with caissons in Ammunition Train heretofore counted as detached returned as present for duty.
J. H. Knowland excused from duty.
July 2. Corp. Smith, Privates A. W. Holbrook, J. L. W. Thayer excused from duty.
Knowland duty.
July 3. Private Harmon Newton returned and reported for duty.
Corp. Smith, D. D. Adams, Ramsdell adquarters 2nd Corps, morning report to headquarters shows P and A 5,177,183.
P. T. 165, P. D. 141 and 145.
Aug. 8. Wm. Allen, Thos. Smith, A. B. Spooner, A. W. Holbrook sent to general hospital.
James Peach and M. M. Pierce sent to brigade hospital.
One horse died—glanders.
Aug. 9. Private Wm. Trefry sent to brigade hospl.
Munroe, Peach, and M. M. Pierce at Brigade Hospital.
Aug. 10. J. W. Bailey sent to Brigade Hospital. Aug. 18. One horse shot—glanders.
Aug. 20. Private Alex. W. Holbrook died of Chronic Diarrhoea at U. S. General Hospital, Brattleboro, Vt., Aug. 16, 1864.
Aug. 23. Privates E. D. Thresher and B. H. Phillips sent to Brig
65, expiration of service.
Hanson, Samuel A.,23Charlestown,Sept. 9, 1862,May 23, 1863, disability.
Hayden, Joseph W.,44Boston,Jan. 15, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Herlehy, Timothy,18Abington,Oct. 3, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Herring, William,33Needham,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Hill, Edwin A.,18Worcester,Dec. 5, 1864,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Hill, Pierce T.44Marblehead,Dec. 21, 1863,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Holbrook, Alex.
W.,21Charlestown,Sept. 9, 1862,Died Aug. 16, 1864, Brattleboro, Vt.
Hooper, Benjamin G.,20Marblehead,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Hooper, Joseph A.,23Marblehead,Sept. 9. 1862,March 4, 1864, discharged for wound rec'd Oct. 13, 1863.
Hooper, William E.,21Charlestown,Jan. 2. 1864.,Dec. 30, 1864, disability.
Horrigan, Richard,39Boston,Sept. 9, 1862,Jan. 2, 1864, disability.
Hunt, Leroy E.,18Rutland,Sept. 9, 1862,June 9, 1865, expiration of service.
Innis, Geo
Endicott, William E.June 2, 1903
Estee, Francis M.May 22, 1906
French, John W.April 3, 1868
Friend, Ellis A.Nov.—, 1879
Floytrop, Emil C.Feb. 1, 1873
Foley, PatrickMay 1, 1873
Frost, John C.Oct. 15, 1871
Farrell, MichaelNov. 6, 1893
Follett, Algernon P.——, 1893
Granger, Lieut. Col. Henry H.Oct. 31, 1864
Gould, ChandlerOct. 5, 1864
Gould, George F.Mar. 24, 1889
Green, Charles W.Jan. 13, 1865
Goodwin, John T.Nov. 29, 1880
Gallagher, James——
Gowell, Asa L.Dec.—, 1902
Holbrook, Alexander W.Aug. 16, 1864
Harrington, Serg't Otis N.July 30, 1863
Hanson, Samuel A.May 23, 1863
Herlehy, Timothy——
Hooper, Joseph A.Sept. 22, 1866
Herring, WilliamMar. 12, 1873
Horrigan, RichardJan. 2, 1864
Hill, Pierce T.Oct. 8, 1888
Handlin, JohnApril 6, 1906
Innis, George H.July 19, 1907
Jewell, Edwin C.——
Jones, HenryApril—, 1896
Johnson, Stephen H.May 1, 1907
Kay, James (?)Aug. 25, 1864
Killoran, HughJuly 22, 1881
Knowland, John H.April 7, 1891
Lee, Jame
., 207, 350.
Hayes, Gen., 107, 410, 414.
Hatcher's Run, 352, 357, 363, 368, 372, 381, 382, 386, 391, 401, 410, 411.
Hatcher's Run, Second, 388.
Hazard, Lt. Col. John G., 338, 371, 397, 410, 427.
Herlehy, T., 375, 402, 440.
Herring, Wm., 83, 84, 255.
Hesser, Lieut. Col., 172.
Heth, Gen.. 320, 334, 363, 375.
Hill, Gen. A. P., 127, 143, 219, 221, 334.
Hill, Pierce T., 200, 201, 206, 207, 351, 406.
Hill, E. A., 404, 405, 426.
High Bridge, 418, 419.
Hinks, Gen. E. W., 279.
Holbrook, Alex. W., 84, 137, 184, 199, 201, 207, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306.
Hooker, Gen., Jos., 71, 72, 93, 94, 96, 101. 122, 125, 215.
Hooper, Jos. A., 137, 138, 151, 203, 204.
Hooper, Benj. G., 325, 339, 348, 349.
Hooper, Wm. E., 207, 351, 403.
Horrigan, Richard, 150, 151, 201.
Howard, Gen. O. O., 107, 130.
Howes, Frank M., 205, 206, 207, 321, 326, 339, 397.
House, Stevens, 235, 237, 240.
House, Chancellor, 215.
House, Brown, 235.
House, Harris, 240.
House, Avery, 279.
House, Hare, 279, 283.