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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hood or search for Hood in all documents.
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Affairs in Georgia.
The latest movements in Georgia give renewed interest to intelligence from that State.
The arrival of President Davis at Mence is announced in the papers of that city, and the further that he had gone to the Army of Tennessee.
An exchange of one thousand prisoners, but Gen. Hood and Sherman, took place on the 21st at Rough and Ready.--A letter from Griffin, dated the 22d, says:
A portion of Lewis's Kentucky brigade walked down the track and reached here last night.
In the true reporter style, I three or four intelligent fellows, and, by a system of questions, gained some interesting information from them in relation to the enemy up about Atlanta and from their These men were taken at the battle of Janesboro', were marched to Atlanta, and then placed under guard.
The railroad at that time was not in operation in consequence of the operations of General Wheeler; but as soon as commenced running they were put on board and started for Northern priso
The Daily Dispatch: September 29, 1864., [Electronic resource], Bibles from the North for Hood 's army . (search)
Bibles from the North for Hood's army.
--Our Northern brethren seem to have the Christian spirit of the Spaniards who first settled America.--Washington Irving relates, in his Knickerbocker History of New York, that the pious Spaniards, after preparing the Indians for Heaven, immediately sent them there by shooting them, burning them, pouring hot lead down their throats, and other such mild measures.
The New York Bible Society is trying to fit us for Heaven, and the Yankee Generals propost lead down their throats, and other such mild measures.
The New York Bible Society is trying to fit us for Heaven, and the Yankee Generals propose to send us there.
The Selms Mississippian of the 16th says:
Sixteen thousand copies of the Bible and Testament arrived in Selma yesterday evening en route for Hood's army.
They are the first installment of fifty thousand presented the troops of the Confederate States by the American Bible Society at New York.
They came by way of Memphis.