S. P., Mar. 13, 1865. Hoffman, Wm., Mar. 13, 1865. Holt, Joseph, Mar. 13, 1865. Hooker, Joseph, Mar. 13, 1865. Howard, O. O., Mar. 13, 1865. Howe, A. P., Mar. 13, 1865. Humphreys, A. A., Mar. 13, 1865. Hunt, Henry J., Mar. 13, 1865. Hunter, David, Mar. 13, 1865. Ingalls, Rufus, Mar. 13, 1865. Johnson, R. W., Mar. 13, 1865. Kautz, August V., Mar. 13, 1865. Ketchum, Wm. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Kilpatrick, Judson, Mar. 13, 1865. King, John H., Mar. 13, 1865. Long, Eli, Mar. 13, 1865. McCook, A. McD., Mar. 13, 1865. McDowell, Irvin, Mar. 13, 1865. McIntosh, John B., Aug. 5, 1862. Marcy, R. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Meigs, Mont. C., July 5, 1864. Merritt, Wesley, Mar. 13
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson 1810-1883 (search)
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson 1810-1883 Military officer; born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 2, 1810; graduated at West Point in 1831; distinguished himself in Florida (see Seminole War) in 1832; and resigned in 1836. He re-entered the army as lieutenant of topographical engineers in 1838. From 1845 to 1849 he assisted in the coast survey, and in 1853 took charge of the office of explorations and surveys in the War Department. He became a member of General McClellan's staff in March, 1862, and soon afterwards was made brigadier-general of volunteers. He fought at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville; was General Meade's chief of staff from July, 1863, to November, 1864, and commanded the 2d Corps from November, 1864, to June, 1865. He was brevetted major-general for meritorious services in the siege of Petersburg and the pursuit and capture of General Lee. In 1866 he was appointed chief of the corps of engineers, and in 1879 was retired. He was author of many important reports of