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The people, retorted William Livingston, are the Lord's anointed. Though named mob and rabble, the people are the darling of Providence. Was the Bible quoted as demanding deference to all in authority? This, it was insisted, is to add dulness to impiety. For chap. XIV.} 1765. June. tyranny, they cried, is no government; the gospel promises liberty, glorious liberty. The gospel, so preached Mayhew, of Boston, always, the gospel permits resistance. Sentinel, in N. Y. Gaz. Mayhew to Hollis. And then patriots would become maddened with remembering, that some high or low American had had a hand in procuring every grievance. England, it was said, is deceived and deluded by placemen and office-seekers. Yes, exclaimed the multitude; it all comes of the horse-leeches. When the friends to government sought to hush opposition by terror of the power of parliament and its jealousy of its own supremacy, you are cowards, was the answer; you are fools; you are parasites; or, rather,
nce, Boston Evening Post, and other papers. now the hope of all when he shall come of age. But why wait? asked the impatient. Why should any stamp officers be allowed in America at all I am clear in this point, declared Mayhew, Mayhew to Hollis, 8 August. that no people are under a religious obligation to be slaves, if they are able to set themselves at liberty. The Stamp Act, it was said universally in Boston, is arbitrary, unconstitutional, and a breach of charter. Let it be of shamp Act. We will die, declared even the sober-minded, we will die upon the place first. Hutchinson's Ms. Narrative. Bernard to Lords of Trade, 15 Aug. 1765. We have sixty thousand fighting-men in this colony alone, wrote Mayhew. Mayhew to Hollis, August. And we will spend our last blood in the cause, repeated his townsmen. Hutchinson directed the colonel of the militia to beat an alarm. My drummers, said he, are in the mob. With the sheriff, Hutchinson went up to disperse the crowd.
. Rockingham had promised nothing to the friends of America but relief to trade, where it was improperly curbed. To rouse the ministry from its indifference, Thomas Hollis, Hollis: Diary, 23 Oct. who perceived in the ugly squall, that had just reached them from America, the forerunner of the gen- chap. XVIII.} 1765. Oct. eraHollis: Diary, 23 Oct. who perceived in the ugly squall, that had just reached them from America, the forerunner of the gen- chap. XVIII.} 1765. Oct. eral hurricane, waited on Rockingham, with the accounts which he had received from Mayhew, Mayhew to Hollis, 26 Sept. that the Stamp Act, and the power given to the Admiralty courts to dispense with juries, were detested as instances of grievous oppression, and scarce better than downright tyranny, not by Boston only, but by the pHollis, 26 Sept. that the Stamp Act, and the power given to the Admiralty courts to dispense with juries, were detested as instances of grievous oppression, and scarce better than downright tyranny, not by Boston only, but by the people throughout the continent; that it could never be carried into execution, unless at the point of the sword, by at least one considerable army in each province at the hazard of either the destruction of the American colonies, or their entire revolt and loss. The ministry shrunk from enforcing by arms the law which a part of t
n the question of the right of taxation; and the ministry conformed to the opinion, which was that of Charles Yorke, the Attorney-General, and still more of Edmund Burke. Neglected by Rockingham, hated by the aristocracy, and feared by the king, Pitt pursued his career alone. In the quiet of confidential intercourse, he inquired if fleets and armies could reduce America, and heard from a friend, that the Americans would not submit, that they would still have their woods and liberty. Thomas Hollis sent to him the masterly essay of John Adams on the canon and feudal law. He read it, and pronounced it indeed masterly. The papers which had been agreed upon by the American Congress had been received by De Berdt, the agent for Massachusetts. Conway did not scruple to present its petition to the king, and George Cooke, the member for Middlesex, was so pleased with that to the Commons, that on Monday, the twenty-seventh of January, he offered it to the house, where he read it twice o
necessary to study the character and conduct of the English Ministers themselves. Of Chatham's private letters perhaps few remain unpublished; Mr. Disney imparted to me at the Hyde, two volumes of familiar notes, that passed between Chatham and Hollis, full of allusions to America. The Marquis of Lansdowne consented to my request for permission to go through the papers of his father, the Earl of Shelburne, during the three periods of his connection with American affairs; and allowed me to keeen one of the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania and Deputy Governor Hamilton; between Cecil Calvert and Hugh Hammersley, successive Secretaries of Maryland, and Lieutenant Governor Sharpe; between Ex-Governor Pownall and Dr. Cooper of Boston; between Hollis and Mayhew and Andrew Eliot of Boston. Of all these I have copies. Of the letter-books and drafts of letters of men in office, I had access to those of Bernard for a single year; to those of Hutchinson for many years; to that of Dr. Johnson,
f it may be the only neans of perpetuating our liberties. Jonathan Mayhew to James Otis, Lord's Day Morning, 8 June, 1766. See Bradford's Life of Mayhew, 428, 429. The patriot uttered this great word of counsel on the morning of his last day of health in Boston. From his youth he had consecrated himself to the service of colonial freedom in the State and Church; he died, overtasked, in the unblemished beauty of manhood, consumed by his fiery zeal, foreseeing independence. Compare Thomas Hollis to Andrew Eliot, 1 July, 1768. His character was so deeply impressed on the place of his activity, that it is not yet grown over. Whoever repeats the story of American liberty renews his fame. The time for intercolonial correspondence was not come; but to keep up a fellow-feeling with its own constituents, the House, setting an example to be followed by all representative bodies, opened Vote of the House of 12 June, 1766. a gallery for the public to attend its debates. It also se
y gave up the question, took no step against Malcom, and introduced into the American Revenue Bill just the clause which, from Townshend's point of view, an adverse opinion would have rendered necessary. Besides, had the opinion been favorable to the Crown Officers, it would have been made use of in America. In America, said the calm Andrew Eliot, of Chap. XXIX.} 1767. May. Boston, the people glory in the name, and only desire to enjoy the liberties of Englishmen. Andrew Eliot to T. Hollis, 13 May, 1767. There is not the least foundation for the suspicion, that they aim at independence. If we have no forces, or new Stamp Act, I would almost answer for them. Our warmest patriots speak of our connection with Great Britain as our felicity; and to have it broken, as one of the greatest misfortunes that could befall us. We are not so vain as to think we could be able to effect it; and nothing could influence us to desire it, but such attempts on our liberties as I hope Great Br
was master of the field. The King may make a page first Minister, Walpole's Memoirs, III. 66. said Lord Holland. The day was past when England was to be governed by Privilege alone; but with the decline of the aristocracy, the people not less than the King increased in authority; demanded more and more to know what was passing in Parliament; and prepared to enforce their right to intervene. All that could be done through the press in their support, was done with alacrity. Compare T. Hollis to Andrew Eliot, 23 Feb. 1767. Power, thought a French observer, Durand, acting as French minister at London, to Choiseul, 21 July, 1767. has passed into the hands of the populace and the merchants. The country is exceedingly jealous of its liberty. While Rockingham, self-deluded as to the purposes of his associates, Walpole's Memoirs, III. 68. summoned his political allies to London, Shelburne was quieting the controversy with America respecting the Billeting Act. New-York had f
Durand to Choiseul, Dec. 1767. Compare Andrew Eliot to Thomas Hollis, 15 Dec. 1767. the Americans will have nothing to fear ch and oppress those who support them. Andrew Eliot to T. Hollis, 10 Dec. 1767; and compare A. Eliot to Archdeacon Blackbu who would not count the consequences. Andrew Eliot to T. Hollis, 5 Jan. 1768; and compare Thomas Hollis to A. Eliot, 1 JuThomas Hollis to A. Eliot, 1 July, 1768. Of the country Members, Hawley, than whom no one was abler, or more sincere, lived far in the interior; and his excd, one of the most sensible men of that day, writing to Thomas Hollis on the twenty-seventh of September, 1768, for the purpot had been made respecting the authorship of a paper which Hollis had reprinted in England, says expressly that this letter of the House to its Agent which Hollis had also reprinted, was written by Samuel Adams. Here is explicit contemporary authoection of Letters, &c. &c. Published at the instance of Thomas Hollis. But no memorial was sent to the Lords; no petition to
was only a coarse sketch of his own bad qualities. I told the Grand Jury, said Hutchinson, almost in plain words, that they might depend on being damned, Hutchinson to——26 March, 1768. if they did not find against the paper, as containing High Treason. The Jury refused. Oaths and the laws have lost their force, Hutchinson to the Duke of Grafton, 27 March, 1768. Hutchinson to Richard Jackson, 23 March, 1768. wrote Hutchinson; while the people were overjoyed, Compare A. Eliot to T. Hollis, 18 April, 1768. Hutchinson's Hist. of Massachusetts, III. 184. and the honest and independent Grand Jurors became the favorite toast of the Sons of Liberty. On the day on which the General Court was prorogued, merchants of Boston came together, began a subscription to renounce commerce with England, and invited the merchants of the whole Continent to give the world the spectacle of a universal passive resistance. De Kalb, who was astonished at the prosperity of the Colonies and th