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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 59 1 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 2, 17th edition. 50 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A book of American explorers 24 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
Col. John M. Harrell, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.2, Arkansas (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Henry Hudson or search for Henry Hudson in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), America, discoverers of. (search)
ence in May to Quebec, and, returning to France, found De Chastes dead, and the concession granted to him transferred by the King to Pierre du Gast, Sieur de Monts, a wealthy Huguenot, who accompanied Champlain on another voyage to the St. Lawrence the next year. In 1608 he went up the St. Lawrence again ; and the following summer, while engaged in war with some Hurons and Algonquins against the Iroquois, he discovered the lake that bears his name in northern New York. At the same time, Henry Hudson, a navigator in the employ of the Dutch East India Company, entered the harbor of New York ( September, 1609) and asceniled the river that bears his name as far as Albany. The region of the Great Lakes and the upper valley of the Mississippi were discovered and explored by French traders and Jesuit missionaries in the seventeenth century. So early as 1640 the former penetrated the western wilds from Quebec. Father Allouez set up a cross and the arms of France westward of the lakes in 16
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arctic exploration. (search)
west passage to India, but was driven back from Nova Zembla, and perished on the shore of Lapland. In 1576-78 Martin Frobisher made three voyages to find a northwest passage into the Pacific Ocean, and discovered the entrance to Hudson Bay. Between 1585 and 1587 John Davis discovered the strait that bears his name. The Dutch made strenuous efforts to discover a northeast passage. Willem Barentz (q. v.) made three voyages in that direction in 1594-96, and perished on his third voyage. Henry Hudson tried to round the north of Europe and Asia in 1607-08, but failed, and, pushing for the lower latitudes of the American coast, discovered the river that bears his name. While on an expedition to discover a northwest passage, he found Hudson Bay, and perished (1610) on its bosom. In 1616 Baffin explored the bay called by his name, and entered the mouth of Lancaster Sound. After that, for fifty years, no navigator went so far north in that direction. In 1720 the Hudson Bay Company se
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Brown, John, 1744- (search)
he important events which speedily brought about the result he so much desired. Autobiographical notes: Brown's letter on slavery to his brother Frederick. Randolph, Pa., Nov. 21, 1834. Dear Brother,--As I have had only one letter from Hudson since you left here, and that some weeks since, I begin to get uneasy and apprehensive that all is not well. I had satisfied my mind about it for some time, in expectation of seeing father here, but I begin to give that up for the present. Sincit all. This has been with me a favorite theme of reflection for years. I think that a place which might be in some measure settled with a view to such an object would be much more favorable to such an undertaking than would any such place as Hudson, with all its conflicting interests and feelings, and I do think such advantages ought to be afforded the young blacks, whether they are all to be immediately set free or not. Perhaps we might, under God, in that way do more towards breaking thei
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colonial settlements. (search)
he entrance to Chesapeake Bay, when they ascended the Powhatan River 50 miles, landed, and built a hamlet, which they called Jamestown. The stream they named James River—both in compliment to their King. After various vicissitudes, the settlement flourished, and, in 1619, the first representative Assembly in Virginia was held at Jamestown. Then were laid the foundations of the State of Virginia (q. v.). Manhattan Island (now the borough of Manhattan, city of New York) was discovered by Henry Hudson in 1609, while employed by the Dutch East India Company. Dutch traders were soon afterwards seated there and on the site of Albany, 150 miles up the Hudson River. The government of Holland granted exclusive privilege to Amsterdam merchants to traffic with the Indians on the Hudson, and the country was called New Netherland. The Dutch West India Company was formed in 1621, with unrestricted control over New Netherland. They bought Manhattan Island of the Indians for about $24, paid ch
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Delaware, (search)
Delaware, The first of the thirteen original States that ratified the federal Constitution; takes its name from Lord De la Warr (Delaware), who entered the bay of that name in 1610, when he was governor of Virginia. It had been discovered by Hudson in 1609. In 1629 Samuel Godyn, a director of the Dutch West India Company, bought of the Indians a tract of land near the mouth of the Delaware; and the next year De Vries, with twenty colonists from Holland, settled near the site of Lewes. The colony was destroyed by the natives three years afterwards, and the Indians had sole possession of that district until 1638, when a colony of Swedes and Finns State seal of Delaware. landed on Cape Henlopen, and purchased the lands along the bay and river as far north as the falls at Trenton (see New Sweden). They built Fort Christiana near the site of Wilmington. Their settlements were mostly planted within the present limits of Pennsylvania. The Swedes were conquered by the Dutch of O
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Falling waters, skirmish near. (search)
t Williamsport, and pushed on in the direction of the camp of the Confederates. Near Falling Waters, 5 miles from the ford they had crossed, the advanced guard, under Col. John J. Abercrombie, which had arrived at 4 A. M., fell in with Johnston's advance, consisting of 3,500 infantry, with Pendleton's battery of field-artillery, and a large force of cavalry, under Col. J. E. B. Stuart, the whole commanded by Stonewall Jackson. Abercrombie, with a section of Perkins's battery, under Lieutenant Hudson, supported by the 1st Troop of Philadelphia cavalry, advanced to attack the foe with a warm fire of musketry. A severe conflict ensued, in which McMullen's Philadelphia Independent Rangers participated. In less than half an hour, when Hudson's cannon had silenced those of the Confederates, and Col. George H. Thomas was coming up to the support of Abercrombie, Jackson, perceiving his peril, fled, and was hotly pursued for about 5 miles, when, the Confederates being reinforced, the pur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fulton, Robert 1765-1815 (search)
and back. She travelled at the rate of 5 miles an hour. See Livingston, R. R. At this time, Fulton regarded his torpedo as the greater and more beneficial invention, as he believed it would establish the liberty of the seas. The government, in 1810, appropriated $5,000 to enable him to try further experiments with his torpedo; but a commission decided against it, and he was compelled to abandon his scheme. Steam navigation was a success. He built ferry-boats to run across the North (Hudson) and East rivers, and built vessels for several steamboat companies in different parts of the United States. In 1814 he was appointed by the government engineer to superintend the construction of one or more floating batteries. He built a war steamer (the first ever constructed), which he called the Demologos. She had a speed of 2 1/2 miles an hour, and was deemed a marvel; she was named Fulton the First, taken to the Brooklyn navy-yard, and there used as a receiving-ship until January, 1
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hakluyt, Richard 1553- (search)
and, to the most remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth, at any time within the compass of these fifteen hundred years, was published the same year. It contains many curious documents, and is illustrated by maps. Anthony à Wood, writing late in the seventeenth century, referring to this great work, spoke of it as an honor to the realm of England, because possessing many ports and islands in America that are bare and barren, and only bear a name for the present, but may prove rich places in future time. Hakluyt was appointed prebendary of Westminster in 1605, having been previously prebendary of Bristol. Afterwards he was rector of Wetheringset, Suffolk, and at his death, Oct. 23, 1616, was buried in Westminster Abbey. Henry Hudson, who discovered Spitzbergen in 1608, gave the name of Hakluyt's Head to a point on that island; and-Bylot gave his name to an island in Baffin Bay. A society founded in 1846, for the republication of early voyages and travels, took his name
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hudson, Henry (search)
Hudson, Henry Navigator; born about the middle of the sixteenth century; was first employed by English merchants, in 1607, to search for a northeastern passage to India. He sailed from Gravesend on May 1, 1607, in a small vessel manned by onlyen Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla. Again he was compelled by the ice to turn back. His employers were now discouraged, and Hudson went over to Holland and offered his services to the Dutch East India Company, and they were accepted. On April 6, 1609,y. Returning, he discovered Delaware Bay, and early in September he entered Rari- The half Moon in Chesapeake Bay. Henry Hudson. tan Bay, south of Staten Island, and afterwards entered the (present) harbor of New York. Treating the Indians unkinhere, of course, they soon perished. The names of the wretched passengers in that little vessel, left to perish, were Henry Hudson, John Hudson, Arnold Ludlow, Shadrach Fanna, Philip Staffe, Thomas Woodhouse, Adam Moore, Henry King, and Michael Bute
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hudson River, discovery of the. (search)
Hudson River, discovery of the. The following narrative is from The Third Voyage of Master Henry Hudson, toward Nova Zembla, and at his Returne, his Passing from Farre Islands to Newfound Land, and along to Fortie-foure Degrees and Ten Minutes, and thence to Cape Cod, and so to Thirtie-three Degrees; and along the Coast to the Northward, to Fortie-two Degrees and an Halfe, and up the River Neere to Fortie-three Degrees, written by Robert Juet: The first of September [1609], faire weather, the wind variable betweene east and south: we steered away north northwest. At noone we found our height to bee 39 degrees, 3 minutes. Wee had soundings thirtie, twentie-seven, twentiefoure, and twentie-two fathomes, as wee went to the northward. At sixe of the clocke wee had one and twentie fathoms. And all the third watch, till twelve of the clocke at mid-night, we had sounding one and twentie, two and twentie, eighteene, two and twentie, eighteene, and two and twentie fathoms, and we