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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.46 (search)
Dowell to show the letter to Secretary Cameron, and to urge every effort to keep General Johnston from leaving the service. His superior qualifications, his influence among prominent citizens at the South, and especially among his relatives in his native State, Kentucky,--which it was exceedingly desirable to keep in the Union,--were strong inducements to these efforts. My desire was met as cordially and earnestly as it existed, and I was authorized to send, as I did through my friend Ben Holliday, in New York, for transmission by telegraph to St. Louis, and thence by his pony express to San Francisco, the following message: I take the greatest pleasure in assuring you, for the Secretary of War, that he has the utmost confidence in you, and will give you the most important command and trust on your arrival here. Sidney is appointed to the Military Academy. This message reached General Johnston after the arrival of Colonel Sumner. In response to the above, and by the same channe
Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 8: winter campaign in the Valley. 1861-62. (search)
sharpshooters in the cavities which they excavated in the doomed structure. Although the Federal General, Banks, assembled a large force on the other side, and cannonaded the Confederates, the work was continued from the 17th to the 21st of December, until a great chasm was made, through which the whole current of the river flowed down towards its original level, leaving the canal far above it drained of its waters. The most essential parts of the work were done by the gallant men of Captain Holliday, of the 33d, and Captain Robinson, of the 27th Virginia regiments. These generous fellows volunteered to descend, by night, into the chilling waters, and worked under the enemy's fire, until the task was completed. The amount of fatigue which the men endured, laboring, as they constantly did, waist-deep in water, and in the intense cold of winter, can never be sufficiently appreciated. The only loss, at the hand of the enemy, was that of one man killed, a member of the infantry guard
long experience as a cavalry officer with volunteers has made this one of my fixed opinions. Please to advise me whether I may or may not go on to mount a squadron or more. I have the equipments and sabers for a squadron of cavalry, but no horses. After the resignation of Lieutenant-Colonel Simms I found it expedient, for reasons connected with the harmony of my officers and the efficiency of the mounted force, to reorganize that force. A battalion of five companies (Thomas‘, Clay‘s, Holliday‘s, Cameron‘s and Stoner‘s) have been placed in a battalion of mounted rifles. They have regularly elected my assistant adjutant-general as major to command the battalion, and he has entered upon the duties of his new office. I request his commission as major of the First Mounted Rifles of this brigade It will be my object to swell this battalion to 500 men. Charles Duncan, appointed by Lieutenant-Colonel Simms, will remain adjutant of the battalion, and I ask his commission as adjut
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 71. fight near Hillsboro, Kentucky, October 8, 1861. (search)
Doc. 71. fight near Hillsboro, Kentucky, October 8, 1861. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, gives the following account of this affair: Flemingsburg, Kentucky, October 9, 1861. Our town was the theatre of great excitement yesterday evening, upon the arrival of a messenger from Hillsboro, stating that a company of rebels, (three hundred strong,) under command of Captain Holliday, of Nicholas County, were advancing upon Hillsboro, for the purpose, it is supposed, of burning the place, and also of attacking this place. Lieutenant Sadler and Sergeant Dudley were despatched immediately, at the head of fifty Home Guards, to intercept them. We found the enemy encamped about two miles beyond Hillsboro, in a barn belonging to Colonel Davis, a leading traitor in this county. Our men opened fire upon them, causing them to fly in all directions. The engagement lasted about twenty minutes, in which they lost eleven killed, twenty-nine wounded, and twenty-two prisoners.
he Pound Gap road, for the Tazewell route was no longer safe. I sent a small armed force immediately on the Tazewell route, with written orders to turn back the artillery and all public wagons to a point of safety in Virginia. I then sent Capt. Holliday, with a small mounted party, on the John's Creek road, and Captains Thomas and Clay on the river road to Prestonburg, to observe the movements of the enemy. This was on the night of the 8th. Capt. Thomas discovered the advanced guard of the two hundred and fifty men moved on foot to a strong position half a mile in front of the burnt bridge, here to await what we supposed to be the advanced guard of the enemy's force. I returned to our camp at daylight, and met the report of Capt. Holliday, who had been fired upon by an advanced guard of the enemy of about one hundred and fifty men. He gave them a gallant fight, killed eight of them, having only one of his number wounded, and one horse killed. I despatched Capt. Shawhan, wit
s told he had ordered up other troops. Lieutenant-Colonel Garnett, Forty-eighth regiment, came up, reporting for orders. I directed him to follow the road in double-quick, pressing the enemy hotly in rear and driving him from his position. Major Holliday, Thirty-third regiment, rode up at this time, and, through him, I sent orders to Colonel Neff to do the same. The batteries arriving, I continued to advance them as rapidly as possible, pouring in a heavy and well-directed fire on the retrea brigade coming back, and was told, upon inquiry, that they could get no position and were coming back to a better one. I could get no information from the First brigade. In this dilemma I concluded to fall in with Elzey's brigade, and sent Major Holliday to report to Colonel Walker, until I could hear positively and know what to do. Before reporting to Colonel Walker, the Major accidentally met with Lieutenant Garnett, and soon after with General Winder and General Jackson. Orders now came i
was a continuous stream of shot, shell, and balls for some two hours, when the enemy's fire slackened, and ceased about ten o'clock P. M. During this time the officers and men behaved with true courage. Our loss was heavy. Colonel Neff and Major Holliday, Thirty-third regiment, and Lieutenants Howard and Garnett, of my staff, particularly attracted my admiration by their coolness and untiring efforts to keep the men in their position. Their escape from injury is truly providential. About nion a Georgia regiment, lying in the woods, and passed my men through in rear, where we lay for the night, throwing out pickets on our front and flanks. Soon after taking this position, I was joined by a portion of the regiment commanded by Major Holliday, which had become separated from the rest of the regiment, in the swamp, as already mentioned. This portion of the regiment had advanced farther to our right than any of our forces, and was fired upon by a New York regiment, inflicting a los
ptains Carpenter and Poague, commanding batteries ; Captain John H. Fulton, Fourth Virginia; Major Holliday, Thirty-third Virginia; and Lieutenant Garnett, of General Winder's staff. The Second briewith presented. Upon assuming command, Captain John H. Fulton, of the Fourth regiment, and Major Holliday, of the Thirty-third regiment, kindly consented to act as Aids, in connection with Lieutenanas conspicuous in the fight, transmitting every order with great promptness and despatch. Major Holliday, a gallant and brave man, while in the execution of an order, was severely wounded in the riy high appreciation of his conspicuously gallant conduct. Having no field officer with me, (Major Holliday having been detailed for staff duty by Colonel Ronald,) I felt the need of efficient help, athem. I gladly commend him to the notice of the commanding General. The noble courage of Major Holliday, who lost his right arm, will more properly come under the report of the brigade commander.
eneral very much to my satisfaction, and I have found him at all times prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties. I am also under many obligations to Captain Thomas G. Jackson, volunteer Aid and acting ordnance officer of the brigade, for his good conduct and ability in the discharge of his duties; and also to Captain Frederick West, volunteer Aid, who has been with me since the affair at Thoroughfare Gap, and has nobly and faithfully done his duty. Many thanks are due to Captain Holliday, Assistant Quartermaster of the Seventh Georgia regiment, for invaluable services, rendered on the banks of the Rappahannock, in the capacity of volunteer Aid. I must also express my obligations to Lieutenant Tennible, Ninth Georgia regiment, who aided me, and bore himself gallantly under the murderous fire at Manassas, after Lieutenant Hardwick, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, was wounded. I am, sir, your obedient servant, George T. Anderson, Colonel Eleventh Georgia Voluntee
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Annual reunion of the Virginia division, A. N. V. (search)
eir deadly doom. Hon. A. M. Keiley. 5. The Army of Tennessee--The pennon droops that led the sacred band Along the crimson field; The meteor-blade sinks from the nerveless hand Over the spotless shield. General Marcus J. Wright. 6. The Dead--They need no tears who lived a noble life, We will not weep for them — who died so well, But we will gather round the hearth and tell The story of their strife. Such homage suits them well-- Better than funeral pomps or passing bell. Governor Holliday. 7. The Women of the South--Their angel hands the wounded cheered, Did all that woman ever dares-- When hopes and homes had disappeared They gave us tears — and smiles — and prayers. Private R. B. Berkeley. Speech of Hon. A. M. Keiley. At the request of a number who heard it, as well as in accordance with our own wishes, we give in full Hon. A. M. Keiley's splendid word-portrait of the Model infantryman. After a facetious hit at the cavalry, and bringing down the house b<