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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The last Confederate surrender. (search)
f the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, etc., with headquarters at Meridian, Mississippi, and informed that President Davis would, at an early day, meet me at Montgomery, Alabama. The military situation was as follows: Sherman occupied Atlanta, Hood lying some distance to the southwest; Farragut had forced the defenses of Mobile bay, capturing Fort Morgan, etc., and the Federals held Pensacola, but had made no movements into the interior. Major General Maury commanded the Confederate forly discussed. Our next meeting was at Fortress Monroe, where, during his confinement, I obtained permission to visit him. The closing scenes of the great drama succeeded each other with startling rapidity. Sherman marched, unopposed, to the sea. Hood was driven from Nashville across the Tennessee, and asked to be relieved. Assigned to this duty I met him near Tupelo, North Mississippi, and witnessed the melancholy spectacle presented by a retreating army. Guns, small-arms and accoutrements l
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Morale of General Lee's army. (search)
as his splendid military achievements, and the influence which he exerted for the religious good of his officers and men can never be fully known in this world. These noble leaders had at the first the co-operation of such Christian soldiers as Generals D. H. Hill, T. R. Cobb, A. H. Colquitt, J. E. B. Stuart, W. N. Pendleton, John B. Gordon, C. A. Evans, John Pegram, and a large number of other general, field, staff, and subordinate officers; and, during the war, Generals Ewell, Longstreet, Hood, Pender, R. H. Anderson, Rodes, Paxton, Baylor, and a number of others made professions of religion. Of the first four companies from Georgia, which arrived in Virginia, three of the captains were earnest Christians, and fifty of one of the companies belonged to one church. I remember one single regiment which reported over four hundred church members, when it first came into service, and another regiment which contained five ministers of the Gospel — a chaplain, one captain, and three priv
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), General Meade at Gettysburg. (search)
thank him in the name of the country, for all he has done. As soon as the assault was repulsed, General Meade went to the left of our lines and ordered Crawford's Division, the Pennsylvania Reserves, to advance. This division met a portion of Hood's command and attacked them, capturing many prisoners and seven thousand stand of arms. By this action Crawford regained possession of nearly all the ground lost by Sickles the day before, and rescued our wounded, who had lain for twenty-four houfrom Mr. William Swinton's History of the army of the Potomac. Mr. Swinton says: I have become convinced, from the testimony of General Longstreet himself, that attack would have resulted disastrously. I had, said that officer to the writer, Hood and McLaws, who had not been engaged; I had a heavy force of artillery; I should have liked nothing better than to have been attacked, and have no doubt that I should have given those who tried as bad a reception as Pickett received. On July 4
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign in Pennsylvania. (search)
miles from Gettysburg, a little after dark, and Hood's Division got within nearly the same distance ition, opposite the enemy's left, about 4 P. M. Hood's Division was moved on farther to our right, aay; but, notwithstanding this, the divisions of Hood and McLaws (with the exception of Law's Brigadefront. That front was held by the divisions of Hood and McLaws. To strengthen him for the undertaknot at all threatened, one of the divisions of Hood and McLaws, and the greater portion of the otheee brigades as their support. The divisions of Hood and McLaws (First Corps) were passive spectatormmanding general. Had the veteran divisions of Hood and McLaws been moved forward, as was planned,se two would have been enabled, with the aid of Hood and McLaws, to resist all efforts of the enemy flank and rear with the divisions of McLaws and Hood. These divisions, as before stated, constitutesuch as to forbid the employment of McLaws' and Hood's Divisions in the attack; neither do I seek an
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Dalton-Atlanta operations. (search)
th its men and guns: On the morning of the 15th, General Hood advanced one, eighty or one hundred yards. Soon oad. Hardee's Corps was near the former, Polk's and Hood's at Cassville. Johnston determined to attack the column on the direct road with Polk's and Hood's Corps when the other was at Kingston, three hours march to the Polk was to meet and attack the head of the column; Hood, marching a little in advance of him on a road on hit skirmished during the afternoon. But at night General Hood's persistent declaration that he and General PolSchofield on the 22d, was made against orders by General Hood with Stevenson's Division, supported by Hindman'chee, from Roswell to Powers' ferry. That night General Hood was placed in command of the Southern army by te. This is no afterthought, but was expressed to General Hood when he took command. The Federal march to Jonen continued, and General Sherman was occupied by General Hood until late in October, when he commenced the dis
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Life in Pennsylvania. (search)
by Ewell's Corps, on the 4th and 5th of June. Hood's Division and Stuart's cavalry moved at the saretched out on the march, and rode along with. Hood's Division, which was in the rear. The march w Colonel Johnston. Therefore, I sent orders to Hood, who was in the rear and not encumbered by thesburg road. My corps occupied our right, with Hood on the extreme right, and McLaws next. Hill's At half-past 3 o'clock the order was given General Hood to advance upon the enemy, and, hurrying toing points, so annoyed our right flank that General Hood's Division was obliged to make a partial chwas with you in front of the peach orchard when Hood began to move toward Round Top. General Hood waGeneral Hood was soon wounded, and I removed him from the field to a house near by. I am yours, very truly, J. urse, the other divisions come up later. I saw Hood's Division the next morning, and understood thathis point by an extract from a letter from General Hood. He writes: I arrived with my staff in[6 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Confederate negro enlistments. (search)
made should be carefully noted, for the Confederacy was finally broken to pieces upon this rock. Mr. Davis carried his point of war at any price, and his opponents henceforth bent their united energies to paralyze his exertions. He was not the wisest of politicians, nor the best of generals; but his sincerity and intensity of purpose elevated him far above the half-hearted people around him as a promoter of vigorous, and, consequently, successful war. In spite of his patronage of Bragg and Hood, and his opinionativeness generally, it is tolerably certain that, if Davis had made himself dictator, he would have been able to carry on the war for still another year. There had been already, some weeks before the meeting of the Confederate Congress, an important conference of the governors of the different States, at Augusta, Georgia, October 17th, at which the subject under consideration had been freely discussed, but without positive action. Governor Smith, of Virginia, in his mess
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), How Jefferson Davis was overtaken. (search)
Alabama, he had instructed me to report, with my entire corps, except Kilpatrick's Division, to Major General George H. Thomas, to assist in the operations against Hood. It was the intention of General Sherman, however, as developed in frequent conversations with me while lying at Gaylesville, Alabama, in October, 1864, that as soon as Hood could be disposed of, and the cavalry could be reorganized and remounted, I should gather together every man and horse that could be made fit for service, and march through the richer parts of Alabama and Georgia, for the purpose of destroying the railroad communications and supplies of the rebels, and bringing my forced the generalship of Johnston, and charged him with timidity and insubordination. He ridiculed the pedantry of Beauregard, and deprecated the gallant rashness of Hood. On the other hand, he expressed his admiration for the surprising skill and persistency of Grant, the brilliancy of Sherman, and the solid qualities of Thomas.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The mistakes of Gettysburg. (search)
y the derangement of the directing brigade of support under General Wilcox, and was rendered hopeless by the failure of Ewell's Corps to co-operate, its line of battle having been broken through the advice of General Early, and that in this attack Hood's and McLaws' Divisions did the best fighting ever done on any field, and encountered and drove back virtually the whole of the Army of the Potomac. I held that the mistakes of the Gettysburg campaign were: First, the change of the original pneral Jackson in very heavy force. They soon made the battle so severe for him that he was obliged to call for reinforcements. At about three P. M., while the battle was raging fiercely, I was riding to my front, when I received a note from Generals Hood and Evans, asking me to ride to a part of the field where they were standing. I changed my course and hurried to the point indicated. I found them standing upon a high piece of ground, from which they had full view of the battle made agains
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The career of General A. P. Hill. (search)
roken; and at four o'clock, though Longstreet had thrown his fine division in upon the right, and Hood's Texans and Law's Mississippians were surpassing heroism in their magnificent disregard of death Walker in front of Richmond, General Lee joined Jackson with the divisions of Longstreet, Jones, Hood, and R. H. Anderson on the 19th of August, and on the same day Pope, in the meantime strengthenedrossed the Antietam creek, and made a heavy onslaught upon the Confederate left centre, under General Hood, but were repulsed. The real work was not to be until the morrow. At dawn, on the 27th, McCveral hours Jackson sustained this attack, but at length his men were pressed back, and Early and Hood were left alone to maintain that flank of the army. At this critical juncture General McLaws camgeneral. Under Longstreet was the First Corps, composed of the divisions of McLaws, Pickett, and Hood; the Second, under Ewell, comprised the divisions of Early, Rodes, and Johnson; while to Hill was