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March 31. General Hunter, having arrived at Port Royal, S. C., assumed the command of the Department of the South, consisting of the States of South-Carolina, Georgia and Florida.--(Doc. 111.) Col. Buford, of the Twenty-seventh Illinois, accompanied by his regiment, the Forty-second Illinois, the Douglas Brigade, Col. Roberts, and four hundred of the Fifteenth Wiconsin, Col. Heg, (Scandinavian,) all from Island No.10, and two companies of the Second Illinois cavalry, Colonel Hogg, and a detachment of artillery, the last two from Hickman, Ky., made a reconnoissance in force and descent upon Union City, Tenn; and after a forced march of twenty-four hours, discovered a large force of rebel cavalry and infantry, under the notorious Clay King. The cavalry dashed into the place at a furious rate. The utmost consternation seized the rebels, and they fled in every direction. Several of them were killed, and about one hundred taken prisoners; one hundred and fifty horses were cap
emporarily attached to it. All the forces are under the command of Major-Gen. Halleck, General-in-Chief. A severe fight took place at Bolivar, Tenn., between a body of Union troops, under the command of Col. Leggett, Seventy-eighth Ohio, and a greatly superior force of rebels, under Gen. Armstrong, resulting, after a contest which lasted for more than seven hours, in a rout of the rebels, with great loss. The loss of the Nationals in this engagement was five killed, among whom was Lieut.-Col. Hogg, of the Second Illinois cavalry, eighteen wounded, and sixty-four missing.--(Doc. 195.) Buckhannon, Va., was this day entered by a force of rebel guerrillas, and plundered of a large amount of military stores, fire-arms, ammunition, etc. Private property was respected. Before entering the town a skirmish took place between the loyal inhabitants and the rebels, but the latter being superior in numbers, the Unionists had to give way.--Wheeling Intelligencer, Sept. 4. On the twe
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
of the Twenty-seventh Illinois were landed to reconnoiter. They were soon clambering up the steep bluffs with shouts of triumph. Troops were in the fortifications, but they were friends. A detachment of the Second Illinois cavalry, under Lieutenant Hogg, two hundred and fifty strong, who had been sent out as scouts from Paducah, had entered the place at five o'clock the day before, and hoisted the Stars and Stripes over the main work of that stronghold. Report of Commodore Foote to the Surned fifty tons of gun-powder without damaging his batteries, and killing only one of his men. The public began to be impatient, but victory was near. While Foote was carrying on this siege, Colonel Buford with the Twenty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Hogg with the Fifteenth Missouri, and Colonel Foster with a battalion of the Twenty-second Missouri, accompanied by a battery of six rifled cannon, under Captain Spatsmon, of the Second Illinois artillery, and 200 of the Second Illinois cavalry, we
Colonel Fitch, needed to be only slightly re-enforced to enable us to make a demonstration by land, which, in connection with an attack by our gun and mortar boats, would insure a speedy surrender of the rebel works. The force I took with me consisted of eight companies Forty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, Colonel Slack; four companies Thirty-fourth Indiana Volunteers, Lieutenant-Colonel Cameron; two companies Fiftyfourth Illinois Volunteers; four companies Second Illinois cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Hogg; a section from each of the two companies of the Second Illinois Artillery at this post; three pieces of Captain De Golyer's Michigan battery, from lew Madrid, and one-half of the Missouri company of Volunteer Sappers and Miners stationed at this post. These, together with the troops under Colonel Fitch, made an aggregate of about 2,500 effective men. On reaching the flotilla, I began to inform myself of the position and character of the enemy's works and of the number and d
conveying some 2,000 or 3,000 soldiers, under Gen. W. T. Sherman, while a supporting force moved overland from Paducah. March 4. Arriving opposite Columbus, he learned that the last of the Rebels had left some hours before, after burning 18,000 bushels of corn, 5,000 tons of hay, their cavalry stables, and much other property; while many of their heavy guns, which they were unable to take away, had been rolled off the bluff, here 150 feet high, into the river. The 2d Illinois cavalry, Col. Hogg, from Paducah, had entered and taken possession the evening before. A massive chain,/un> intended to bar the descent of the Mississippi, had here been stretched across the great river, but to no purpose; the Missouri end being loose, and buried in tile mud of tie river-bed. Island No.10 lies in a sharp bend in the Mississippi, 45 miles below Columbus, and a few miles above New Madrid on the Missouri bank. This island had been strongly fortified, its works well supplied with powerful g
vessels of the fleet, from which were immediately sent surf and other boats to their aid, and thus the crew were saved. From various sources I have compiled the history of the vessel, her cargo, her voyage here, and the catastrophe in which it terminated. The City of New York was a six hundred ton propeller, built by Mr. Cope, of Hoboken, for the Philadelphia and Boston line about ten years ago, and rated A2. Her engine was a double cylinder, three hundred and fifty horse-power, made by Hogg & Delamater, of New-York, and was in excellent condition. About two years ago she was chartered by the Government for the coast survey, when she was plated with three eighth inch iron. She drew about sixteen feet of water, and was built very sharp. She was offered to the Government not long ago for sixty thousand dollars, but she was considered to be of too deep draft for service. The steamer left New-York at ten A. M., on Tuesday, the seventh inst., with a cargo consisting of eight hun
y do, a leaven of Unionism, which had already begun to work. We were mistaken in the latter part of our supposition, for we ascertained after landing that a detachment of the Second Illinois cavalry--about six hundred men — under command of Lieut.-Col. Hogg, had entered the place on Monday evening, finding it unoccupied, and were in joyful possession when we came in sight. The flag we saw was one which the cavalrymen had improvised for the occasion, manufactured out of colored calico — the objescent they had been stopped by the trees which overhang the stream below. It is as yet impossible to ascertain how many cannon the rebels have thrown into the Mississippi, supposing that in so doing they would render them useless to us. Lieut.-Col. Hogg, of the Second Illinois cavalry, from Paducah, in company with two hundred and fifty men, was the first to enter the enemy's works at five o'clock yesterday afternoon. Our gunboats and transports reached this place at eight o'clock to-day
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 104 1/2.-capture of Union City, Tenn. (search)
y were being largely reenforced, and might eventually prove troublesome. The request was acceded to, and on Sunday two transports arrived at the levee, bringing up the Twenty-seventh Illinois, under Colonel Buford, and the Fifteenth Missouri, Colonel Hogg. The thing was managed very quietly, so much so that no one at No. Ten suspected the destination of the regiments, nor were even the Union citizens of Hickman admitted into the plans of the worthy commander, Col. Buford. By mere chance I hawho could walk down to the levee to witness the grand display. Just as soon as they were all there, a battery of six rifled pieces, under Capt. Spastmon of the Second Illinois artillery, and some two hundred Second Illinois cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. Hogg, that were encamped on the outskirts of the town, quietly limbered and saddled and pushed along the lower road in the direction of Union-City. An hour or so after they had gone, the forces on the transports were disembarked, and, together w
east side of the Hatchie, where, being joined by Cabell's and Phifer's brigades, and assisted by the batteries of McNally, Hogg, Landis, and Tobin, they effectually checked the advance of the enemy. Green's divisions, which had been delayed by passi gallantly done for more than an hour by the remnants of Moore's, Phifer's, and Cabell's brigades, and by the batteries of Hogg, Sengstack, Dawson, Lieutenant Moore and Lieutenant Miles, superintended by Major Burnett. They were all then ordered,to giments, Jones' battalion of Arkansas volunteers, Rapley's battalion of sharpshooters, and the Appeal battery, under Lieutenant Hogg. These regiments were small, making an aggregate of thirteen hundred and sixty-seven (1,367) effective men. On the nergy displayed in the field and everywhere during the whole expedition. Captain Burnett, Chief of Artillery, and Lieutenant Hogg, commanding Appeal battery, with his officers and men, deserve special notice for the skill. and efficiency with wh
ns, prismatic illuminator, dark well, parabolic reflector, lieberkuhn, polarizing prism, micrometer, camera for delineating objects, etc., which tend to augment the price, so that a complete compound microscope costs from $300 to $1,000. The binocular microscope is, of course, still more expensive, the price in some instances reaching $15,000. A good instrument, however, amply sufficing for the wants of ordinary amateur observers, may be obtained for $100. See Carpenter on the microscope ; Hogg's History of the microscope, etc. The investigations of Leuwenhoeck, Schwammerdam, and the earlier microscopic inquirers, were conducted by means of single lenses, the compound microscope being esteemed comparatively untrustworthy, its true theory being imperfectly understood. In 1829, Mr. J. J. Lister published the results of his investigations into the laws governing the aberrations of lenses, and gave practical directions for correcting them by combinations of lenses so arranged that