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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 249 5 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 196 10 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 104 0 Browse Search
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade) 84 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 81 3 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 60 2 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 48 6 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 46 0 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2 40 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 38 0 Browse Search
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l Woodbury and Lieutenant Comstock for a more detailed account of this gallant work. It was now near nightfall; one brigade of Franklin's division crossed over the south side, drove the enemy's pickets from the houses near the bridge-head, and Howard's division, together with a brigade from the Ninth corps, both of General Sumner's command, crossed over on the upper and middle bridges, and, after some sharp skirmishing, occupied the town before daylight on the morning of the twelfth. Durin, proved to be in such small force as to have had no permanent effect upon the enemy's line. General Sumner's order directed the troops of General Combs' corps to commence the attack: French's division led, supported by Hancock, and finally by Howard. Two divisions of Wilcox's corps (Sturgis' and Getty's) participated in the attack. Never did men fight more persistently than this brave, grand division of General Sumner. The officers and men seemed to be inspired with the lofty courage and
of its former position. Immediately after General Howard, who, in the absence of General Thomas, hare completely under their control. To-day General Howard rode out to meet General Stanley, and in cear Red Clay, prepared to co-operate and guard Howard's left, lay the Twenty-third army corps, undernt toward Snake Creek Gap was going on, it was Howard's business to keep up as much noise as possibl, on the morning of the twelfth, we could hear Howard's cannon pounding away lively as ever. All firing upon the left. By noon the pickets of Howard communicated with those of Schofield or ratherorder of battle surrounding the enemy's works; Howard being upon the extreme left, Schofield next in. The Fourth corps, under command of Major-General Howard, the one armed veteran, as he is styled informed of the evacuation of the valley, General Howard informed General Sherman, and our lines att in order, to the left, were Generals Hooker, Howard, and Johnson, forming the centre, with General[16 more...]
Tuesday, May 3, was principally passed in concentrating the Fourth army corps, Major-General Howard, which was stretched along the railroad, the left resting at Cleveland, and the right at Ooltawah, ten miles below. Camps were broken at noon; and amidst the wildest enthusiasm of the troops at the prospect of the opening of the spring campaign, the line of march was taken with the object of centering at Catoosa Springs, three miles north-east of Ringgold.
ey to the northwest of Rocky Face Ridge. Newton's division halted in line of battle. Stanley, with kis invincible division, moved forward about a mile further, on the left of Tunnel Hill, and throwing out a heavy skirmish line, the right of which rested at the base of Tunnel Hill Ridge, where it joined General Davis' skirmishers, under Colonel Dan McCook, whose brigade was on the extreme left of the line of the Fourteenth corps. The left rested on the base of Rocky Face Ridge. It was General Howard's intention to throw Wood's division in on the right centre to support General Stanley, but the enemy presented so weak a front that Stanley was able to accomplish all that was expected — the turning of the enemy's left flank by a movement along Tunnel Hill range to the hill immediately in front of the town. At ten o'clock the enemy, about three hundred strong, comprising artillery and dismounted cavalry, could be discerned on the ridge commanding the town. Whitaker's brigade of Stan
Sunday, May 8. At 8 A. M,. the assembly was sounded in General Johnson's division, and it immediately moved forward and formed line of battle about a mile in advance of its former position. Immediately after General Howard, who, in the absence of General Thomas, had command of the Fourteenth and Twenty--third corps, in addition to his own corps, ordered forward General Stanley's division on the centre to make a demonstration to develop the enemy's strength and position. Simultaneously with e at Resacca, in a less strong position. I shall not attempt to speculate upon the probable work of to-morrow, but record the movements as they occur. The rebel sharpshooters seem to be the possessors of excellent guns, which are completely under their control. To-day General Howard rode out to meet General Stanley, and in conversation, about a mile from the front, received a bullet through his coat. The same ball passed through the hat of Captain Kniffin, commissary of Stanley's division.
a mountain howitzer, planted on the summit of a commanding hill, which forms a link in the chain of hills known as the Chattanooga Mountains. Johnson promptly ordered one section of Houghtalling's Illinois battery into position, and shelled the rebel battery, the third shot taking effect in the howitzer, and silencing it until in the afternoon, when Wood and Stanley made their demonstration, and called out a vigorous artillery and musketry fire along the whole line. At four o'clock, General Howard ordered the divisions of Stanley and Wood forward into the gaps facing the enemy's breastworks and fortifications to the right of Dalton. The movement had the desired effect, compelling the enemy to open his artillery, and expose the position of his batteries. From five until after dark a heavy fire was kept up, and when it ceased Stanley was far in advance of Davis' position of the morning, and extended his line some distance up the slope of Rocky Face, supported by General Wood's div
ters this morning. Hardee's is the corps that Howard and Palmer have been fighting for two days. are in readiness to be laid. The troops in Howard's front have been quite active since their arrthe day Colonel Sherman, Chief of Staff to General Howard, was taken prisoner in the following manneft of our line, and formed, by order of Major-General Howard, commanding the corps, in six parallel the Fourteenth, General Palmer's, leaving General Howard with the Fourth corps to continue to threaf. I struck across an open field to where General Howard was standing in the rear of the Fifteeenthd be noted. General Hooker, offended that General Howard was preferred to him as the successor of G Major-General D. S. Stanley had succeeded General Howard in the command of the Fourth corps. Froe the next day eastward by several roads. General Howard on the right toward Jonesboroa, General Thut of his works at Jonesboroa and attacked General Howard in position described. General Howard was[52 more...]
ce General Hood succeeded General Johnston in command of the rebel army, and, assuming the offensive-defensive policy, made several severe attacks upon Sherman in the vicinity of Atlanta, the most desperate and determined of which was on the twenty-second of July. About one P. M. of this day the brave, accomplished and noble-hearted McPherson was killed. General Logan succeeded him, and commanded the Army of the Tennessee through this desperate battle, and until he was superseded by Major-General Howard, on the twenty-sixth, with the same success and ability that had characterized him in the command of a corps or division. In all these attacks the enemy was repulsed with great loss. Finding it impossible to entirely invest the place, General Sherman, after securing his line of communications across the Chattahoochee, moved his main force round by the enemy's left flank upon the Montgomery and Macon roads, to draw the enemy from his fortifications. In this he succeeded, and after
right wing on the South Carolina railroad. General Howard, with the right wing, was directed to crosor manifestation of surrender. I directed General Howard not to cross directly in front of Columbiatrol. I was up nearly all night, and saw Generals Howard, Logan, Woods, and others, laboring to sa direct road to Goldsboro. In like manner General Howard was ordered to send his trains, under goodton to Smithfield crosses the Goldsboro road. Howard was at Lee's store, only two miles south, and n flank while in motion. I therefore directed Howard to move his right wing by the new Goldsboro ro creek church. I also left Slocum, and joined Howard's column with a view to open communications wiing between General Slocum on the west and General Howard on the east, while the flanks rested on Mient to receive them. I therefore directed General Howard and the cavalry to remain at Bentonville dy 8, 1865. General: Yours, addressed to General Howard, is received by me. I hope you will burn a[13 more...]
hirty thousand strong, moving down to occupy Gettysburg; Lee thus doing exactly what I informed General Meade he would do. Buford with his four thousand cavalry attacked Hill, and for four hours splendidly resisted his advance, until Reynolds and Howard were able to hurry to the field and give their assistance. To the intrepidity, courage and fidelity of General Buford, and his brave division, the country and the army owe the battle-field of Gettysburg. His unequal fight of four thousand men against eight times their numbers, and his saving the field, made Buford the true hero of that battle. While this terrible fight of the first day was raging, having been commenced by Buford in the morning, and continued by Reynolds and Howard in the evening; General Meade was seventeen miles off, at Tarrytown, leisurely planning a line of battle on some obscure creek in another direction; when he was aroused by a despatch from Buford through me, stating that Reynolds was killed, the field wa