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Jula Ward Howe, Reminiscences: 1819-1899 184 2 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 50 6 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 35 3 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 20 2 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises 19 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 13 1 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 10 4 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 2 0 Browse Search
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 4. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Howe, Julia Ward 1819- (search)
we (q. v.), with whom prior to the Civil War she conducted the Boston Commonwealth, an anti-slavery paper. After the war she became actively interested in the cause of peace, woman suffrage, prison reform, and other movements. For many years she was a Unitarian preacher and a popular lecturer. She wrote the Battle hymn of the republic (see below); Passion flowers; Words for the hour; A trip to Cuba; The world's own; From the Oak to the olive; Later lyrics; Sex and education; Memoir of S. G. Howe; Life of Margaret Fuller; Modern Society; Is polite Society polite? from sunset Ridge, etc. Battle hymn of the republic. Mine eye hath seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on. I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps; They have builded him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read his righteous s
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Howe, Samuel Gridley 1801-1876 (search)
Howe, Samuel Gridley 1801-1876 Philanthropist; born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 10, 1801; graduated at Brown University in 1821; became a physician; and sympathizing with the Greeks in their struggle for independence, went there in 1824, and served at of an institution for the blind in Boston. The Pekin Institute was the result. It was put in operation in 1832, with Dr. Howe at its head. In that institution, through the unwearied efforts of Dr. Howe, Laura Bridgman, a deaf, dumb, and blind giDr. Howe, Laura Bridgman, a deaf, dumb, and blind girl, became educated. Dr. Howe, while in Europe, preparatory to opening the institution, engaged a little in politics, and was in a Prussian prison about six weeks. He was ever active in every good work. He went to Greece again in 1867, as bearer ofDr. Howe, while in Europe, preparatory to opening the institution, engaged a little in politics, and was in a Prussian prison about six weeks. He was ever active in every good work. He went to Greece again in 1867, as bearer of supplies to the Cretans in their struggle with the Turks. In 1871 he was one of the commissioners sent by the government of the United States to Santo Domingo to report upon the annexation of that island to the American Republic. He died in Boston
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Societies, religious and benevolent (search)
and dumb, the blind, the idiotic, the insane, for orphans, and for juveniles abound, and thousands continually enjoy the blessings which they provide. The first public asylum for the deaf and dumb was opened at Hartford, Conn., in 1817; and at the same time the second— the New York Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb—was chartered. The first public asylum for the blind was the Perkins Institute and Massachusetts Asylum, founded in 1829. It was opened in 1832, under the superintendence of Dr. Samuel G. Howe (q. v.), who treated the complicated infirmities of Laura Bridgman successfully. The first asylum for the insane in this country was founded at Williamsburg, Va., in 1773, and was the only one in the United States until 1818, when another was established at Somerville, Mass. That was followed by the Bloomingdale Asylum, New York, in 1821, and the asylum at Hartford in 1824. The Moravians in Georgia established the first orphan asylum in the American colonies about 1738, and Rev. Geor
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
uly, 1870; disregarding the request, is recalled......November, 1870 Third session opens......Dec. 5, 1870 President's annual message presented......Dec. 5, 1870 J. H. Rainey, of South Carolina, first colored member of House of Representatives, is sworn in......Dec. 12, 1870 Gen. Robert Schenck appointed minister to Great Britain......Dec. 22, 1870 Resolution authorizing a San Domingo commission approved (B. F. Wade, of Ohio; A. D. White, president of Cornell University, and S. G. Howe, of Massachusetts, named)......Jan. 12, 1871 Supreme Court decides the legal tender act of 1862 constitutional......Jan. 16, 1871 Statue of Lincoln in the rotunda of the Capitol unveiled......Jan. 25, 1871 George Ticknor, historian, born 1791, dies at Boston......Jan. 26, 1871 Act for a commission of fish and fisheries (Spencer F. Baird appointed)......Feb. 9, 1871 District of Columbia made a territorial government, by act......Feb. 21, 1871 Act for celebration of centenn
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Doctor Holmes. (search)
his late experience at the seat of Government. He is an out-and-out immediate emancipationist,believes that is the only way to break the strength of the South; that the black man is the life of the South; that they dread work above all things, and cling to the slave as the drudge that makes life tolerable to them. I do not know if his opinion is worth much. This was a meeting of the Bird Club which Doctor Holmes attended and the dingy-linened friends of progress were such men as Dr. Samuel G. Howe, Governor Washburn, Governor Claflin, Dr. Estes Howe, and Frank B. Sanborn. It has always been a trick of fashionable society, a trick as old as the age of Pericles, to disparage liberalism by accusing it of vulgarity; but we regret to find Doctor Holmes falling into line in this particular. He always speaks of Sumner in his letters with something like a slur — not to Motley, for Motley was Sumner's friend, but to others who might be more sympathetic. This did not, however, prevent
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Frank W. Bird, and the Bird Club. (search)
ting in his requirements of others, as he was of himself. The Bird Club was evolved out of the conditions of its times, like a natural growth. Its nucleus was formed in the campaign of 1848, when Bird, Andrew, Henry L. Pierce, and William S. Robinson fell into the habit of dining together and discussing public affairs every Saturday afternoon. It was not long before they were joined by Elizur Wright and Henry Wilson. Sumner came to dine with them, when he was not in Washington, and Dr. S. G. Howe came with him. The Kansas excitement brought in George L. Stearns and Frank B. Sanborn,one the president and the other the secretary of the Kansas Aid Society. In 1860 the club had from thirty to forty members, and during the whole course of its existence it had more than sixty members; but it never had any regular organization. A member could bring a friend with him, and if the friend was liked, Mr. Bird would invite him to come again. No vote ever appears to have been taken. Mr. Bi
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Sumner. (search)
scene of action, seized on a prominent position, and attempted to address the insurgents; but his pacific words only excited them to greater fury. They charged on him and his little group of supporters, knocked him down and trampled on him. Dr. S. G. Howe, who stood near by, a born fighter, protected Sumner's prostrate body, and finally carried him to a place of safety, although twice his own size. Sumner took his mishap very coolly, and, as soon as he could talk freely, addressed his friendshich he afterwards took at Aixles-Bains that finally cured him. His own calm temperament and firmness of mind may have contributed to this as much as Dr. Brown-Sequard. When Sumner returned to Boston, early in 1860, all his friends went to Dr. S. G. Howe to know if he was really cured, and Howe said: He is a well man, but he will never be able to make another two hours speech. Yet Sumner trained himself and tested his strength so carefully that in the following spring he delivered his oratio
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Chevalier Howe. (search)
ent guest at the Bird Club should have seen Doctor Howe sitting at the table with his indifferent, always count upon; but what chances would young Howe have in disaster or defeat? I never heard that if the writing be not always grammatical. Doctor Howe does not sentimentalize over the ruins of ee at Dr. Howe's house in South Boston. Doctor Howe's mysterious imprisonment in Berlin in 1832he Prussian government have interfered with Doctor Howe, after he had completed his philanthropic me lion. The account of his arrest, which Doctor Howe gave George L. Stearns, differs very slighted to throw light upon his former answers. Doctor Howe admitted afterwards that if he had attemptea charming daughter who materially assisted in Howe's convalescence, and he said afterwards that if The true hero never rests on his laurels. Doctor Howe had no sooner returned from Europe than he er fingers after the manner of deaf mutes. Doctor Howe said in his report of the case: Hither[12 more...]
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, The War Governor. (search)
American intellects. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar at the age of twenty-two. He had already formed decided opinions on the slavery question. The practitioner with whom he studied was precisely the opposite of Andrew,--a brilliant scholar, but formal and unsympathetic. Although a young man of fine promise he was soon excelled by his less learned but more energetic pupil. At the age of twenty-six we find Andrew presiding at a convention of Free-soilers, the same which nominated Dr. S. G. Howe for Congress. Why he did not appear in politics between 1844 and 1859 is something of a mystery, which may be explained either by his devotion to his profession or his unwillingness to make politics a profession. He was in constant communication with Charles Francis Adams, Frank W. Bird, and other leading independents, and played a part in the election of Sumner as well as at various nominating conventions; but he apparently neither sought office nor was sought for it. It may have been
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Elizur Wright (search)
ers inherited their father's intellect, and as they grew up cheerfully assisted him in various ways. When the Mexican war began there was great indignation over it in New England, and Lowell wrote his most spirited verses in opposition to it. Elizur Wright took advantage of the storm to establish a newspaper, the Chronotype, in opposition to the Government policy. He began this enterprise almost without help, but soon obtained assistance from leading Free-soilers like John A. Andrew, Dr. S. G. Howe, and especially Frank W. Bird, the most disinterested of politicians, who gave several thousand dollars in support of the Chronotype. The object of the paper, stated in Mr. Wright's own words, was To examine everything that is new and some things that are old, without fear or favor; to promote good nature, good neighborhood, and good government; to advocate a just distribution of the proper reward, whether material or immaterial, both of honest labor and rascally violence, cunning and i