ufts, jun.,
Gersham Teel,Tything-men.
James T. Floyd,
Andrew Blanchard,Cullers of Hoops and Staves.
William Bradbury,
Benjamin Tufts,Fence-viewers.
Jeduthan Richardson,
Joseph Wyman,
Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber.
Calvin Turner,
Thatcher Magoon,
Timothy Dexter,
John Dixen,
Darius Wait,
Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood.
Timothy Dexter,
John Burrage,
Ephraim Bailey,
Joseph Church,
Jonathan Warner,
David Willis, Clerk of the Market.
Fitch Hall,Fire-wards.
John Hosmer,
Jeduthan Richardson,
Andrew Blanchard,
Abner Bartlett,
Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts.
Fitch Hall,
Nathaniel Hall,
Hezekiah Blanchard,To execute the Fish Act.
Nathan Wait,
Andrew Blanchard,
Seth Tufts,Field-drivers and Hog-reeves.
Joseph Blodgett,
Joseph Church,
Joseph Wyman,
Ebenezer Symonds,
Gershom Tufts,
Daniel Tufts,
Andrew Blanchard,To sell the right of taking Fish.
Samuel Buel,
Fitch Hall,
Joseph Bucknam, Pound-keeper.
The Hon. Peter C. Bro
0; Chadwick, 1756; Cook, 1757; Cousins, 1755; Crease, 1757; Crowell, 1752.
Davis, 1804; Degrusha, 1744; Dexter, 1767; Dill, 1734; Dixon, 1758; Dodge, 1749; Durant, 1787.
Earl, 1781; Easterbrook, 1787; Eaton, 1755; Edwards, 1753; Erwin, 1752.
Farrington, 1788; Faulkner, 1761; Fessenden, 1785; Fitch, 1785; Floyd, 1750; Fowle, 1752; French, 1755.
Galt, 1757; Gardner, 1721; Garret, 1732; Giles, 1719; Gill, 1738; Goddard, 1745; Gowen, 1773; Grace, 1779; Greatton, 1718; Green, 1785.
Hosmer, 1746; Hunt, 1751.
Kendall, 1752; Kettle, or Kettell, 1740.
Lathe, Laithe, and Leathe, 1738; Learned, 1793; Le Bosquet, 1781.
Mack, 1790; Mallard, 1753; Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732.
Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729.
Oakes, 1721-75.
Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratt, 1791.
Rand, 1789; Reed, 1755; Richardson, 1796; Robbins
, 44.
Greenland, 15, 36.
Greenleaf family, 515.
Greenleaf, 106.
Gregg family, 516.
Groves, 44, 517.
Hall family, 517.
Hall, 36, 51, 52, 96, 158, 317, 351, 501, 502, 570.
Hammond, 44.
Hancock, 202, 213, 527.
Harris, 527.
Hathaway, 527.
Haywood, 36.
Higginson, 12.
Hill, 36.
Historical Items, 478.
History, Civil, 93.
------Ecclesiastical, 200.
------Military, 181.
------Natural 21.
------Political, 143.
Hobart, 37.
Holden, 52.
Hosmer, 293, 302.
Howard, 17.
Howe family, 528.
Hutchinson, 31, 200.
Hutton, 538.
Indians, 72, 80.
Ingraham, 439.
Johnson, 6, 15, 31, 44, 67.
Josselyn, 1.
Justices of the Peace, 169.
Kenrick, 528.
Kidder family, 528.
Kidder, 112, 225, 483.
Knox, 529.
Labor in Vain, 7.
Lands unappropriated, 105, 107.
Laribee, 530.
Lawrence family, 529.
Lawrence, 104, 233, 302.
Lawyers, 308.
Leathe, 265, 530.
Le Bosquet, 485.
Letter, 495.