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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson 1 1 Browse Search
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hen resolved into secret session. House of Representatives. The House met at the usual hour. Senate joint resolution of thanks to Mr. John Lancaster, of England, for his friendly conduct towards the commander, officers and crew of the Alabama, was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Russell, of Virginia, introduced a bill discharging persons over fifty years of age from the military service of the country. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Holliday, of Virginia, offered a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, tendering a privileged seat on the floor of the House to Colonel John S. Mosby during his stay in the city. Mr. Gholson, of Virginia, introduced a resolution instructing the Committee on Ways and Means, if, upon investigation, it appeared to them that the cost of living in Petersburg was as great as in Richmond, to report a bill placing the salaries of Government officers employed in Petersburg on the same footing as
The Daily Dispatch: March 3, 1865., [Electronic resource], Proclamation by the President, appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, with thanksgiving. (search)
eported a resolution declaring that it is now, and has been ever since the meeting of the First Congress of the Confederate States, impracticable to take the census of the Confederate States, as provided by the Constitution. Passed. Mr. Cluskey, of Tennessee, under the suspension of the rules, offered a bill to extend the provisions of the act establishing an invalid corps so as to embrace aide-de-camp thrown out of office by the death of the officer with whom they were on duty. Mr. Holliday, of Virginia, under a suspension of the rules, offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the President to inform the House what information has been received, and what action has been taken by the Government relative to the execution of John Y. Beall by the enemy. The House resumed the consideration of the unfinished business, viz: the bill to provide for the payment of properly authenticated claims against the Cotton "Bureau" of the Trans Mississippi Department for cotton
ng vote: Ayes.--Messrs. Anderson, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Blandford, Bradley, H. W. Bruce, Carroll, Clark, Clopton, Conrad, Darden, De Janette, Dickinson, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Garther, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Marchen, Marshall, McMullin, Menees, Miller, Moore, Murray, Perkins, Read, Simpson, Snead, Staples, Triplett, Villere. Nays--Messrs. Atkins, Baldwin, Branch, Chambers, Colyar, Cruikshank, Fuller, Gholson, Gilmer, Hartridge, Hatcher, Herbert, Holliday, J. M. Leach, J. T. Leach, Logan, McCallum, Ramsay, Rogers, Sexton, J. M. Smith, Smith of North Carolina, Turner, Wickham, Wilkes, Witherspoon, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Lyon, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill for the relief of the Exchange Bank at Norfolk, which was considered and passed. Mr. Chrisman, of Kentucky, offered a bill "to authorize prisoners of war to fund treasury notes," which was amended and passed. [The bill provides that one hundred dollar notes in th
reconsider. The Chair laid before the House a message from the President, returning, with his objections, a bill "providing for the promotion of officers in certain cases." [The message stated that the Constitution already provided for the promotion of officers by the general commanding an army or the President.] The House sustained the veto of the President by refusing to pass the bill, as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Atkins, Clopton, Cruikshank, Farrow, Fuller, Gilmer, Gray Herbert, Holliday, J. M. Leach, Logan Ramsay, Simpson, Smith of North Carolina, Wickham--15. Nays.--Anderson, Baldwin, Barksdale, Batson, Baylor, Blandford, Bradicy, Branch, Burnett, Carroll, Chambers, Chrisman, Clark, Colyar, Conrad, Conrow, Darden, De Jarnette, Dickinson, Ewing, Funsten, Gaither, Gholson, Goode, Hanly, Hartridge, Hatcher, Johnston, Lyon, Machen, Marshall, McMullin, Menees, Miller, Pugh, Read, Rogers, Russell, Sexton, J. M. Smith, Staples, Swan, Triplett, Wilkes--44. The Chair lai
mited period, which was considered and passed. The unfinished business, being the bill "to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus," was taken up. The question being, shall the bill pass? Mr. Darden demanded the yeas and nays, which were ordered and recorded as follows: Yeas.--Baston, Bradley, E. M. Bruce, H. W. Bruce, Carroll, Christian, Clark, Cluskey, Conrad, Conrow, De Jarnette, Dupre, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Gholson, Goode, Gray Hartridge, Hatcher, Heiskell, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Lyon, Machen, Miller, Moore, Perkins, Read, Russell, Sexton, Swan, Triplett, Villere, Wilks, Mr. Speaker. --Yeas, 36. Nays.--Anderson, Baldwin, Barksdale, Baylor, Blandford, Branch, Burnett, Clopton, Colyar, Darden, Farrow, Fuller Gaither, Gilmer, Hanley, Herbert, J. M. Leach, Marshall, McCallum, McMullen, Miles, Ramsay, Rogers, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Smith of N. C., Snead, Staples, Turner, Welsh, Wickham, Witherspoon.--Nays, 32. The following is a copy of the bi
bill to provide for the payment of arrears now due to the army and navy, and stating his objections thereto. The question being shall the bill pass notwithstanding the objections of the President, it was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Those who voted in the affirmative were-- Messrs. Anderson, Baldwin, Baylor, Blandford, Branch, H. W: Bruce, Christian, Clark, Clopton, Cluskey, Darden, Dupre, Elliott, Farrow, Gaither, Gholson, Goode, Gray, Hanly, Hartridge, Herbert, Johnson, Keeble, Machen, Marshall, McCallum, McMullin, Perkins, Pugh, Read, Rogers, Russell, Simpson, J. M. Smith, Triplett, Turner, Villere, Wickham and Witherspoon--39. Those who voted in the negative were-- Messrs. Barksdale, Batson, Bradley, E. M. Bruce, Carroll, Colyar, Conrad, Conrow, De Jarnette, Dickinson, Ewing, Hatcher, Holliday, Lyon, Menees, Mills, Sexton and Wilkes--18. On motion of Mr. Machen, of Kentucky, the House took a recess until 8 o'clock this evening.
ed it by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Batson, Baylor, Bradley, Branch, E. M. Bruce, Burnett, Carroll, Chambers, Chrisman, Clark, Cluskey, Comad, DeJarnette, Dickinson, Dupie, Elliott, Ewing, Funsten, Gholson, Gray, Hartridge, Hatcher, Holliday, Johnston, Keeble, Machen, McMullin, Miles, Miller, Moore, Read, Russell, Sexton, Triplett, Villere and Wilkes,--36. Nays.--Messrs. Anderson, Blandford, Clopton, Colyar, Conrow, Darden, Farrow, Gaither, Goode, Hanly, Marshall, Pugh, Simpsonthorized to make by existing laws.] The bill was passed. Mr. Miles, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported back, favorably, a Senate bill to amend the tenth section of an act to organize forces to serve during the war. Passed. Mr. Holliday, of Virginia, offered the following resolution, which was adopted: "Resolved. That, having acted on all matters of important, legislation before us, and being about to adjourn, we pledge ourselves, during the reccas, to devote all our en
From Baltimore. Baltimore, December 9. --Daniel W. Lawrence, of the Thirty-ninth Illinois regiment, formerly a New York lawyer, jumped overboard from a steamer in the Chesapeake yesterday, and was drowned. On Wednesday night, John Clement, a member of the First regiment New York Mounted Rifles, fell overboard from the steamer Decatur, in the Chesapeake, and was drowned. Manager Ford, of Holliday and Front street Theatres, proposes benefits at both houses soon, to aid in erecting a monument to the memory of Edgar A. Poe. The scholars of the Baltimore public schools are raising handsome donations for the same purpose. Robberies around the outskirts of Baltimore and throughout Maryland are increasing alarmingly.