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ay House, at the junction of the Washington and Baltimore railways, was occupied by Federal troops, and General Butler, on the 13th instant, moved to Baltimore and occupied with the United States troops, Federal Hill. Reinforcements were received the next day, and the General proclaimed his right to discriminate between well-disposed citizens and those who did not agree with him, they who he opprobriously characterized. Then followed a demand for the surrender of arms. The mayor, Charles Howard, and police commissioners, W. H. Gatchell, and J. W. Davis, met and protested against the suspension of their functions by the appointment of a provost-marshal, but resolved to do nothing to obstruct General Banks in his arrangements for the preservation of the peace of the city. The provost-marshal at once commenced a series of domiciliary visits, ostensibly in search of arms and munitions. On July ist, the before-named citizens were arrested. Of the mayor, Mr. Davis said, He was
ement. The Federals under General Hooker made a stand near Chancellorsville, and the west wing of Hooker's rested at Melzi Chancellor's farm, about two miles from Chancellorsville. General Jackson formed his corps into three columns for attack and, as he wrote in his last despatch to General Lee, trusted That an ever-kind Providence will bless us with success. The Confederates rushed on the earthworks of the enemy and took them in reverse; here the I i,000 Germans, the mercenaries of General Howard, fled almost without resistance, carrying away with them the troops sent to their support. They did not even pause in General Hooker's intrenched camp, but fled in a wild rout, without hats or muskets, to the fords of the Rappahannock. General Jackson's battle-cry was Press ouward! At every success he raised his right hand to heaven in prayer and thanksgiving. Hooker was advancing a powerful body of fresh troops to break General Jackson's cordon about the Federal rear. While General
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 43: visit to New Orleans and admission to Fortress Monroe. (search)
The result of my examination was that these gentlemen, and those others in sympathy with them, changed their former suspicion to a favorable opinion. They were from this time kept informed of movements made to liberate Mr. Davis or to compel a trial. All this took place before anyone acting on his behalf was allowed to communicate with or see him. The Tribune, at once began a series of leading editorials demanding that our Government proceed to a trial; and on January 16, 1867, Senator Howard, of Michigan, offered a joint resolution, aided by Mr. Sumner, recommending the trial of Jefferson Davis and Clement C. Clay before a military tribunal or court-martial, for charges mentioned in the report of the Secretary of War, of March 4, 1866. I was then credibly informed that Mr. Thaddeus Stevens had volunteered as counsel for Mr. Clay. After it had become evident that there was no immediate prospect of a trial, the counsel for Mr. Davis became anxious that their client be lib
his course of dignified seclusion, by all his country's honors blessed, among his own people, by whom, as well as by many at the North, he was beloved as much as he was esteemed. Might prevailed, but could not wrest from us the right of secession, or lawfully punish its assertion. Dormitur aliquando; jus moritur nunquam. The Canadian winter proved too severe for Mr. Davis's enfeebled frame, and he was advised to spend it in the South. After a pleasant visit to our dear friends, Mr. Charles Howard's family, in Baltimore, whose four brave sons had fought on the Confederate side with courage worthy of their ancestors, we sailed for New Orleans via Havana. We reached Havana just before Christmas, and in time to see the flower-wreathed arches which had been erected in honor of the new Captain-General, who had been installed the day before. There we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Sarah Brewer. She was a Southern woman of a respectable family, who owned and had successfully kept a
ch farmer, on whom was found a muster roll of a rebel company, and in whose house were found arms, bedding, and cooking utensils for a company of at least fifty men. Nine hundred dollars in gold were also found, but returned by the mistaken generosity of the sergeant, to Ball's wife, without the Colonel's knowledge until after their return to the camp--N. Y. Times, June 8. The New York Nineteenth Regiment, from Elmira, commanded by Col. Clark, and the Third Maine Regiment Volunteers, Col. Howard, arrived at Washington.--(Doc. 238.) A crew of 402 seamen, ordinary seamen, and landsmen, left the receiving-ship North Carolina at Brooklyn, for Portsmouth, N. H., where they will constitute a ship's company for the United States frigate Santee, which, after lying in various positions at the Navy Yard for half a century, has been put in commission for blockade service. The Advance Brigade of Federal troops, under Col. Thomas, reached Greencastle, thirteen miles south of Chambersbu
July 1. General Banks issued a proclamation announcing the arrest of Charles Howard, William Getchell, John Hincks, and John W. Davis, late members of the police board of Baltimore, and giving his reasons therefor.--(Doc. 62.) This afternoon Lieutenant Yelverton and eighteen men of the Seventh New York Volunteers, made a reconnoissance from Newport News, Va., up the James River road to within a mile and a half of Great Bethel. At that point they caine upon five of the rebel pickets, who precipitately fled, leaving behind, with other trophies, their hats and coats, which showed that the owners were officers. In the pockets of the latter were several letters just finished, giving a complete account of the late advance of 2,800 men from Yorktown to attack Newport News. One of an amusing character from the pocket of James Steele, bookseller, Richmond, describes the federal troops as a set of baboons, to be speedily driven from the sacred soil of Virginia.--N. Y. Evening Post,
n stationed on the Warrenton road, were enabled to cross, and to drive the right of the enemy, commanded by Gen. Beauregard in person, from the front of the field. The contest then became severe for a position in front and to the right of Stone Bridge but to the left of the ford at Sudley's Springs. Here was a hill with a farm house on it; from behind this hill the enemy's batteries annoyed the Union forces. Upon it, therefore, the attack was pressed very warmly by the brigades of Wilcox, Howard, Franklin and Sherman, a part of Porter's brigade, and the cavalry under Palmer, and by the Rhode Island, Rickett's and Griffin's batteries. Rickett's battery became an object of the enemy's special attention, and he made strenuous attempts to carry it. Three times he was repulsed, and the third time was even driven from his own position, and entirely from the hill. From the Stone Bridge westward, the Warrenton Road was now entirely in the possession of the national troops, and the enginee
rted to be intrenching themselves. To-day, an advance was made upon the rebels, who opened fire with their artillery as soon as the Union troops made their appearance. The troops immediately formed in line of battle, and charged on the enemy, who ran at the first fire. The Nationals then immediately took possession of the town, and after remaining there for a few hours, retired to the main army. The force was about two thousand men, under Gen. Reno, and three boat-howitzers, under Col. Howard. The force of the rebels consisted of a Georgia regiment, numbering eleven hundred men, a portion of Wise's Legion, and two batteries of artillery. The enemy was totally routed, with a loss of about sixty men. The National loss was about twelve killed and forty-eight wounded. Col. Hawkins, of the New York Zouaves, received a slight flesh-wound in the arm. The adjutant of Col. Hawkins's regiment was killed.--(Doc. 134.) General Banks at Newmarket, Va., sent the following to the War
lace of General Fremont, relieved.--Secretary Stanton's Order. The British steamer Modern Greece, laden with arms and other munitions of war, ran aground three quarters of a mile east of Fort Fisher, N. C. The blockading fleet fired on her with a view of destroying her, but the fort opened fire on them, when they retired.--Mobile Evening News, June 30. A small skirmish occurred at Swift Creek bridge, N. C., between a body of Union troops and marine artillery under the command of Col. Howard, and a force of the rebels, which resulted in the complete rout of the latter. G. F. Shepley, Military Commandant of New Orleans, by order and approval of Gen. Butler, suspended the municipal government of that city, until such time as there should be a sufficient number of the citizens of New Orleans loyal to their country and their Constitution to entitle them to resume the right of self-government. In the mean time he appointed two bodies to perform the duties of Aldermen and Ass
Mo., and nearly all of them were massacred.--(Doe. 190.) General Mitchell, with a body of National troops, overtook the rebels below Shelbyville, Tenn., and attacked them with great spirit, putting them to a complete rout. They did not stop for their wounded, and left over one hundred dead upon the field.--an attempt was made to blow up the United States iron-plated frigate Ironsides, in Charleston Harbor, by means of a torpedo. The instrument of destruction was suspended from the bow of a small cigar-shaped steamer, which was driven against the Ironsides at full speed. A tremendous explosion followed, which threw a large body of water on the deck of the Ironsides, but did no serious damage to the vessel. Lieutenant Glassett, the commander of the rebel steamer, was taken prisoner, having been thrown overboard by the force of the explosion. On board the Ironsides, Ensign Charles Howard was killed by a musket-shot fired by Glassett, as his steamer was approaching the frigate.