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ll kinds of provisions, and burning the houses and laying waste and destroying the plantations of every outlaw. Tryon to Hillsborough, 1 August, 1771. The commissary had got occasion to purchase any provision for the troops, from the 16th of May, till they quitted their settlements the 20th of June. On the ninth of June he arrived at Hillsborough, where the Court awaited him. His first work was a proclamation inviting every person to shoot Herman Husbands, or James Hunter, or Redknap Howell, or William Butler; and offering a hundred Chap. XLVI.} 1771. June. pounds and a thousand acres of land, as a reward for the delivery of either of them alive or dead. Then twelve men, taken in battle, were tried and brought in guilty of Treason; and on the nineteenth of June, six of them were hanged under the eye of the Governor, who himself marked the place for the gallows, gave directions for clearing the field, and sketched in general orders the line of march of the army to the place o