and St. Albans.
If his force must not be divided, I will send into those districts the troops garrisoning forts in this harbor, although they are altogether inadequate to the object in view. John A. Dix, Major-General.
Colonel Sweet to General Hoffman.—(telegram.) Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 1864. Brigadier-General W. Hoffman:
Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger GreeBrigadier-General W. Hoffman:
Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger Greenfell, Morgan's adjutant-general, in company with J. F. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House; J. F. Shanks; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke; Brigadier-General Charles Wallace, of the Sons of Liberty; Captain Cantrill, of Morgan's command; Charles Traverse, Butternut.
Cantrill and Traverse arrested in Walsh's house, in which was found two cart-loads large-sized revolvers, loaded and capped; two hundred stand of muskets, and ammunition.
Also seized two b
private, wounded at the Wilderness (dead).
Henry, John W., private, wounded at Winchester, 1864.
Henry, Gibson E., private, killed at first battle of Fredericksburg.
Henry, Moses, private, wounded (dead).
Henry, George W., killed.
Hoffman, John W., private, killed.
Hoffman, George, private, died at Manassas in 1861.
Holder, William, private, wounded and missing.
Holder, Richard, private, captured at Seven Pines.
Jett, Luther, private, wounded at the Wilderness (dead).Hoffman, George, private, died at Manassas in 1861.
Holder, William, private, wounded and missing.
Holder, Richard, private, captured at Seven Pines.
Jett, Luther, private, wounded at the Wilderness (dead).
Johnson, John J., private, captured at Belle Grove (living).
Jones, William, private (dead).
Leach, William, sergeant, killed at Cold Harbor.
Loveless, Richard, private, wounded and captured at Sharpsburg (dead).
Lewis, William O., private, wounded and captured at Hatcher's Run (living).
Mauck, Wiliam F., private, wounded and disabled, Gettysburg (dead).
Mills, Marcus, private, surrendered at Appomattox (dead).
Mills, James W., private, missing.
Mills, Alexander, pr
Hitt, blacksmith for the company, lost sight of (dead).
Harman, Dr., died since the war at Hamilton, Va.
Harrison, Daniel B., wounded several times, but still living near Marshall (dead now).
Hawks, from Texas, killed accidentally by W. Hoffman.
Hathaway, H. C., died during war.
Horner, Dick, lost sight of (dead).
Hoffman, Wesley, died since war at Linden, Va.
Hughes, Chas., lost sight of him.
Hatcher, D. C: (Capt.), was badly wounded, but is still living.
Hatcher, HHoffman, Wesley, died since war at Linden, Va.
Hughes, Chas., lost sight of him.
Hatcher, D. C: (Capt.), was badly wounded, but is still living.
Hatcher, Harry (Sergt. Maj.), was wounded many times; died since the war.
Hatcher, Wm., was badly wounded, but is still living (dead).
Hawbaw, George, lost sight of him (still living).
Herndon, John, living, Hamilton, Va.
Jacobs, L. T., living, Hamilton, Va.
Jones, Scott, killed at Bolivar Heights in 1861.
Jones, Henry, living.
Jones, Philip, living.
Jeffries, James A., living.
Keys, wounded in hand at Buckton, 1862.
Kincheloe, John W., living at Rectortown, Va.
and St. Albans.
If his force must not be divided, I will send into those districts the troops garrisoning forts in this harbor, although they are altogether inadequate to the object in view. John A. Dix, Major-General.
Colonel Sweet to General Hoffman.—(telegram.) Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 1864. Brigadier-General W. Hoffman:
Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger GreeBrigadier-General W. Hoffman:
Have made during the night the following arrests of rebel officers, escaped prisoners of war, and citizens in connection with them: Colonel G. St. Leger Greenfell, Morgan's adjutant-general, in company with J. F. Shanks, an escaped prisoner of war, at Richmond House; J. F. Shanks; Colonel Vincent Marmaduke, brother of General Marmaduke; Brigadier-General Charles Wallace, of the Sons of Liberty; Captain Cantrill, of Morgan's command; Charles Traverse, Butternut.
Cantrill and Traverse arrested in Walsh's house, in which was found two cart-loads large-sized revolvers, loaded and capped; two hundred stand of muskets, and ammunition.
Also seized two b
, E. W.,
X., 215.
Hiser, H.,
V., 29.
History of the Civil War in America,
by Comte de Paris, II., 82.
History of the Confederate War,
by Geo. C. Eggleston, I., 312.
Hitchcock, E. A.,
VII., 104, 105.
H. L. Hunley,, C. S. S.,
first submarine boat, VI., 274, 320.
Hobson, E. H.,
II., 340; X., 207.
Hodge, G. B.,
X., 269.
Hodgen, J. T.,
VII., 226.
Hodgson, I. B.,
I., 199.
Hoerner, private, VIII., 125.
Hoff, A. H.,
VII., 318.
Hoffman, W.,
VII., 38, 53 seq., 64.
Hogg, J. L.,
X., 313.
Hoke, R. F.:
II., 334, 352; III., 84, 190, 322, 342, 344; X., 111.
Holden, E. S.,
I., 19.
Holland, J. G.,
IX., 37.
Hollins, G. N.:
I., 219 seq., 360; VI., 85, 189, 218.
Hollow square, maneuver for new soldiers, VIII., 58.
Holly Springs, Miss.:
II., 160, 204, 328; IV., 116; X., 48.
Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va.
: soldiers' graves, IX., 283.
Holmes, O. W.:
I., 64; IX., 33, 43, 44, 45; X