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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 465 3 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 382 0 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 375 5 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 344 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 303 1 Browse Search
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War 283 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 274 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 267 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 253 1 Browse Search
John Bell Hood., Advance and Retreat: Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies 250 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 125 results in 15 document sections:

he men, as they filed up the ascent, cry out along the line, Give us Hood! but did not compre-hend the meaning of this appeal till I arrived nd the brigades of Lawton, Trimble and Hays retired to the rear, and Hood, of Longstreet's command, again took the position from which he had ng passages (pp. 330-31) in reference to this engagement: Seeing Hood in their path the enemy paused, and a Northern correspondent writes:to and fro as one side or the other gained a temporary advantage. Hood was now fighting with his right toward the main line of the enemy, fid, his line was almost at right angles with its original position. Hood threw himself into the action with great gallantry, and says in his k, General Jackson came pacing up on his horse, and instantly asked, Hood, have they gone? When I answered in the negative, he replied I hopeosed letter from General Jackson to General Cooper was handed to General Hood by Mr. Meyer (a former clerk in the War Department at Richmond),
ng up and down near his camp fire, turned toward me and laughingly said, Ah, General Hood, when you Texans come about the chickens have to roost mighty high. His rai of Report of Major Henry's Battalion of Artillery, July 19th, 1863, attached to Hood's Division, First (Longstreet's) Corps, Army of Northern Virginia: battery could rout the enemy the following day, he sprang to his feet, exclaiming, My dear Hood, I am delighted to hear you say so. You give me renewed hope; God grant it may bneral, for distinguished conduct and ability in the battle of the 20th inst. General Hood handled his troops with the coolness and ability that I have rarely known by. J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War. 3d October, 1863. The services of Major General Hood, and his character as a soldier and patriot, are equal to any reward, andhed the seat I was occupying, and placed his hands upon my head, saying, My dear Hood, here you are beloved by your fellow-soldiers, and, although badly shattered, wi
e General Johnston speaks as follows, pages 353-54: General Hood in his report of his own disastrous operations accused , which were my authority for the statement attacked by General Hood. At my request, made in consequence of this attack, Mater of Colonel W. H. Sellers, Assistant Adjutant General of Hood's Corps, Army of Tennessee, dated October 20th, 1872, Galve We now have forty-two thousand five hundred (42,500) in Hood's and Hardee's Corps at Dalton, exclusive of six hundred red, forty-two thousand five hundred (42,500) in Hardee's and Hood's Corps; nineteen thousand (I9,000) in Polk's Corps; eight , assigned to duty as Chief of Staff by orders from General Hood, dated July 24th, 1864: No records were turned over by fe report was made under General Johnston, and signed by General Hood. On the 18th of July the command was turned over to GeGeneral Hood. He estimates the force turned over to me on the 18th of July, eight days after this return, at fifty thousand
venson had early in the day, and with Lieutenant General Hood's approval, assumed the position fromotection were completed, he was directed by General Hood to open its fire. This was no sooner done,d pieces exposed and abandoned at Resaca by General Hood. I was anxious to occupy a commanding p pieces, exposed and abandoned at Resaca by General Hood: Mobile, 29th May, 1874. General B. owing the railroad was near Kingston, Lieutenant General Hood was directed to move with his corps tabout to give battle to the enemy. When General Hood's column had moved two or three miles, thaty on the Canton road, the report upon which General Hood acted was manifestly untrue. If General The Federal artillery, commenced firing upon Hood's and Polk's troops soon after they were formedenant Generals at General Polk's quarters. General Hood was with him, but not General Hardee. The two officers, General Hood taking the lead, expressed the opinion very positively that neither of th[2 more...]
atteries in front and to the right of Lieutenant General Hood's line. 4th. If those batteries to the front and right of Hood's line could be taken by a special movement. These explanations, notestion. To his right was the line of Lieutenant General Hood's Corps, Army of Tennessee, forming ty to forty feet higher than the position of General Hood's line, and from forty to sixty feet higherssarily enfiladed a considerable portion of General Hood's line. Having made these examinations ohnston to come to his headquarters. Lieutenant General Hood was already with General Polk. Generatirely willing and ready to co-operate with General Hood to accomplish this object. After some momehat they could not hold their lines. Lieutenant General Hood then re-stated the reasons, and said could not hold his line an hour. Nor could he, Hood, hold his two hours if attacked in the morning. Upon these points Lieutenant Generals Polk and Hood entirely agreed, urging the offensive rather th[6 more...]
. Polk's Corps was transferred to the right of Hood's. * * * The Federal troops extended their entrarters that day (the 28th), as usual, Lieutenant General Hood suggested that we should make an attato be ready for battle next morning. Lieutenant General Hood was instructed to draw his corps out ng for the signal agreed upon — the musketry of Hood's Corps — from the appointed time until about I supposed, from the terms of this message, that Hood's Corps was in the presence of the enemy, and tIf the attack had been expedient when Lieutenant General Hood's message was dispatched, the resultiee, which you will immediately turn over to General Hood. * * * General Hood came to my quarters earGeneral Hood came to my quarters early in the morning of the i8th, and remained there during the day. Intelligence soon came from Major l Army was marching toward Atlanta, and, at General Hood's earnest request, I continued to give ordellows: Richmond, July 18th, I864. to Generals Hood, Hardee and Stewart. Your telegram of
us the Johnston school — Johnston's plan to hold Atlanta forever. General Johnston makes the following arraignment : Johnston's Narrative, page 365. General Hood asserts in his published report, that the Army had become demoralized when he was appointed to command it, and ascribes his invariable defeats partly to that cock to Petersburg: they in truth are the opposite of one another. General Johnston states, Johnston's Narrative, page 350. In transferring the command to General Hood I explained my plans to him. He may have said somewhat to me in regard to his plans — if, indeed, he had at any time resolved upon the defence of Atlanta — buat in General Jos. E. Johnston's forthcoming book appears the following statement: Johnston's Narrative, pages 350, 351. In transferring the command to General Hood I explained my plans to him. First, I expected an opportunity to engage the enemy on terms of advantage while they were divided in crossing Peach Tree creek, t<
ust have been observed by every one. The movement of General Hood was a very bold and a very brilliant one, and was very s together, made a much larger force than the whole Army of Hood, and they were not easily put into panic. As it was, we cobeing able to hold our position, and we felt satisfied that Hood's Army could not stand much longer the terrible losses it wtened and expedited by the change of tactics adopted by General Hood. This I think, and indeed am sure, was General Sherman's opinion before and after Hood's tactics were put in practice. I remember to have got a newspaper from a farm house, i it was very good news, but to look out for an attack; that Hood would make it very lively for us, and that it was necessaryould have occurred between two such gallant officers as General Hood and General Johnston, and their friends. Both of them this policy with greater skill, ability and vigor than General Hood. With many thanks for your kind expressions towards
. Killed. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 119 859 978 Hood's 283 1,564 1,847 Polk's Army, Mississippi 42 405lled. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 173 1,048 1,221 Hood's 103 679 782 Polk's Army, Mississippi 33 194 227lled. Wounded. Total. Hardee's 200 1,433 1,633 Hood's 140 1,121 1,261 Polk's Army, Mississippi 128 928th of July, when he was relieved from duty, and General Hood assigned to the command of the Army. Hence the d of the campaign when the Army was commanded by General Hood, viz., from July the 18th to September 1st, 1864timated force turned over by General Johnston to General Hood. 6. The report was made under General Johnston, and signed by General Hood. On the 18th of July the command was turned over to General Hood. The first reGeneral Hood. The first return thereafter was that of August 1st, after the engagements of Peach Tree creek, on the 21st, and around Atll indicate: Richmond, March 10th, 1865. General Hood :--You ask to what extent your Army was strength
ners above mentioned, the following correspondence passed between us, in relation to his treatment of the non-combatants of Atlanta: headquarters military Division of the Mississippi, in the field, Atlanta, Georgia, September 7th, 1864. General Hood, Commanding Confederate Army. General:--I have deemed it to the interest of the United States that the citizens now residing in Atlanta should remove, those who prefer it to go South, and the rest North. For the latter I can provide food a friends to go to. Another says: I will try and take this or that article of property, but such and such things I must leave behind, though I need them much. We reply to them: General Sherman will carry your property to Rough and Ready, and General Hood will take it thence on. And they will reply to that: But I want to leave the railroad at such a place, and cannot get conveyance from there on. We only refer to a few facts, to try to illustrate in part howthis measure will operate in pra