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Hooker's army reported on the move. Passengers who arrived by the Fredericksburg train yesterday evening bring the report that the Yankee army has at last commenced a move, which it is supposed will result in active operations at no distant day. From this report it would seem that Hooker, despairing of a successful attempt to dislodge the Confederates from the Heights around Fredericksburg, is moving the forces under his command in the direction of United States Ford, which point is some fas at last commenced a move, which it is supposed will result in active operations at no distant day. From this report it would seem that Hooker, despairing of a successful attempt to dislodge the Confederates from the Heights around Fredericksburg, is moving the forces under his command in the direction of United States Ford, which point is some fifteen miles above Fredericksburg. What truth there may be in this statement we are not able to say, but believe that it is not without foundation.
d 80 prisoners and 100 horses, destroyed 5,000 bushels of wheat, brought away 150 negroes and two wagon loads tobacco, and destroyed the village of Sanisbury. Foster, at Washington, N. C., is rumored surrendered, but it is not believed. Hooker is giving great attention to his cavalry who paraded before Lincoln and his lady and company last Tuesday. Gold in Philadelphia on the 9th closed at 148. In New York it closed at 147¾. Two thousand five hundred bales of cotton arrived the reduction of Fort Greenwood [Fort Pemberton.] It is the opinion of well informed officers that our gunboats will not succeed in taking the place. The town of Florence is reported shelled and rebel cavalry driven away. A dispatch from Hooker's army says: There are indications of the receipt of unfavorable news by the rebels. They refuse to exchange newspapers. [Newspapers with reports about Charleston were sent to day. Doubtless the news will be considered "unfavorable" b