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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
me future time we propose to publish them as a proud roll of honor, which should be handed down to posterity. From R. R. Howison, Esq., Fredericksburg, Virginia--Copies Southern Literary Messenger, containing Howison's History of the War as far aHowison's History of the War as far as published; manuscript history from the point to which it was published in the Messenger, to a period near the beginning of the year 1864; a package of papers relating to the treatment and exchange of prisoners, being originals left in his hands as&c.; notes of Ms. of official reports tiled in the Adjutant-General's office, which were never published, but to which Mr. Howison was allowed access. These, added to a number of official reports, pamphlets, newspapers, &c., previously presented the Society by Mr. Howison, make one of the most valuable contributions which the Society has yet received. From General G. W. C. Lee (through Colonel Charles Marshall)--General A. P. Hill's original rough draft of his reports of Seven Days battles
to be holden at the Capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 12th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d inst., at 5 o'clock, to take the oaths prescribed by law. Thomas U. Dudley, Sergeant City of Richmond. N. B.--The Polls
to be holden at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, on Wednesday, the 13th February, 1861. Said act provides that the Commissioners and Officers conducting the State Election in May last shall conduct this election. The following is a list of the Commissioners and Conductors then appointed: Jefferson Ward.--Joseph Brummel, Abel F. Picot, E. A. Smith, John J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill, Commissioners; and Reuben T. Seal, Conductor. Madison Ward.--James H. Grant, George Whitfield, R. R. Howison, George W. Randolph, and Thomas R. Price, Commissioners; and Thomas U. Dudley, Conductor. Monroe Ward.--Thomas Barham, Thomas M. Jones, Thomas Boudar, Charles H. Powell, and Felix Matthews, Commissioners; and James L. Bray, Conductor. The Commissioners and Conductors are requested to meet at my office, at the City Hall, on Saturday evening, the 2d inst., at 5 o'clock, to take the oaths prescribed by law. Thomas U. Dudley, Sergeant City of Richmond. N. B.--The Polls
Hustings Court,my 16th. --R. D. Sanxay, Senior Alderman, presiding. The Court appointed the following Commissioners and Conductors of the election to be held on the 23d inst.: Jefferson Ward — Commissioners — Joseph Brummel, Anson Richards, E. A. Smith, Jno. J. Wilson, and N. B. Hill. Conductor — Reuben T. Seal. Place of voting — First Market-House. Madison Ward.--Commissioners — Jas. H. Grant, R. R. Howison, T. W. McCance, and T. R. Price. Conductor — Thomas U. Dudley. Place of voting — City Hall. Monroe Ward.--Commissioners — Thos. Barham, T. M. Jones, Thos. Boudar, Charles A. Powell, and Felix Mathews. Conductor — Andrew Jenkins. Place of voting — R. A. Lacy's Carpenter Shop, Broad street. Eliza Ann Johnson, free negro, was tried for remaining in the Commonwealth contrary to law. The jury found her not guilty. Frederick Thompson and Wm. Freeman, confined in jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury, not having been indicted, were o
opinion of the Board, make it unwise to declare a dividend at this time. But they trust at no distant day to be enabled to declare semi-annual dividends of three per cent. On motion, the report was received and laid on the table. Mr. Wood Bouldin, from the committee to examine the road, etc., presented a long report, which was read and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. J. R. Anderson, the President's report, and the report of the Examining Committee, except so much in each as refers to branch roads and wharfage, were referred to a committee of eleven. The Chairman appointed the following:--F. G. Ruffin. W. W. Carrington, Jos. R. Anderson, W. T. Wootten, H. C. Cabell, J. F. Wiley, W Martin, T. G. Coleman, John T. Clark, Wm. J. Crews, Wm. T. Scott. Special Committee on Branch Roads and Wharf: Messrs. R. R. Howison, C. H. Barksdale, D. Chalmers, T. D Neal, J. B. McPhail. On motion of Mr. Anderson, the meeting adjourned, to reassemble at 6 o'clock P. M.
ere laid on the table. On motion, the stockholders proceeded to the election of officers, and Lewis E. Harvie, Esq., was unanimously re-elected. On motion of Mr. N. B. Hill, the present Directors, Messrs. R. O. Haskins and Wm. Palmer, were unanimously re-elected. Mr. Martin was appointed a committee to inform the President of his re-election. Mr. Harvie returned thanks for the re-election, and paid a high compliment to the Directory and officers of the Company. Mr. R. R. Howison, from the Committee on Wharves, etc., presented a report, which included resolutions, approving the establishment of wharves at Rocketts: and referring the subject of pre-payment of freights to the Directory. On motion, the Examining Committee of 1859 was continued, and the By-Laws referred to them for revisal. Mr. B. M. Jones offered the following resolution: Resolved, That in lieu of the aid heretofore promised to the Roanoke Valley Railroad Company, the President and
John Thompson Brown, John H. Claiborne, J. Adair Pleasants. Mr. George W. Randolph offered a resolution, which was adopted, for the appointment of a committee of twenty-five, to prepare and report business for the action of the meeting. the Chairman thereupon appointed the following gentlemen: Geo. W. Randolph, A. L. Holladay, Nathaniel Tyler, Judge Wm. H. Lyons, Judge John Robertson, Samuel. J. Harrison, P. R. Grattan, Wyndham Robertson, R. T. Daniel, R. R. Howison, Jno. H. Gilmer, W. S. Triplett, Robt. Ridgway, Thos. T. Giles, Wm. Old, R. B. Heath, Gen. T. P. August, Wm. G. Paine, John Purcell, Wm. H. McFarland, David J. Burr, Judge John A. Meredith, A. A. Morson, Thos. W. McCance, Bolling W. Haxall, Jno. Randolph Tucker. the Committee retired, and calls were made for T. T. Cropper. at the invitation of the President, T. T. Cropper, Esq., took the stand, and addressed the meeting at length. He commenced
essary means for the conveyance of the wounded to the places designated. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to solicit subscriptions of money for the above purposes. These resolutions were advocated in enthusiastic terms by Messrs. R. R. Howison, H. K. Ellyson, Jas. A. Scott and others. Rev. Mr. Michaelbacher fully endorsed the resolutions, and promised for our fellow-citizens of the Jewish persuasion a liberal share in this benevolent work. Gen. Hamond, of Marion, saide resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the following gentlemen appointed on the several committees: Committee to Proceed to Manassas.--Jos Mayo, W. G. Paine, James H. Conway, Blair Burwell, F. W. Roddy, F. W. Hancock, J. B. McCaw, R. R. Howison, L. S. Hall (of Wetzel), Samuel Woods (of Barbour), H. F. Haymond (of Marion), James Neeson (of Marion), R. E. Cowan (of Preston), D. J. Saunders, Thomas Boldeman, G. W. Thomas, V. Bargamin, John Knute (of Wheeling), H. K. Ellyson, D. J. Burr
Qualified. --R. R. Howison, L. R. Spilman, and E. Y. Cannon, yesterday qualified as Attorneys to practice in the Confederate States District Court.
The free Schools of Richmond. --The Board of School Commissioners of this city is composed of Messrs. R. R. Howison, (President;) W. H. Richardson, A. T. Harris, T. J. Evans, James H. Grant, M. Gretter, A. Y. Stokes and John L. Bacon, and John Dove, (Secretary.) According to the report lately made to the Hustings Court, the appropriations for the year ending September 30, 1861, were as follows: Lancasterian School $600, Female Humane Association $500, Male Orphan Asylum $150, Clay Street Chapel School $350, Tredegar Free School $200, Monroe Ward do., No. 3, $350, Monroe Ward do., No. 4, $350, Jefferson Ward do., No. 1, $600; Bethel School $250, St. Paul's Chapel $50. The Superintendent's report for the past year shows that he has received the following sums: School quota for the year, $1,362.84; capitation tax for the same time, $2,129.44; balance per report of 1860, $655.07; total $4,147.35; and that he has disbursed $3,706.72, leaving a balance of $440.63. The aggreg